CHAMPS Classroom Management Plan

Pre-K – 5th Grade Students Physical Education Class Expectations

Students enter the gym go directly to their assigned number spot. *

*Whenever students are on their number spots they are expected to be seated on their bottoms, facing forward, eyes on teacher,voice level at zero. Raise hands and wait to be called on for questions.

Warm up on the green line.

When the music starts students are expected to move counterclockwise around the green line keeping their own personal space.

Students who wish to pass may do so without contacting other students. Students are expected to stop and freeze within two steps in an upright position when the music stops. Voice volume at zero.

Return to number spot for instruction at the end of warm ups. *

During activity the stop and start signal is the whistle or music stopping. Students are expected to freeze, eyes on teacher, voice volume at zero. Some activities will require placing their equipment on the floor for instruction.

Students are expected to participate in all activities unless a medical condition/injury prevents or limits participation.

Students are expected to respect equipment by only using it in the way it is intended and carefully putting it away when asked to do so.

Students are expected to keep themselves and others safe by being cautious and thoughtful during class.

Students are expected to speak to everyone with respect, be inclusive in activities, cooperate fully and follow directions quickly.

Students may get drinks during class (without permission) anytime the teacher isn’t instructing OR has asked them to be somewhere. They are expected to get drinks quickly (count of 1,2,3) and quietly. Maximum at the same time is two. Any complaint from the office and the entire class looses the privilege (time TBD by teacher).

Students may only use the bathroom with the teacher’s permission and only in emergency cases.

Students enter the equipment rooms only when asked to by the teacher.


Students are expected to put equipment away quickly (count of 5) and return to their number spot for compliments and bonus points.* Some students are given an opportunity to give a compliment to another students.

Upon dismissal when asked to do so students line up on the black line at either the west or east end of the gym, facing forward, leaving space between themselves and the person in front of them, arms at their sides and voice volume at zero.

Discipline Plan

During class discipline policy:

First time or minor offense - time out on the bench with short redirect talk from teacher. Review expectations and obtain understanding and agreement from student. Document on daily attendance sheet

More serious offense or repeat pattern - time out on the bench student fills out expectation form. Review form and redirect talk with teacher. Review expectations and obtain understanding and agreement from student. Student signs form. Document incident on class discipline form.

Serious offense or repeat pattern. Document on school discipline form

Call home

Time Out room with PE worksheet reviewing expectations and student pact.

Possible removal from class with support from SMS or AP (i.e. fights, uncontrolled behavior)

Parent teacher meeting