Chapter 1: You the People –Citizenship Skills Lesson 3: Small Group Meetings


YTP: Group Evaluation Form

Group Name:

How would you rate today’s small group meeting with regard to the citizenship skills. Circle your rating between 1 and 5 for each skill, then answer the questions as honestly as you can. If this was a Representative Group Session, substitute the words “representative” for the word “group” in the following questions. Do not put your name on this sheet. Your small group will use this form as a bases for discussion in the next small group meeting.

1)In your opinion, how well did your group cooperate (Citizenship Skill 1, Cooperation)?

Very wellNot at all

If your group was not very cooperative, what do you think was the reason?

Was your group able to reach a decision?Yes No 

Why or why not?

2)Did your group exhibit knowledge of patience (Citizenship Skill 2, Patience)?

Very WellNot at all

3)Did your group show respect (Citizenship Skill 4, Respect) for each other during today’s meeting?

Very wellNot at all

4)Did you group consider the common good of all group members as well as individual desires (Citizenship Skill 3, Fairness)?

Very wellNot at all

5)Was everyone in your group given a chance to voice their opinions (Citizenship Skill 5, Strength)?

Very wellNot at all

6)Did your group have enough or seek enough knowledge before you made a decision on a specific issue (Citizenship Skill 6, Self-improvement)?

Very wellNot at all

7)Did your group come up with solutions that showed compromise or harmony (Citizenship Skill 7, Balance)?

Very wellNot at all

8)Did your group make decisions based on rational and logical reasons not emotions?

Very wellNot at all

9)Answer only if this applies. Did your group elect your representative based on his/her citizenship skills or his/her position on a certain issue?

Elected based on citizenship skillElected based his/her position

10)Rate your group’s decision on each issue against the following citizenship skills:

Issue: (Enter your group issue below.)

a)Did your group arrive at the decision in a cooperative manner?

Very wellNot at all

b)Did your group’s decision show knowledge of patience and timing?

Very wellNot at all

c)Was your group’s decision fair? Did it consider individual desires as well as the common good?

Very wellNot at all

d)Did your group’s decision show respect for other people?

Very wellNot at all

e)Did your group’s decision show strength? Did everyone get a chance to voice his or her personal beliefs and opinions?

Very wellNot at all

f)Did your group’s decision reflect sufficient knowledge of the issue?

Very wellNot at all

g)Did your group’s decision consider opposing viewpoints and opinions?

Very wellNot at all

h)Was the overall group performance on this decision satisfactory or unsatisfactory?

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 

i)Do you want to veto this decision?Yes No 

* Note: A “yes” answer automatically puts this issue in the Citizenship Skills Discussion portion of the next meeting. The decision is not in effect and the issue becomes an old issue needing further discussion and another vote at the next meeting.

11)Rate your group’s decision on each issue against the following citizenship skills:

Issue: (Enter your group issue below.)

a)Did your group arrive at the decision in a cooperative manner?

Very wellNot at all

b)Did your group’s decision show knowledge of patience and timing?

Very wellNot at all

c)Was your group’s decision fair? Did it consider individual desires as well as the common good?

Very wellNot at all

d)Did your group’s decision show respect for other people?

Very wellNot at all

e)Did your group’s decision show strength? Did everyone get a chance to voice his or her personal beliefs and opinions?

Very wellNot at all

f)Did your group’s decision reflect sufficient knowledge of the issue?

Very wellNot at all

g)Did your group’s decision consider opposing viewpoints and opinions?

Very wellNot at all

h)Was the overall group performance on this decision satisfactory or unsatisfactory?

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 

i)Do you want to veto this decision?Yes No 

* Note: A “yes” answer automatically puts this issue in the Citizenship Skills Discussion portion of the next meeting. The decision is not in effect and the issue becomes an old issue needing further discussion and another vote at the next meeting.

12)What did you like about your group meeting today?

13)What didn’t you like about your group meeting today and what would you like to improve the next time?

Unit 6: Citizenship in American History and Government1