Freedom & Idols
10:1- 11:1 / I Corinthians: The Church, Then and Now / Session 14

Chapter 10 is Paul’s third section of teaching on the topic of Christian Liberty. Here he uses Israel as an example to show that freedom and experience must be balanced by caution and responsibility. The question about foods offered to idols first discussed in Chapter 8 is further elaborated. To close, Paul describes his freely given personal commitment to service to God and others.


Idol / Whatever has my attention (I notice this, I like this); my desire (I want this); my dependence (I need this, I won`t be happy without this); my motivation to act (I`m going to do something about this) – at the expense of my relationship with God. Faith Sanctuary Weekly Bulletin 2010-11-07
Test God / Speak or behave in a manner that consciously or unconsciously pushes the limits of God`s patience, or challenges God to confirm that He means what He says.The Navigators

Israel the example (v1-13)

V1-4 Privilege is no guarantee of success. Israel enjoyed miraculous provision on their journey from Egypt to Canaan but they turned to idolatry and fornication. They grumbled and they tested God.

V5-12Good beginnings do not guarantee good endings. Of the many thousands of adults who left Egypt in a great triumph, only two completed the journey to Canaan.

V13 God either: causes, allows, or prevents everything. God permits us to be tempted. He knows better than we do how much we can bear. He will always make a way for us to overcome.

Flee idolatry (v14-23)

V14-16 Communion with Jesus: partaking of the LORDs supper identifies us with Jesus through His broken body and shed blood in the New Covenant. We are in fellowship with Jesus.

V17 Sacrifice with God: Israel identified with God as they brought their sacrifices to the altar of the tabernacle or temple.

V18-20Idol worship with demons: participating in feasts before idols is fellowshipping with demons as they worship satan.

V21-23Provoking God is dangerous: God will not be mocked. We cannot flaunt our freedom in God’s face. He doesn’t play games.

Be responsible (v24-11:1)

V24-30…for your brothers and sistersin Christ. The church is the body of Christ in the earth. We are interdependent. We need each other. The stronger must be responsible for the weaker.

V31 …to glorify God in all things. We are bought with the precious blood of Jesus. We owe Him everything. We ought to seek only to glorify Him, not ourselves.

V32-11:1 …to seek to win the lost. Nothing we do or say should hinder us fulfilling our commission to take the Gospel of Jesus to the whole world.

Questions to ask when deciding to exercise spiritual freedom (I Corinthians)

  1. Will it lead to freedom or slavery? (6:12)
  2. Will it make me a stumbling block or a stepping stone? (8:13)
  3. Will it build me up or tear me down? (10:23)
  4. Will it only please me, or will it glorify God? (10:31)
  5. Will it help me to win the lost to Christ, or will it turn them away? (10:33)

Discussion Group: Referring to I Corinthians 10:1 to 11: 1,answer questions 1 to 6.

1 List the special experiences that all of Israel had in their wilderness journey:

1a (v1) 1b(v1)

1c (v2) 1d (v2)

1e (v3) 1f (v3)

1g (v4)

2 List the four evil things that some Israelites did, and the three consequences they suffered:(v7-10)

3 Write verse 13 in your own words.

4 What are three limitations on Christian Liberty? (v23-24)

5 In what circumstance should a Christian not do something that is not wrong per Scripture, and not against their own conscience?


6 What four groups of people did Paul avoid offending? (v32-33)

Take Home: Personal Reflection and Application

7a Describe a time when your Christian Liberty was an offence to someone.

7b What could you have done differently to avoid giving offence?

7c After studying Paul’s teachings, what is your commitment re: Christian Liberty?

Take Home: Personal Preparation for Next Session:Public Worship (Part I) 11:2-16

8aWhy do you think hair and heads were an issue in Corinth?

8b List some synonyms for ‘head’.

8c Describe your personal view on hair and heads: