With effect from 1 June 2014 England Boxing and its members are required to comply with AIBA’s new rules regarding the separation of Olympic-style (formerly amateur) boxing from professional boxing and other professional combat sports. This communication sets out England Boxing’s good faith practical understanding of the restrictions that will apply tomembers from that date.


No person who has fought in a professional boxing match (other than World Series of Boxing or AIBA Professional Boxing) may register as a boxer with England Boxing (AIBA Statute 13(H)). This includespeople who have competed in any professional sport incorporating boxing, such as mixed martial arts, ultimate fighting or kickboxing (AIBA Bylaw 32.2).

No person who has fought in a professional boxing match (other than WSB or APB) or competed professionally in any individual combat sport may participate in any boxing competition, domestic or international, governed by AIBA rules (see AIBA Technical Rules 1.3 and 1.5). This includes people who have competed in boxing-related professional sports (as above)or other combat sports such as aikido, judo, ju-jujitsu, karate, sambo, sumo, taekwondo and wrestling amongst others(see definitions within AIBA Technical Rules).

Please note that any person who has competed at an amateur level in any individual combat sport (such as those mentioned above) and who wishes to compete in a boxing match governed by AIBA rules must first obtain clearance from AIBA (AIBA Technical Rule 1.6). We recommend that such clearance is sought through England Boxing. If clearance is given, that person cannot compete in any other individual combat sport again if they wish to remain eligible to box under AIBA rules (AIBA Technical Rule 1.7).

Any person who enters into a contract or other agreement relating to their future participation in a professional boxing match (other than WSB or APB) or professional individual combat sport may not participate in any competition, domestic or international, governed by AIBA rules, other than WSB or APB (AIBA Open Boxing Competition Rule 2.3.2).

There is, in general, an exception for professional boxers who have fought in 20 or less professional boxing fights and who wish to transfer to AIBA Pro Boxing, in which case specific consent from AIBA is required (APB Rule 1.2.1). Again we recommend that such consent is sought through England Boxing. Such a transfer can only be done once, i.e. you cannot switch back to another form of professional boxing, and then switch back to APB again (AIBA Technical Rule 1.4).

No other restrictions apply.


No coach, trainer, referee or judge who has participated in such a capacity in a professional boxing match (other than World Series of Boxing or AIBA Professional Boxing) may register as an official with AIBA or with any AIBA Confederation (e.g. the European Boxing Confederation), unless they are first re-certified by AIBA in accordance with the AIBA Technical Rules (AIBA Statute 13(J)). This includes people who have participated in these capacities in any professional sport incorporating boxing, such as mixed martial arts, ultimate fighting or kickboxing (AIBA Bylaw 32.2).Such re-certification should be sought through England Boxing.

No coach or trainer active in professional boxing (other than WSB or APB) may coach or corner in any boxing competition, domestic or international, governed by AIBA rules, unless they have ceased to be involved in professional boxing for at least six months and then been re-certified as a coach. Such re-certification should be sought through England Boxing.

No referee or judge active in professional boxing (other than WSB or APB) may be a referee or judge in any boxing competition, domestic or international, governed by AIBA rules, unless they have ceased to be involved in professional boxing for at least six months and then been re-certified as a referee or judge with AIBA (AIBA Technical Rules, Appendix B, paragraph Such re-certification should be sought through England Boxing.

Please note that “active in professional boxing” is to be interpreted broadly and will include any form of active participation in professional boxing other than WSB or APB, including for example acting as a promoter or manager.

No person who has been affiliated to a professional boxing organisation (other than WSB or APB), including as a boxer, coach, trainer or in any other formal capacity, will be eligible to be appointed to the board of England Boxing (AIBA Bylaw 34.1(c).

No person who holds or has since 1 January 2007 held a formal position in any international professional boxing organisation is permitted to hold office on the Executive Committee of AIBA or any AIBA Confederation (e.g. the European Boxing Confederation).

No other restrictions apply.
