Changes in Functionality in Windows Server Code Name "Longhorn"

Microsoft Corporation

Published: January 2007

Project Author: Simon Farr

Project Editor: Carolyn Eller


In Microsoft® WindowsServer® CodeName "Longhorn", Microsoft is introducing many new features and technologies that will help to increase the security of computers running WindowsServer "Longhorn", increase productivity, and reduce administrative overhead. This document describes some of these features and technologies.

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Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows Server Code Name “Longhorn"

Document History

Other Resources and Feedback

Active Directory Certificate Services: Enterprise PKI (PKIView)

What does PKIView do?

Who does PKIView apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Support for Unicode characters

Active Directory Certificate Services: Network Device Enrollment Service

What does NDES do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by NDES

What settings are added or changed in WindowsServer Longhorn?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

Active Directory Certificate Services: Online Certificate Status Protocol Support

What does OCSP support do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by Online Responder in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Online Responder

Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare for this change?

Responder Arrays

Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare for this change?

What Group Policy settings have been added to support OCSP in WindowsServer "Longhorn"?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

Active Directory Certificate Services: Policy Settings

What are certificate settings in Group Policy?

Who do certificate settings in Group Policy apply to?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Managing peer trust and trusted root CA stores

Why is this functionality important?

How should I prepare for this change?

Managing trusted publishers

Why is this change important?

How should I prepare for this change?

Blocking certificates that are not trusted according to policy

Why is this change important?

How should I prepare for this change?

Managing retrieval of certificate-related data

Why is this change important?

How should I prepare for this change?

Managing expiration times for CRLs and OCSP responses

Why is this change important?

How should I prepare for this change?

Deploying certificates

Why is this change important?

How should I prepare for this change?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

Active Directory Certificate Services: Web Enrollment

What does certificate Web enrollment do?

Who does certificate Web enrollment apply to?

What existing functionality of certificate Web enrollment is changing in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Why is the change from XEnroll to CertEnroll important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare to deploy certificate Web enrollment?

Active Directory Domain Services: Auditing

What does ADDS auditing do?

Who does this feature apply to?

What existing functionality is changing in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Auditing ADDS access

Why is this change important?

What works differently?

Global audit policy



What settings are added or changed in WindowsServer "Longhorn"?

Registry settings

Group Policy settings

Active Directory Domain Services: Read-Only Domain Controllers

What does an RODC do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Read-only Active Directory database

Unidirectional replication

Credential caching

Administrator role separation

Read-only Domain Name System

What settings are added or changed in WindowsServer "Longhorn"?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

Active Directory Domain Services: Restartable Active Directory Domain Services

What does restartable ADDS do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

What existing functionality is changing in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Active Directory Domain Services: User Interface Improvements

What do ADDS user interface improvements do?

Who do ADDS user interface improvements apply to?

Are there any special considerations about ADDS user interface improvements?

What new functionality is provided by ADDS user interface improvements in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

New Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard

New MMC snap-in functions

Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services

What does ADLDS do?

Who does ADLDS apply to?

Are there any special considerations about ADLDS?

Do I need to change any existing code to work with WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Active Directory Rights Management Services

What does ADRMS do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Improved installation and administration experience

Why is this functionality important?

Self-enrollment of ADRMS server

Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare for this change?

Integration with ADFS

Why is this functionality important?

How should I prepare for this change?

New ADRMS Administrative Roles

Why is this functionality important?

How should I prepare for this change?

What existing functionality is changing in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Cryptography Next Generation

What does CNG do?

Who does CNG apply to?

Are there any special considerations about CNG?

How should I prepare for CNG?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

DNS Server Role

What does a DNS server do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Background zone loading

Why is this functionality important?

Support for IPv6 addresses

Why is this functionality important?

How should I prepare for this change?

Read-only domain controller support

Why is this functionality important?

GlobalNames zone

DNS client changes


Changes to the ways in which clients locate domain controllers

Failover Clustering

What does a failover cluster do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

New validation wizard in Windows Server "Longhorn"

Support for GPT disks in cluster storage

What existing functionality is changing in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Improvements to setup and migration

Improvements to management interfaces

Improvements to stability and security for increased availability

Improvements to the way a cluster works with storage

Improvements to networking and security

Do I need to change any existing code to work with WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0

What does IIS 7.0 do?

Flexible extensibility model for powerful customization

Powerful diagnostic and troubleshooting tools

Delegated administration

Enhanced security and reduced attack surface through customization

True application xcopy deployment

Application and health management for WCF services

Improved administration tools

Who will be interested in this feature?

What existing functionality is changing in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?


Why is this change important?

What works differently?

How do I fix issues? How should I prepare for this change?

Administration tools

Why is this change important?

What works differently? Are there any dependencies?

Core server

Why is this change important?

What works differently?

How do I fix these issues?


Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

Do I need to change any existing code to work with WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Additional Resources

Network Access Protection

What does Network Access Protection do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Why is this functionality important?

Key Processes of NAP

Policy validation

NAP enforcement and network restriction


Ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance

NAP enforcement methods

NAP enforcement for IPsec communications

NAP enforcement for 802.1X

NAP enforcement for VPN

NAP enforcement for DHCP

Combined approaches

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

NAP client components

NAP server components

Additional Information

Network Policy and Access Services

Role services for Network Policy and Access Services

Managing the Network Policy and Access Services server role

Additional Resources

Networking: Network Load Balancing Improvements

What does Network Load Balancing do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Networking: Next Generation TCP/IP Protocols and Networking Components

New functionality provided by Next Generation TCP/IP Protocols and Networking Components in WindowsServer"Longhorn"

Next Generation TCP/IP stack

Receive Window Auto-Tuning

Compound TCP

Enhancements for high-loss environments

Neighbor Unreachability Detection for IPv4

Changes in dead gateway detection

Changes in PMTU black hole router detection

Routing Compartments

Network Diagnostics Framework support

Windows Filtering Platform

Explicit Congestion Notification

IPv6 Enhancements

IPv6 enabled by default

Dual IP stack

GUI-based configuration

Teredo enhancements

Integrated IPsec support

Multicast Listener Discovery version 2

Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution

IPv6 over PPP

Random interface IDs for IPv6 addresses

DHCPv6 support

Quality of Service

Policy-based QoS for enterprise networks

Server Core

What does Server Core do?

Optional Features

Who will be interested in this feature?

What new functionality does Server Core provide?

Why is this change important? What threats does it mitigate?

What works differently?

How do I fix any issues?

What settings are added or changed in Server Core?

Do I need to change my code to work with Windows Server “Longhorn”?

What do I need to change in my environment to deploy Server Core?

Hardware prerequisites for optional features

Additional Resources

Server Manager

What does Server Manager do?

Who does Server Manager apply to?

Are there any special considerations about Server Manager?

What server roles and features are available in WindowsServer "Longhorn"?

Server roles


What new functionality is provided by Server Manager in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Initial Configuration Tasks

Default Settings in Initial Configuration

Why is Initial Configuration Tasks important?

What works differently?

Server Manager Console

Why is the Server Manager console important?

Server Manager Wizards

Add Roles Wizard

Add Role Services Wizard

Add Features Wizard

Remove Roles Wizard

Remove Role Services Wizard

Remove Features Wizard

Why are the Server Manager wizards important?

What works differently?

What settings are added or changed in WindowsServer "Longhorn"?

Group Policy Settings

How should I prepare to deploy Server Manager?

How do I open Server Manager?

Additional Resources

Terminal Services and Windows System Resource Manager

Who will be interested in this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature?

How should I prepare to use WSRM with Terminal Services?

Installing Terminal Server

Installing WSRM

Configuring WSRM for Terminal Services

Windows System Resource Manager Snap-In

Resource-Allocation Policies

Monitoring Performance

Terminal Services Core Functionality

Who will be interested in these features?

Are there any special considerations about these features?

What new functionality is provided by these features?

Remote Desktop Connection6.0

Plug and Play Device redirection for media players and digital cameras

Microsoft Point of Service for .NET device redirection

Configuring a terminal server

Configuring a Remote Desktop Protocol file

Using redirected Microsoft POS for .NET devices

Remote Desktop Connection display

Custom display resolutions

Monitor spanning

Desktop Experience

Desktop composition

Font smoothing

Display data prioritization

Single sign-on

Prerequisites for deploying single sign-on

Recommended configuration of a terminal server when using single sign-on

Terminal Services Licensing

What does TSLicensing do?

Who will be interested in TSLicensing?

What new functionality is provided by TSLicensing?

How should I prepare to use TSLicensing?

Are there any special considerations about TSLicensing?

Terminal Services Remote Programs (TS Remote Programs)

What does Remote Programs do?

Who will be interested in this feature?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by Remote Programs in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Ability to run programs remotely

Why is Remote Programs important?

What works differently?

What do I need to do to resolve any issues introduced by Remote Programs?

How should I prepare for this change?

Do I need to change any existing code to work with WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Terminal Services Web Access (TS Web Access)

What does TSWeb Access do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Lets you easily deploy Terminal Services Remote Programs over the Web

Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare for this change?

List of Remote Programs is dynamically updated

Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare for this change?

Includes the Terminal Services Remote Programs Web Part

Why is this functionality important?

What works differently?

How should I prepare for this change?

Windows Deployment Services Role

What does Windows Deployment Services do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Create a capture image

Why is this functionality important?

Capture an installation image using the Image Capture Wizard

Why is this functionality important?

Associate an unattended installation file with an image

Configuring Windows Deployment Services unattended installation

Configuring Windows Setup unattended installation

Why is this functionality important?

Associate a Language Pack with an installation image

Why is this functionality important?

Create a discover image

Why is this functionality important?

Do I need to change any existing code to work with WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

How should I prepare to deploy this feature?

Additional Resources

Windows Server Backup

What does Backup do?

Who does Backup apply to?

Are there any special considerations about Backup?

What new functionality is provided by Backup in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor

What does Windows Reliability and Performance Monitor do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature in WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Data Collector Sets

Wizards and templates for creating logs

Resource View

Reliability Monitor

Unified property configuration for all data collection, including scheduling

User-friendly diagnosis reports

Do I need to change any existing code to work with WindowsServer"Longhorn"?

Windows SharePoint Services

What does Windows SharePoint Services do?

Who does this feature apply to?

Are there any special considerations about this feature?

What new functionality is provided by this feature?

Administration model enhancements

Centralized configuration and management

Two-tier administration model