AP European History

Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation

Reading Guide

  1. Society & Religion

Grey text: pages 313- 316

Yellow text:352-356

  1. List the factors that contributed to criticism of the (Catholic) church during the 16th century.
  2. Define: Benefice system, simony, indulgences
  1. Martin Luther & the German Reformation

Grey text: pages 316-324

Yellow text: 356-364

  1. Identify: Martin Luther
  2. In your own words explain Martin Luther’s philosophy of “Justification by faith alone” (Sola Fide).How does Luther’s view of salvation differ from Catholic Church teachings?
  3. Identify: 95 Theses
  4. Identify: Indulgences, Johann Tetzel
  5. What led to the ex-communication of Martin Luther?
  6. Identify: Diet of Worms
  7. What church did Martin Luther establish after his ex-communication from the Catholic Church?
  8. During the Peasant’s Revolt, what were German peasants demanding?
  9. What was Martin Luther’s reaction to the German Peasant Revolt?
  1. The Reformation Elsewhere

Grey text: pages 324-330

Yellow text:364-371

  1. What two pre-conditions were necessary for the Swiss Reformation?
  2. What is the essence of UlrichSwingli’s philosophy
  3. Identify: Anabaptists, spiritualists, antitrinitarians
  4. Identify: John Calvin
  5. Explain the Calvinist interpretation of Christianity.
  6. What were the Provisions of the Peace of Augsburg (1555)?
  1. The English Reformation

Grey text: pages 330-333

Yellow text: 371-374

  1. What earned England’s Henry VIII the title of “Defender of the Faith”?
  2. Why did King Henry VIII break away from the Catholic Church? What church did he establish in England?
  3. Identify: Acts of Uniformity
  4. Identify: Act of Supremacy (1534)
  5. Protestant Reformation Chart:

Reformer / Place/Year / Church Established / Reasons for Separating from the Catholic Church
Martin Luther
Ulrich Swingli
John Calvin
King Henry VIII of England
  1. The Catholic Counter Reformation /Social Significance of Reformation in Western Europe

Grey text: pages 333-339

Yellow text: 374-380

  1. What was the Catholic Counter Reformation?
  2. Who is Ignatius of Loyola? Why is he significant to the Catholic Counter- reformation?
  3. In your Opinion, Was the Protestant Reformation healthy for the Catholic Church?
  1. Catholic Counter Reformation

Council of Trent / Purpose? Who attended?
Years? / What Specific Doctrines/ practices were clarified?
  1. The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe/Family in Early Modern Europe

Grey text: pages 339-343

Yellow text: 381-385

  1. How did the Reformation affect women in the 16th and 17th centuries?
  2. How did relations between men and women, family size, and child care change during this period (1500-1800)?