After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Explain Taylor's theory of scientific management.

2. Describe the Hawthorne studies and their significance to management.

3. Identify the levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and apply them to employee motivation.

4. Distinguish between motivators and hygiene factors identified by Herzberg.

5. Differentiate among Theory X, Theory Y and Theory Z.

6. Describe the key principles of goal setting theory, expectancy, reinforcement, and equity theories.

7.Show how managers put motivation theories into action through such strategies as job enrichment, open communication, and job recognition.

9.Show how managers personalize motivation strategies to appeal to employees across the globe and across generations.


Listed below are important terms found in the chapter. Choose the correct term for each definition and write it in the space provided.

Equity theory / Intrinsic reward / Motivators
Expectancy theory / Job enlargement / Principle of motion economy
Extrinsic reward / Job enrichment / Reinforcement theory
Goal-setting theory / Job rotation / Scientific management
Hawthorne effect / Management by objectives (MBO) / Time-motion studies
Hygiene factors / Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

1.Herzberg’stheory of motivating factorscalled ______, cause dissatisfaction if missing, but do not motivate employees if increased.

2.The theory that positive and negative reinforcers motivate a person to behave a certain way is called ______.

3.Begun by Frederick Taylor, ______are studies of which tasks must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task.

4.A(n) ______is the personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals.

5.A system of goal setting and implementation known as ______involves a cycle of discussion, review, and evaluation of objectives among top and middle-level managers, supervisors, and employees.

6.A job enrichment strategy known as ______involves combining a series of tasks into one assignment that is challenging and interesting.

7.A(n) ______is something given to you by someone else as recognition for good work, including pay increases, praise and promotions.

8.A motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the workers through the job itself is called______.

9.Herzberg’s theory of motivating factors known as ______cause employees to be productive and give them satisfaction.

10.______is the idea that setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are accepted, accompanied by feedback and facilitated by organizational conditions.

11.The ______refers to the tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied.

12.Known as ______this is a job enrichment strategy involving moving employees from one job to another.

13.Victor Vroom’s ______indicates that the amount of effort employees exert on a specific task depends on their expectations of the outcome.

14.The study of workers to find the most efficient way of doing things and then teaching people those techniques is known as ______.

15.______is the idea that employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to others in similar positions.

16.Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed the ______which is the theory that every job can be broken down into a series of elementary motions.

17.The theory of motivation called ______is based on unmet human needs from basic physiological needs to safety, social, and esteem needs to self-actualization needs.


Learning Goal 1

The Value of Motivation

1.What is meant by the term “engagement” in terms of workers motivation? Why is it important to have “engaged” workers?

2.What did Taylor believe were the ways to improve productivity?

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

3.What three elements were basic to Scientific Management?




4.Taylor measured worker output by conducting ______.

5.Henry Gantt developed ______


6.What contribution did Frank and Lillian Gilbreth make to the field of Scientific Management?

7.Scientific management viewed workers as ______


8.How are the ideas of Scientific Management being used today?

Learning Goal 2

Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies

9.What problem was revealed during the initial Hawthorneexperiments?

10.Why did the experimenters believe the Hawthorne Experiments were a failure after the second series of experiments?

11.Describe three conclusions drawn from the Hawthorne Experiments:

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

12.To what does the term “the Hawthorne Effect” refer?

13.How did research, and assumptions about employees, change after the Hawthorne Experiments?

Learning Goal 3

Motivation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

14.Describe the five need levels on Maslow's Hierarchy:




d. ______

e. ______

15.According to Maslow, what happens when a need is satisfied?

16.Many of the world’s workers struggle to meet what kinds of needs?

17.What kind of work environment mustU.S. firms create to compete successfully?

Learning Goal 4

Herzberg’s Motivating Factors

18.What did Herzberg’s research find were the most important factors that motivate workers?

a.______h. ______

b. ______i. ______

c. ______j. ______

d. ______k. ______

e. ______l.______

f. ______m. ______

g. ______n. ______

19.Factors that motivated workers clustered around ______.

20.According to Herzberg what do workers want from the job?

21.In Herzberg’s study, the absence of ______

could cause ______

but ______.

22.Identify Herzberg's motivators:






23.List Herzberg's hygiene factors.






24.Herzberg’s motivating factors lead to what conclusion about the best way to motivate employees?

Learning Goal 5

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

25.Identify the assumptions of a Theory X manager:

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

26.What are the natural consequences of a Theory X manager’s attitudes?

27.What are the assumptions of a Theory Y manager?

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

e. ______

f. ______

g. ______

28.How do the Theory Y manager’s attitudes affect behavior toward employees?

29.Empowerment gives employees ______


30.For empowerment to be a motivator, management should follow these steps:

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

31.List the major elements of Ouchi's “Type J” management approach, based on Japanese culture.

a. ______e. ______

b. ______f. ______

c. ______g. ______

d. ______

32.According to William Ouchi, the American management approach, or Type A involves:

  1. ______e. ______
  1. ______f. ______
  1. ______g. ______
  1. ______

33.Describe Theory Z, and its major elements.

a. ______e. ______

b. ______f. ______

c. ______g. ______

d. ______

34.According to the text an appropriate management style is ______


Learning Goal 6

Goal-Setting Theory and Management By Objectives

35.Goals can motivate workers and improve performance if the goals are:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

36.The four things a manager does in an MBO program are:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

37.Describe the difference between “helping” and “coaching”.

38.Problems arise when management uses MBO as a strategy for______


Meeting Employee Expectations: Expectancy Theory

39.According to expectancy theory, what are three questions employees ask before exerting maximum effort to a task?

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

40.According to expectancy theorywhat are the steps to improving employee performance?

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

Reinforcing Employee Performance: Reinforcement Theory

41.In the words of reinforcement theory, motivation is the result of ______


42.Positive reinforcements are ______.

Negative reinforcement includes ______.

43.What is meant by the term “extinction” in reinforcement theory?

Treating Employees Fairly: Equity Theory

44.What are the basic principles of Equity theory?

45.How do people behave when they perceive an inequity?

46.Equity judgments are based on ______.

Workers are going to feel rewards are inequitable when ______


Organizations deal with this by______.

The best remedy is: ______.
Learning Goal 7
Putting Theory Into Action

47.In a job enrichment motivational strategy, work is assigned ______


48.Describe the five characteristics of work important in affecting individual motivation and performance.






49.What is job simplification?

50.Discuss the difference between job enlargement and job rotation.

51.Procedures for encouraging open communication include:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

e. ______

f. ______

g. ______

52.How can managers “re-invent work”?

53.What are some things companies can do to celebrate and reward work well done, and improve employees’ spirits?

Learning Goal 8

Personalizing Motivation

54.What makes motivating workers today complicated?

55.Describe the difference between a “high context” culture and a “low-context culture”.

56.How will generational differences between baby boomers and Generation X affect motivation?

57.Millennials tend to share the following characteristics:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

f. ______

g. ______

h. ______

i. ______

j. ______

k. ______

58.In business, it is likely that motivation will come from ______


59.In order to motivate workers managers will need to give them:

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______


Learning Goal 1

1.Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are important aspects of motivation for workers, as well as for students! Think about the job you currently hold, or a job you would like to have in the future, or alternatively, about your “job” as a student. Identify some of the extrinsic rewards that are specific to your job, or to you as a student. What intrinsic rewards do you find in those jobs?

Learning Goals 1,2

2.Early management studies were conducted by:

Frederick Taylor - Scientific Management

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth - Motion economy

Elton Mayo – Hawthorne Experiments

Read the following and indicate which ideas are being described.

a. ______Conducted a series of experiments designed to measure the effect of working conditions on worker productivity

b. ______These studies became the basis for human-based management.

c. ______Created time-motion studies to measure output over time.

d. ______Discovered that worker productivity could increase despite adverse conditions.

e. ______Believed the way to improve productivity was to scientifically study the most efficient ways to perform each task, determine the one “best way” to do things, then teach people those methods.

f. ______The principle of motion economy was based on his theory.

g. ______Developed the principle of scientific management.

h. ______Discovered that when workers are involved in planning and decision-making, the workers are more motivated.

i.______Found that workers were motivated in an informal atmosphere where they could interact with supervisors.

j. ______Believed people would be motivated primarily by money.

k. ______Identified the tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied.

l. ______Developed the idea that every job could be broken down into a series of elementary motions, which could then be analyzed to make it more efficient.

m. ______His findings lead to new assumptions about employees, including the idea that pay is not the only motivator for workers.

3.How did Taylor and other proponents of Scientific Management view workers?

How does that compare to Mayo's Hawthorne Studies?

Learning Goal 3

4.The principle behind Maslow's ideas is that only unmet needs are motivators, and that needs

could be arranged in a hierarchy.

Complete the illustration shown below, and give two examples for each need level, where appropriate.


A. ______D.______



B. ______E.______






5. Read the following statements, and determine which need on Maslow's Hierarchy is being described.

a. ______Ryan Raley gets home from school and immediately raids the refrigerator .

b. ______Jan Stahl joins as many campus organizations as she can fit into her schedule.

c. ______Bill Cook wins "Zone Manager of the Month" in his sales office, in recognition of his outstanding performance.

d. ______Wendy Armstrong, a 33 year old student with severe cerebral palsy, receives her bachelor's degree, a lifelong dream.

e. ______A union contract negotiator makes sure that layoffs will be made on the basis of seniority.

6. In developed countries, people seek to fill social, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs at work. Give two actions that a company or a manager could take to fill each of these higher level needs. What would motivate you?

  1. Social

b. Self-esteem

c. Self-actualization

Learning Goal 4

7. Workers at Universal Industries are among the best paid in the industry. Their factories are clean and workers seem to get along well with one another. "The bosses are okay” one worker is quoted as saying, "but they sure do hang around us a lot". The union has made sure that everyone has a secure position. Management at Universal is aware that their competitive position is in jeopardy, as several foreign firms have been making inroads into their market. Management is also aware that while it doesn't seem that there are problems with the workers, they don't seem to be motivated. Using Herzberg's theory of motivators and hygiene factors, discuss what the problem may be and what could be done to solve it.

Learning Goal 5

8.McGregor observed that managers had two different attitudes toward workers, which led to different management styles. He called these styles Theory X and Theory Y.

Which type of manager would make each of the following statements?

a. ______"Joe is pretty good at solving these kinds of problems. Let's get his input on this."

b. ______"Ann, I know you'd like that promotion. Keep up the good work and I think you’ll be the next new product manager.”

c. ______"Tell that secretary that if she values her job, she'll keep those coffee breaks down to 15 minutes!"

d. ______"I think that secretary takes long coffee breaks because she gets her work done so quickly and then doesn't have much to do. She's been asking about working on the new product project. I'll talk to her about it and see what she thinks."

e. ______“Ann, new product managers have to work a lot of weekends and evenings. If you think you want that job, you'll have to prove to me you're willing to work those extra hours."

f. ______“Joe you need to do exactly what I tell you to fix the problem in your department. This needs to be done my way!”

9. Think back to Chapter 7, in which leadership styles are discussed. What kind of leadership style would a Theory X manager use most often? Theory Y? Why?

Learning Goal6

10. Review MBO programs described in the text. How do you think an MBO program fits into the ideas of Maslow and Herzberg? What are some potential problems with MBO?

11.Think about expectancy theory and how it works for you. What is something you really want? How likely is it that you can reach the goal? Will the hard work be worth the effort? For example:

What kind of job do you want as a career? (or, go back and review the exercise you completed in Chapter 7 on planning, when you were asked to write out some long range and short range goals for yourself)

What do you need to do to get that kind of job? Is it possible to get that job if you exert the effort?

What intrinsic and extrinsic benefits will you get from this kind of job?

12.You are a manager of entry-level workers in an office of about 15 people. You have an employee who is consistently late for work, as often as 2 times per week. This is a problem because this individual is responsible for answering phones from both internal and external customers, and he has often missed important phone calls. Using reinforcement theory, how would you try to solve the problem with this employee, whose work is excellent, when he is there? You don’t want to fire this person, because it would be costly and difficult to replace him.

13.Hal Yard is in marketing with a major manufacturer of sailboats. He has been happy with his job since he started there 3 years ago. He has received several raises, and has always gotten very good reviews. He is in line for a good promotion, which he should know about soon. Hal recently went to lunch with a new co-worker, Donna Telli. Donna just got her degree at night school, and this is her first “real” job. During the course of their conversation, Donna mentioned her starting salary, which is only $50 per month lower than Hal’s!

How would you feel if you were Hal? Why? What would you do? What theories of motivation may come into play here?

Learning Goal 7

14.Four job design strategies are:

job enrichmentjob enlargement

job simplificationjob rotation

Which of the following is being illustrated in each of the following examples?

a. Employees at Published Image, a financial newsletter, are combined into a team so that one team has the entire responsibility of selling, writing, proofing, editing and distributing the newsletter to their own group of clients. While each member will specialize in a certain area, each member of the team knows enough about all the jobs to get the product out. ______

b. New zone managers at Ford Motor Company move from one job to another during their training program, to familiarize themselves with the operations of the district sales office. ______

c. At the Pasta House Company restaurant, you are either an expediter, a host, a busser or a server. The job lines don’t cross, and are distinct from one another. ______

d. At the Hosin Manufacturing Company, production is such that each worker makes an entire motor, instead of working only on separate parts. ______

15.Keeping in mind the five characteristics of work important in affecting motivation and performance, design an "enriched" job for publishing campus newsletters or for another area with which you are familiar.

Learning Goals 2-8

16.Things have really been happening at Sun-2-Shade, a company that manufactures self-darkening windshields. Lots of changes have been made and it would seem like things ought to be going smoothly. However, there are problems with the workers, and you just can't figure out what's wrong. People don't seem to be motivated, although they are being paid well. You have been in charge, made the decisions you thought were best for the company and the workers, and have even pitched in and shown people how you want things done from time to time. Everybody has their own job, and they know exactly how it's supposed to be done. You have heard some people complain that their job is boring, but you know that the way you have shown them is the best way to get things done. People come in late, and sometimes seem to actually resent your help! Most of the employees of this company are close to your age ( Gen Xers and Millennials). You would really like the employees of this company to feel like they are a team. How will you solve this problem?