Minutes ETC meeting, June 15th and 16th, 2005
Date: Wednesday June 15th and Thursday June 16th, 2005
Time: 9:00 - 18:00 (?) 9:00 - 17:00 (?)
Meeting place: TenneT, Arnhem
Participants: Carl Major, E.ON Netz, DE
Christian Odgaard, Eltra, DK
Hugo Dekeyser, UMIX, BE
Jon-Egil Nordvik (Convenor), Statnett, NO (second day)
Kees Sparreboom, TenneT, NL
Ove Nesvik (Secretary), EdiSys, NO
1) Approval of agenda
The agenda was approved with the following additions:
A) Update the country table in ebIX recommended identification schemes with EIC usage, AOB
B) Request for update of the ebIX web page from Helmut, AOB
C) ebIX architecture from Hugo, AOB
D) Dutch company model from Kees, AOB
E) Structuring in MagicDraw from Kees, AOB
F) Comments to acknowledgements from Carl and Sweden
G) Requirements for a Train settlement business information model
2) Minutes from previous meetings
3) Version 1.0 of ebIX Recommendations for cancellation of business documents and processes
ETC had received the following comments from Leslaw Winiarski, PSE, Poland:
1. Ad. 2.1 Types of cancellation - from our experience it seems to be another way to cancel a single document. It is simply by sending a new document of the same type for the same business process. Depending on business process rules it should contain i.e. a new version number but in fact it cancels a former one. The document could contain a notice about that to clarify the context of cancellation described in the paper.
2. The above comment affects also p 3.4.
3. Ad Appendix C- Are there only principles for cancellation of switch process?
According to Poland's present situation we do not have implemented a switching process yet. We use a principles for cancellation of single documents i.e. when the market participant wants to cancel schedules he has just sent it should send a new schedule document which cancels the former one (precisely the data is overwritten). As it is a part of planning (scheduling) process it is possible as long as the gate for sending schedules is open in the day d-1.
And, the following comments from Kees (EMD) to the comments from Leslaw:
“In The Netherlands we use more or less the same procedure as described by Leslaw for the update of schedules. Leslaw is correct in his guess that the cancellation procedure was mainly inspired by the needs in the switching procedures. So probably we will have to conclude that after checking the text of the cancellation procedure we could add some text stating that this document deals with cancellation and that .... (probably somewhere in another document) we specify the ebIX update procedures. At the moment the update procedures for metered data in the model document for ebIX EMD are specified in this model document and these procedures are in line with what Leslaw described for the schedules.”
Leslaws comments were discussed and it was agreed to add the following comment to chapter 2: “Note that updating of a previously sent business document by a new one is not seen as a cancellation. Updating procedures are specified in ebIX business information models.”
Related to comment 3 from Leslaw ETC thinks he is correct in the fact that appendix C for the moment is based on switch principles, basically because the originator of the cancellation document is the CuS project. The appendix was removed and proposed handled in the CuS project.
Before publishing on the web Ove will change the following:
· Appendix B, QDTs, will be published as a separate document together with ebIX CCs as “CCs used in ebIX recommended cancellation principles, version 1.0”
· ClassDiagramVersion will be updated to 1.0 in all class diagrams.
Ove will update the document and publish it.
4) EMD Business information model
The EMD model is currently on circulation for comments. No comments have been received so far.
A discussion related to new roles found in the EMD project was postponed to the next meeting.
5) ebIX CC registry
Latest version was reviewed and several QDTs where changed, or moved to a pending package or a deleted package.
· Ove will move all “frozen values” and “initial values” to “constraints” and publish a working version (with all current content).
· Kees will update the code list and verify the usage of combined code lists and data types (usage of inner elements and national code lists).
6) Usage of constraints in associations
Hugo presented a solution for making generic ABIEs, i.e. using them in different class diagrams with different selections of the content based on constraints. The Constraints are added in a “root class” for each class diagram and shown in a “note box”.
The new principles look as a good way of making CCs reusable. Hugo promised to make a short explanation of the principles for the ebIX Methodology before next meeting.
Hugo will make a short explanation of the principles for using constrains, for the ebIX Methodology, before next meeting.
7) Review of the new chapter 6 in “ebIX Common rules and recommendations”
Due to lack of time the item was postponed to the next meeting.
8) Request from CuS: Principles for cancellation of a change of roles (and attributes) connected to a Metering point
Due to lack of time the item was postponed to the next meeting.
9) Request from CuS: Origin of meter stand
From the latest CuS minutes:
“Sweden needs a code in UTILTS for customer read meter stands. In the Netherlands the following codes are used in SG12/CCI/C240 7037:
· E22, Origin of meter stand - with the following “sub codes in SG12/CAV/C889 7111:
o E26, From Party connected to grid
o E27, From metered data collector
o E28, From metered data responsible
We will ask ETC to update UTILTS with CCI/CAV in SG12.”
There was a longer discussion related to if ebIX should continue to maintaining the IGs. A main reason for NOT doing it is that the IGs support countries not wanting to model new processes according to the ebIX methodology. A reason for continuing is that we need somewhere to maintain the structure of UTIL messages.
For the time being the IGs will be maintained and Ove will make an update of the UTILTS, including all segment groups and segments.
Ove will update UTILTS, send in on RFC to ETC and publish it.
New requests for UTILTS from the Swedish UTILTS project:
1. Time zone: Change the recommended time zone to “local time” instead of “UTC time (UTC=0)”
Conclusion: No changes – must be stated nationally.
2. Time Frame: Add a new code in CCI for "Time Frame", at least in SG9/CCI (in CAV can we use the same codes as in "Meter Time Frame", i.e. "high" and "low").
Conclusion: No changes – Meter time frame is not connected to a meter, but a measure and should be used for both energy volumes and meter readings.
3. Add a new date format CCYYMM (610 according to EDIFACT) in SG11/DTM: To be used for monthly meter readings.
Conclusion: The request was discussed and we think we understand the need. However, according to the ebIX methodology we need a model to verify (document) the need. The new code will be added when a model is received (at least a class diagram and probably a connected sequence diagram). The correct way of sending this request would be to go through EMD.
4. Add a reference to OBPI (for change of supplier) in UTILTS (e.g. the code LI which is used in PRODAT).
Conclusion: This item was planned handled under item 7. Unfortunately there were no time to deal with this item.
5. Missing values in SG11/QTY: Missing values is sent with code "46" in SG11/STS ("non-existent"), but in SG11 QTY is mandatory. What to send in QTY (DE 6060)? Clarify in the IG. Suggestion: QTY+220:NULL'.
Conclusion: The IG will not be updated, because ebIX does not have a common solution for what to put in DE 6060 for non existing values. In Netherlands “NA” (Not Available/Applicable) is used in DE 6060 in combination with the qualifier 20 (Unusable quantity) in DE6063. In Belgium zero (“0”) is used in DE 6060 in combination with any value in DE 6063 and with code 46 (non existent in STS). In Germany (in MSCONS) zero (“0”) is used in DE 6060 in combination with “ZZZ” in DE 6063.
6. Resolution/observation length (354) = hour. Add the code 805 in SG5/DTM to send a number of hours instead of a number of minutes (and even for month and year).
Conclusion: Minutes is the only possibility currently used in EMD. Use minutes or send a change request to EMD.
7. Add resolution/observation length (354), also in SG8.
Conclusion: See previous point.
10) Review of an overview of ebIX models based on the ebIX domain model from Kees
Due to lack of time the item was postponed to the next meeting.
11) Request from Kees/EMD: Discussion of a UseCase Diagram for the Energy Market for all ebIX models
Due to lack of time the item was postponed to the next meeting.
12) ebIX XML documents
Nothing has been done since latest meeting.
Ove will try to update the current proposal based on the latest UN/CEFACT NDR before next meeting.
13) Review and update of proposal for ebIX Methodology version 1.1
Due to lack of time the item was postponed to the next meeting.
14) Information
Report from other meeting(s) with interest (TF-14, CoS, EMD, ebIX, UN/CEFACT, IEC/TC57/WG16 etc)
Nothing reported.
15) Next meeting(s)
September 19-20, Copenhagen
For the agenda:
· ebIX Recommendations for acknowledgement and error handling
· XML documents
· ebIX CC registry (CodeLists)
· Structuring in MagicDraw from Kees, including Dutch company model
· EMD model (new roles)
· Review of the new chapter 6 in “ebIX Common rules and recommendations”, IDs
· Update of the ebIX Domain model
· Review of an overview of ebIX models based on the ebIX domain model (table of content) from Kees and ebIX architecture from Hugo
· Review of the ebIX Methodology
October 11th and 12th, Switzerland (Zurich?)
16) AOB
A) Update the country table in ebIX recommended identification schemes with EIC usage
Erik had sent in a request for update of the ebIX recommended identification schemes with EIC usage. Because of maintenance reasons it was agreed to add a link to the ETSO web page instead of adding the list. The same was done to appendix A, EAN.
Ove will update the document.
B) Request for update of the ebIX web page from Helmut, AOB
A request for update of the ebIX web site from Helmut was reviewed with the following comments:
1. Decisions: The only decisions of the forum are from April 2003?
Action: This is proposed put in an extranet in the new ebIX web page and should probably contain extracts from the ebIX Forum minutes. We propose to wait for the new ebIX web page.
2. ebIX organisation: Is the structure of the organisation still actual? What's about the Harmonisation Group? Action: Is more or less OK. However, the arrow between ETSO/TF-14 and ebIX Forum should probably have been named “Harmonisation group” and not only “cooperation”. We propose to update this on the new ebIX web page.
3. ebIX Forum: Can the minutes of the spring-meeting 2005 be added?
Action: We have got some comments to the minutes from Matti and I would like to add these. We also would like to discuss with Konstantin if we should wait for the approval of the minutes on the next ebIX Forum meeting before publishing them.
4. ebIX Memebers: Please check the list of Members and observing members (CH?) Please update the "Special positions within ebIX (Chairman)
Action: Should have been updated, But Ove will make an extra verification.
5. Disclaimer: Shouldn't there be any text on that page?
Yes, but ETC thinks the disclaimer should be aligned with the proposal for the new ebIX web site. This proposal was reviewed and especially the copyright statement seems too strict, since we are a standardisation organisation that wants to spread the information as much as possible. ETC propose to look at the copyright statement used for ETSO/TF-14 documents and see if parts of this can be used for the ebIX disclamer:
“This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, by, for example, removing the copyright notice or references to ETSO. It may be changed, however, as required to translate it into languages other than English.
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by ETSO or its successors.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "as is" basis.