Chapter 12 Review : Andrew Jackson

Chapter 12 Review : Andrew Jackson

Chapter 12 Review: Andrew Jackson Name ______

  1. Why was Jackson famous before he became president?BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS –WAR OF 1812
  2. What new political party formed after Jackson left office?WHIG PARTY
  3. What political party did Jackson start?DEMOCRATIC PARTY
  4. What year did Jackson become president?ELECTED IN 1828 INAGURATION OF 1829
  5. What year did he almost become president?1824
  6. Jackson lost the first time he ran for office. Who beat him? JQA (Side Note: five presidents for this chapter, JQA, Jackson, William Henry Harrison, James Monroe and John Tyler, their pictures can be found on page R-42 in the back of the book.- you will not be required to list them, it’s just good review
  7. Read Chapter 12.
  8. Before Jackson became president what state did he help get for the United States? FLORIDA
  9. This is the practice of giving government jobs to political backer:…SPOILS SYSTEM
  10. Quick Review: Define the Monroe Doctrine (1823). Page 385EUROPE STAY OF THE AMERICAS
  11. Quick Review: What was the lasting effect of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819): page 380 STATE CANT TAX A NATIONAL BANK
  12. Quick Review: What was the lasting effect of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)? Page 380 ONLY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN REGULATE INTERSTATE TRADE
  13. When Jackson lost in 1824 his follower were upset and call it a, “ CORRUPT BARGAIN
  14. The widening of political power to more of the people and ensuring majority rule in know as …JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY
  15. Give the three big issues of the early 1820’s… page 398SALE OF PUBLIC LAND, FED. SPENDING , TARIFFS
  17. This 1828 law significantly raised tariffs on raw materials and manufactured goods. What did the Southerners called it ?TARIFF OF ABOMINATION
  18. What special idea did John C. Calhoun come up with in order to deal with the 1828 Tariffs? DOCTRINE OF NULLIFICATION
  19. Who was going to secede?SOUTH CAROLINA
  20. Was Jackson a self mademan?YES
  21. Was Jackson a common man?YES
  22. Did Jackson have a kitchen cabinet? YES
  23. He invented the Cherokee writing system: SEQUOIA
  24. How did Jackson view Indians? CONQUERED SUBJECTS
  25. Read Chapter 12
  26. List Five things about the Trail of Tears. 16000 MOVED , 4000 DEAD , FIVE TRIBES , BIGGEST WAS CHEROKEE , INDIAN REMOVAL ACT OF 1830
  27. Why did Jackson dislike the National Bank.?, THEY WERE FAVORING THE RICH AND WELL BORN , THEY HAD TOO MUCH POWER
  28. What does the National Bank do? MAKE IT , store it, loan it
  29. an increase in prices and a decrease in the value of money: INFLATION
  30. A severe economic slump : DEPRESSION
  31. A British party that opposed royal power: WHIGS
  32. Who won in 1840?WILLIAM H. HARRISON (32 DAYS, THEN, JOHN TYLER )
  33. Know “Name Game”, page 413
  34. Did I mention that you should read Chapter 12