My Chanukah
Chanukah is one of my favorite holidays. It is full of light and heat – while outside it is raining. You get presents, eat doughnuts, and play with spinning tops.
This year we bought a Chanukah lamp – I think it is beautiful and we are going to pass throe the generation in our family.
I had lots of fun in the vacation. I went to sleep very late and woke up very late. I went to see two shows: Ann from Green Gables, and that was a very nice show about a girl with red hair. Ann's imagination is very developed, and she turns from a little girl to a woman with a lot of love in her heart. The second show was "Tararam Kids" – a show that presents six talented people, that has a lot of rhythm in their lives – they drum on cans, on themselves – on everything. There is a little story in the show about a girl that wants to join to that group. I like the style of drumming on the body, and the show was lovely.
I got some new books from my aunt and uncle, money from my grandparents and my dad and the new "Harry Potter" and a diary from my grandmother. I bought a pair of ear rings with some of the money.
My cousins (they are twins) and my grandmother had a birthday – and because one of my cousins (the girl) loves horses, she had her birthday in a ranch of horses – we learned to ride horses and take care of them. We had a big party in my house to my grandmother's family, and I got to meat people I like. In the rest of my holiday I watched television, played the computer and read. I hope you enjoyed your Chanukah, because I enjoyed mine!
P.S. I realized that a lot of people celebrate their birthdays this week.