Chapter 1: Preventative Security Arrangements

Chapter 1: Preventative Security Arrangements

landmark amman



18-20 OCTOBER 2016


Day 1: Tuesday 18th October 2016 Chairs: Diane Holland and Anteneh Dobamo

Objective: Review of Key Achievement and challenges in the implementation of 2014-2016 GNC strategy and next steps for completion of outstanding strategic project in 2016

8.00-9.00Registration of participants

9.00-9.15Introductions - Josephine Ippe

9.15-9.30Welcome remark by Regional Director for UNICEF MENARO - Geert Cappelaere

9.30-9.45Overview of meeting objectives and outputs

9.45-10.302014-2016 GNC Strategy Review - Key Achievement and Challenge/Way forward-Josephine Ippe


11.00 – 11.30Update on Humanitarian Coordination/Transition work –Phase II -Diane Holland

11.30 – 12.00Nutrition Cluster Handbook – Update on process and highlight of key changes in the updated version - Vivienne Forsythe and Jackie Frize

12.00 - 1300Market Place

13.00- 14.00Lunch

14.00 – 14.30Presentation from OCHA on the proceeding of the World Humanitarian Summit -Loretta Hieber-Girardet

14.30-15.00Overview of the Grand Bargain - Loretta Hieber-Girardet

15.00 – 15.15Break

15.15 – 16:15 Group Discussion on the implication of the Grand Bargain for the 2017-2019 GNC strategic priorities and its support to country clusters

Working Groups

  1. Support for local and national responders
  2. Needs Assessment and Analysis
  3. Cash programming
  4. Humanitarian - Development Nexus

16.15 – 17:00Group presentations and feedback- Plenary

17.00-17.15Wrap-up - Josephine Ippe

18.00 – 20.00Reception

Day 2: Wednesday 19th October 2016 Chairs: Caroline Wilkinson and Carmel Dolan

Objective: To learn from country cluster experience on key areas, identify gaps and support needed, based on country cluster view point.

8.30 – 9.00Market place session

9.00 – 9.30Partnership and Accountabilities – Ethiopia with strong government leadership –Amal Tucker

9.30 – 10.00Partnership and Accountabilities – South Sudan with strong UN and NGO support for implementation of cluster response –Isaack Manyama

10.00 - 10.45Cross Border Coordination – Syria Cross Border Operation Experience – Wigdan Madani (with contributions for Muhiadin Abdulahi, Saja Abdallah and Lindsey Pexton)

10.45 - 11.00Break

11.00 - 11.45Accountability to Affected Population – People Centred Approach – Somalia Experience – Samson Desie

11.45 – 12.30Inter Cluster Coordination – Sudan Experience – Anteneh Dobamo

12.30- 13.30Lunch

13.30 – 15.30 Group Work

  1. Partnership/accountability (within the cluster at country level from the two setting, strong government leadership verses weak government leadership)
  2. Accountability to Affected Population
  3. Cross Border Coordination
  4. Inter-Cluster Coordination


15.45 – 17.00Group Presentation


17.15-17-45Technical Session 1: UNICEF Nutrition Products Update – Alison Fleet

17.45-18.15Technical Session 2: Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants – Nicki Connell

Day 3: Thursday, 20th October 2016 Chairs: Caroline Abla and Josephine Ippe

Objectives: Discuss and endorse the preferred structures for strengthening technical work, consolidate strategic issues that could contribute to the GNC 2017-2019 strategy and outline processes for the development of the 2017-2019 workplan

8.30 – 9.00Market place session

9.00 – 10.30Presentation of the options for strengthening technical roles/leadership in NiE by the Task Force and Group Work –Diane Holland

10.30 – 10.45Break

10.45 – 11.30 Group Presentation on Options for technical role/Leadership

11.30 – 12.30Discussions

12.30 – 13.30Lunch

13.30 -15.00Group work – consolidate priority actions under the following areas based on the two and half days presentations and discussions

  1. Partnership and resource mobilization
  2. Inter cluster collaboration,
  3. Ensuring accountability to affected and support to global and country level advocacy
  4. Capacity development in humanitarian coordination and Nutrition in Emergency
  5. Adequate and responsive operational and surge support to country clusters (for both coordination/IM and NiE)
  6. Assessment, Analysis, Learning and Information Management.


15.15-16.15Group Presentation and Plenary

16.15 – 16.45Presentation of the GNC strategy 2017-2019 development consultation process – the Charter - by Avenir Analytics

16.45– 17.00Wrap Up and Closing Remark – Josephine Ippe and UNICEF Regional Office

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