Chapter 1—When Old Worlds Collide: Contact, Conquest, Catastrophe (LOQs)

I.  Peoples in Motion

Level 1:

1.  What did geographies call the exposed area after 23,000 B.C?

a. The exposed area was called Beringia

2.  What were the five distinct waves of waves of immigrants that had already swept the Americas before Columbus in 1942?

a. The five distinct waves were from: Asia, which had three, the fourth from the Pacific Islands, and The last from Europe, that decided not to stay.

3.  Why wasn’t Beringia easily studied?

a. Beringia wasn’t easily studied because it was underwater which made it very hard to study

4.  Which animals did Indians raise?

a. Indians raised guinea pigs, turkeys, ducks, and dogs.

5.  In the Native American culture, what did men and woman do?

a. Men did the fishing and hunting while women gathered.

Level 2:

1.  Why did the American Indians kill horses?

a. American Indians killed horses because the did not know they were valuable, therefore they would eat them.

2.  How did geographers know that Polynesians did not go not go past Hawaii?

a. Geographers knew that Polynesians did not go past Hawaii because they would bring food from the Americas to the eastern islands.

3.  Why did the Norse men settle elsewhere?

a. The Nose men settled elsewhere because the were outlawed all due to their leader, Erick the Red.

Level 3:

1.  Why did the Maritime Archaic culture collapse?

2.  a. We believe that the Maritime Archaic culture collapsed because of their lack of recourses. Some included lack of food and possibly little to or no reproduction. This may have led them to die off and to become extinct. Diseases were also caught which lead to sickness and major death. Further more their culture could have collapse to natural disaster that may have wiped out their whole population.

II. Europe and The World in the 15th Century

Level 1:

1.  When did Cheng Ho lead six large fleets from China to the East Indies and coast of Africa?

a.  Between 1405 and 1434

2.  Who consistently tried to conquer the “Holy Land” from the Islamic people?

a.  Crusaders

3.  What advantages did Europe have at this time?

a.  Europe had a great economy

4.  What year did the Portuguese began to settle in the uninhabitable Madeira Islands?

a.  By 1418

5.  What was the population of Lisbon, Portugal during this time?

a.  40,000 people

Level 2:

1.  Why did Europe use “free and slave labor” to make a profit in Palestine?

a.  They used this labor because it wouldn’t cost anything and all the money would be pure profit.

2.  Why did Africans begin to enslave and trade other Africans?

a.  African traded and enslaved other Africans because of money, power, and to move up the social status.

3.  Why was Prince Henry the person to set the foundation for Portugal’s era at expansion?

a.  It may have been his royal status, power, and wealth that caused him to funds 15 voyages to Africa.

Level 3:

1.  How would Europe have been different if the Bubonic Plague had never happened in the 1340s?

a.  The population would have remained large which could have resulted in the soil remaining infertile. This could have causeda famine, which would have resulted in population loss without the plague. As a result, Europeans might have encountered other illnesses instead, and vitamin deficiencies as well. This would have caused a large portion of the population to be weaker and sickly, but would result in deaths at a slower rate than the Bubonic Plague. People in Europe would also have weaker immunities to diseases due to not experiencing the plague.

III. Spain, Columbus, and The Americas

Level 1:

1. What slave trade did Christopher Columbus engage in?

a. The slave trade between Africa and The Atlantic Islands.

2. Who did Prince Ferdinad of Argom Marry?

a. Prince Ferdinad married Princess Isabella of Castile.

3. What bull did Pope Alexander VI issue in 1493?

a. In 1493 Pope Alexander VI (Spaniard) issued a bull, inter caeteras which divided all non- Christian lands between Spain and Portugal.

4. What port did Columbus take to go to the Atlantic?

a. Columbus took the ports of Palos.

5. When did Columbus return from his second voyage?

a. Columbus returned in the later 1493.

Level 2:

1. Why did only 22,000 bodied adults remain on Hispanola?

a. Only 22,000 bodies adults remained because of the on set of major infectious diseases.

2. How did people's lives change after the appearance of gold?

a. Many people died after chasing gold, and after the disappearance of gold.

3. What would have happened if Hernan Cortes never found the treasure that the Spaniards were looking for?

a. The Spaniards would have still been searching for the treasure or would have given up.

Level 3:

1. How would the world be different if Christopher Columbus never traveled and found the Americas?

a. If Christopher Columbus never traveled and found the Americas, then the Americas would might have just been named different and found later. Since, people were already living there, like the Vikinger expedition led by Leif Erikson. Also, without his exploration The Hispaniola Natives would of not been mistreated and would of probably took longer to discover that they existed. Queen Isabella’s would of also changed in many ways, like not making money out of the gold Columbus brought back. Columbus life would of also changed if his voyages never occurred , he would of never died so terribly. In conclusion, If Columbus never found the Americas, then it would of just been found later.

IV. The Emergence of Complex Societies in the Americas

Level 1:

1.Whose lives did agriculture transform?

a. Indians.

2. When did the Incas emerge as the new imperial power in the Andes?

a. Around A.D 1400

3. What does “Olmec” mean?

a. People of rubber.

4. What did the Aztecs practice constantly?

a. Human Sacrifice.

5. What were the Anasazi’s strength?

a. Astronomy.

Level 2:

1.Why was human sacrifice so important to the Aztecs?

a. Human Sacrifice was important to the Aztecs because of their religion, they wanted to please their gods.

2. How did agriculture transform the lives of the Indians?

a. Agriculture transformed the lives of Indians by spreading farming which cause population to increase and make them because non migratory.

3. Why did the disruption of trade between Mayan and the Valley of Mexico cause the fall of Teotihuacan?

a. Trade was very important to ten and without it, obtaining resources will become difficult.

Level 3:

1.Why did the Mayans finally decide to record their history in detail at A.D 300?

a. Theoretically, we believe, since the Mayan’s writing dated back in 60 B.C didn't really survive the 300 years. The Mayan’s wanted their future ancestors know their culture and not forget where they came from. They worked so hard to practice their religion and customs that they feared being forgotten. They could have also wanted to mark their territory and let it be known that they were there. ???

V.  Contact and Cultural Misunderstandings

Level 1:

1.  Did Europe and the Americas have a mutual understanding of each other's culture?

a.  No, it was on a superficial level.

2.  Why were the Aztec writings and statues destroyed?

a.  They were destroyed because the Europeans thought they worshipped Satan.

3.  Why did the Indians think the Christians ate their own God?

a.  It is because of the Eucharist (taken literally).

4.  What was the reason for Indians fighting Europeans?

a.  They fought to obtain captives or replace tribal losses.

5.  Who owned most properties, set rules of inheritance, and performed nearly all public functions?

a.  European Men

Level 2:

1.  Why did they reach a superficial understanding?

a.  They probably didn’t come on terms of agreement or were or were satisfied with what they were receiving.

2.  Why did the Indians feel they were being feminized by the Europeans?

a.  The Europeans tried to turn them from warriors to farmers, which was the role of women in the Indian culture.

3.  Why were their different perspectives on battles?

a.  There were different views because of different cultural and religious beliefs.

Level 3:

1.  Why did the Europeans believe there was only one possible religion?

a.  The Europeans believed there was one possible religion because they hadn’t been properly educated about other cultures. They may have been taught religion, but the thing is that they only learned about their religion. Often they were taught that their religion was right and superior compared to others. So when they arrived inthe Americas they lacked the knowledge and experience on a religion that involved human sacrifices. Seeing as they had a sense of superiority and had been misinformed, they were closed minded about other religions and strongly believed that theirs was the correct one.

VI. Conquest and Catastrophe

Level 1:

1.  When did Cortes enter Tenochtitlan?

1.  In 1519

0.  Where did Cortes find refuge after being driven out by the Aztecs?

a.  With the nearby Tlaxcalans.

0.  What was the Royal Orders of Discovery?

a.  A statement issued by King Phillip II, which made it illegal to enslave or attack Indians.

0.  When did Francisco Pizarro finally locate the Inca Empire?

a.  In 1531 and 1532.

0.  Who was one of the survivors of Panfilo de Narvaez’s disastrous 1528 expedition to Florida?

a.  It was Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca.

Level 2:

1.  Why did Cortes and his men destroy Aztec religious objects?

a.  Cortes and his men destroyed Aztec religious objects simply to break their spirit and to make them feel inferior.

0.  Why was commitment and faith important to missionary work?

a.  Commitment and faith are important to missionary work because participation was needed in order to spread word of missionaries, religions, etc.

0.  Why were converts important to missions?

a.  Converts were important to missions because without converts, the religion would either stay small, diminish, or just not expand and not be very well known.

Level 3:

1.  Should religious faith be of great importance to one’s life?

2.  Religion is a personal experience for each of us. It has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Religion has affected some people extremely personally and has given some people’s lives meaning. For others, it is just an inconvenience or something that’s not relevant to their own lives. So, to each their own really. No one should be forced into a religion but for some it is their entire lives.

VII.  Explanations: Patterns of Conquest, Submission, and Resistance

Level 1:

1.  Did Chinese eventually reach Europe?

a. Yes they did

2.  What were some things brought or done by Europeans that killed the Indians?

a. The Europeans brought diseases such as syphilis and they conquered and killed Indians.

3.  What were some of the Chinese inventions?

a. Paper, Compass and gunpowder

4.  What did conquest and settlements in America do?

a. It killed millions of Indians, enslaved Africans and degraded Europeans.

5.  Whose Genetic makeup was more uniform than Europeans, Africans or Asians?


Level 2:

1.  Why would two communities be separated?

a. Two communities would be separated to test their superiority.

2.  Why did Europeans feel the need to expand?

a. The Europeans wanted to expand because it led to economic gains.

3.  Why were weak people weeded out from the Indians?

a. They were weeded out because they had stronger immune systems and had greater genetic makeup.

Level 3:

1.  What would the world be like today if none of the countries/nations had conquered or migrated?

a. If none of the countries from places such as Europe had conquered or migrated the world would be different today. Due to the separation of communities there would be a lower population in such places such as North America. We would also have a less genetic variety, there would possibly still be more Indians but less of a mixture of cultures such as mulatto. Along with less genetic variation we would have less of the technology. we would not have the compass, paper, gunpowder etc. introduced to us if there were no migrations to share these things.