AP European History
Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation
Reading Guide
- Society & Religion
Grey text: pages 313- 316
Yellow text:352-356
- List the factors that contributed to criticism of the (Catholic) church during the 16th century.
- Define: Benefice system, simony, indulgences
- Martin Luther & the German Reformation
Grey text: pages 316-324
Yellow text: 356-364
- Identify: Martin Luther
- In your own words explain Martin Luther’s philosophy of “Justification by faith alone” (Sola Fide).How does Luther’s view of salvation differ from Catholic Church teachings?
- Identify: 95 Theses
- Identify: Indulgences, Johann Tetzel
- What led to the ex-communication of Martin Luther?
- Identify: Diet of Worms
- What church did Martin Luther establish after his ex-communication from the Catholic Church?
- During the Peasant’s Revolt, what were German peasants demanding?
- What was Martin Luther’s reaction to the German Peasant Revolt?
- The Reformation Elsewhere
Grey text: pages 324-330
Yellow text:364-371
- What two pre-conditions were necessary for the Swiss Reformation?
- What is the essence of UlrichSwingli’s philosophy
- Identify: Anabaptists, spiritualists, antitrinitarians
- Identify: John Calvin
- Explain the Calvinist interpretation of Christianity.
- What were the Provisions of the Peace of Augsburg (1555)?
- The English Reformation
Grey text: pages 330-333
Yellow text: 371-374
- What earned England’s Henry VIII the title of “Defender of the Faith”?
- Why did King Henry VIII break away from the Catholic Church? What church did he establish in England?
- Identify: Acts of Uniformity
- Identify: Act of Supremacy (1534)
- Protestant Reformation Chart:
Reformer / Place/Year / Church Established / Reasons for Separating from the Catholic Church
Martin Luther
Ulrich Swingli
John Calvin
King Henry VIII of England
- The Catholic Counter Reformation /Social Significance of Reformation in Western Europe
Grey text: pages 333-339
Yellow text: 374-380
- What was the Catholic Counter Reformation?
- Who is Ignatius of Loyola? Why is he significant to the Catholic Counter- reformation?
- In your Opinion, Was the Protestant Reformation healthy for the Catholic Church?
- Catholic Counter Reformation
Council of Trent / Purpose? Who attended?
Years? / What Specific Doctrines/ practices were clarified?
- The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe/Family in Early Modern Europe
Grey text: pages 339-343
Yellow text: 381-385
- How did the Reformation affect women in the 16th and 17th centuries?
- How did relations between men and women, family size, and child care change during this period (1500-1800)?