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Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Grade 6

Chapter 6—God’s Plan of Salvation: A Scripture Story

1.  A lengthy, formal type of letter found in the New Testament is called an _____.

a.  encyclical

b.  epistle

c.  apostalate

d.  all of the above

2.  Many of the letters in the New Testament were written by _____.

a.  Mark

b.  Matthew

c.  Paul

d.  all of the above

3.  Epistles were written in order to _____.

a.  encourage Christians

b.  teach about Christ

c.  instruct Christians in the faith

d.  all of the above

4.  Paul the Apostle wrote to the early Christians called the _____.

a.  Philippians

b.  Galatians

c.  Corinthians

d.  all of the above

5.  In New Testament times, _____ was the capital of the Roman Empire’s province of Asia.

a.  Corinth

b.  Ephesus

c.  Galilee

d.  all of the above

6. In New Testament times, Ephesus was a _____.

a.  small farming village

b.  wealthy port city

c.  small town

d.  none of the above

7. Paul wrote to the early Christians who were his _____.

a.  converts

b.  apostles

c.  ministers

d.  religious

8. The letter to the Ephesians was written to share Paul’s _____.

a.  faith in Christ

b.  plan of salvation

c.  anger with them

d.  none of the above

9. The Letter to the Ephesians was written _____.

a.  nearly 20 years ago

b.  2,000 years ago

c.  200 years before Jesus’ birth

d.  none of the above

10. The letter to the Ephesians tells us that we _____.

a.  have been redeemed through Christ

b.  are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit

c.  have forgiveness of transgressions

d.  all of the above

11. Paul’s writing to the community at Ephesus was written to _____.

a.  the smartest Ephesians

b.  help them in their faith

c.  the prophets in Ephesus

d.  all of the above

12. _____ is the saving activity of God setting humankind free from sin and death.

a.  Sacrifice

b.  Redemption

c.  Incarnation

d.  none of the above

13. Our redemption comes through the power of the _____ of Christ on the cross.

a.  incarnation

b.  sacrifice

c.  ascension

d.  none of the above

14. Paul told the Ephesians that they were sealed with the promised _____.

a.  Creator

b.  Holy Spirit

c.  Prophet

d.  all of the above

15. We have been _____ sealed with the Promised Holy Spirit.

a.  partially

b.  sacramentally

c.  mysteriously

d.  none of the above

16.  We are _____.

a.  chosen by God

b.  adopted as God’s children

c.  redeemed in Jesus Christ

d.  all of the above

17.  Paul’s writings sometimes addressed _____.

a.  a problem faced by the Christian community

b.  the need for instruction in matters of faith

c.  the encouragement and support of his converts

d.  all of the above

18.  The _____ also contains letters written by other early Christians besides Paul.

a.  New Testament

b.  Old Testament

c.  Book of Revelation

d.  Book of Psalms

19.  Diocesan newspapers help Catholic families _____.

a.  understand the Church’s teachings

b.  make informed decisions

c.  live the Catholic faith

d.  all of the above


20.  Through _____ bishops instruct the faithful about Catholic teachings.

a.  pastoral letters

b.  epistles

c.  encyclicals

d.  none of the above

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