Chapter 13 Part 2 Documents

Chapter 13 Part 2 Documents –

Egalitarianism –all humans are equal in fundamental worth– the doctrine of ab ovo – equal human rights to liberty and property- the law may not discriminate among citizens, benefitting some at the expense of others. Jefferson’s 1st inaugural address…”equal protection under the law.”

Jacksonian Democracy…the rise of universal white male suffrage…brings conflict between the supporters of the new national industrial economy and the Jeffersonian agrarian republic…an early form of POPULISM…

Directions: ***

Examine the Political Cartoons and write at least 2 sentences summarizing the POINT OF VIEW AND MAIN IDEA for each PCartoon. You should read this entire document first… so as to understand these … “in context” J

All 3 cartoons focus on some aspect of Jackson’s Bank War…

1 AJ- Political Cartoon – Page 269 in the Textbook J

2 AJ – Political Cartoon- Page 271 in the Textbook J Locofocoism J

Locofocos- the first friction matches, widely known aslocofocos, the name from the term’s Latin roots:loco, “self-moving” andfuoco, “fire.”

Locosfocos did leave an indelible imprint upon American political history.


the Locofoco Party had its roots dating to 1828. The Working Men’s Party that survived for two years, the first labor-oriented political organizations in the United States, The political platforms of the Working Men's Parties included such planks as state-supportedpublic education,universal male suffrage, protection fromdebtor imprisonment, compulsory servicein the militia, and shorter working hours,

(1828-1830) and is considered the progenitor of the Equal Rights Party, more commonly known as the Locofoco Party. This party focused its energy on the dissolution of monopolies and the purification of the banking system.

The locofocos saw their greatest success and greatest leaders in Andrew Jackson & Martin Van Buren, who as Presidents, killed the Bank of the US and signed the Independent Treasury Bill, which to locofocos both were a victory of the workingclass over the Banking-big business interests…the government “Divorcing” itself from banking….

These locofocos are often described as the lawless mob… a word of derision… this also coincided with the “Young America Movement”- who supported Jacksonian democracy… led by intellectuals, such Poe-Bryant-Thoreau-Hawthorne- that believed that America should expand its commitment to the early Jeffersonian liberal principle, “that all men are created equal,” and to do so should aid Texas in freeing itself from autocratic Mexico and also to spread “Free Labor,” across the West “it is our Manifest Destiny”…opposing Slavery and Slave Labor…where free men could not economically compete with the monopoly of the plantation owner.

“The disparity of condition, in a vast multitude of instances, may be traced directly to the errors of our legislation; to that wretched system, at war with the fundamental maxim of our government, which, instead of regarding the equality of human rights, and leaving all to the full enjoyment of natural liberty in every respect not inconsistent with public order, bestows privileges on one, and denies them to another, and compels the many to pay tribute and render homage to the few.”

-William Legget 1836 New York Plaindealer…founder of Locofocoism

Dorr Rebellion – 1841-1842, In Rhode Island…The rising #’s of voteless industrial immigrants led to a rebellion by those attempting to rid the state, as most others had done of property qualifications to vote… This fails but is in empathy with the locofocist ideology.

Fanny Wright: freethinker, feminist, abolitionist, and social reformer who in 1821, at the age of 25, publishes, Views of Society and Manners in America- supporting equality in education, birth control, and sexual freedom for women…created the Nashoba Commune in Memphis, Tennessee to educate slaves and prepare them for freedom…supported the Workingmen’s Party, Locofocoism, abolitionism, the Popular Health Movement that advocated women being involved in health and medicine…. “Fanny Wright Societies” were created across America due to her public lectures that attracted large audiences…