Championing the rights and interests of women

March 2015 Communiqué

  • The Tasmanian Women’s Council (the Council) met in Hobart on 3 March 2015. The first meeting for 2015 was an opportunity to clarify the direction and priorities of the Council for 2015.
  • The March meeting was chaired by the new Chair, Christine Hepburn.
  • The Council hosted guest speaker Donna Adams, Assistant Commissioner of Tasmania Police. Assistant Commissioner Adams spoke about her time in Tasmania Police and about her work within Police that led to her2014 Telstra Australian Business Woman Award for Business Innovation.
  • The meeting was also attended by the Minister for Women, Jacquie Petrusma MP, who discussed theCouncil’s 2015 Work Plan and congratulated Members for their work during 2014, particularly around White Ribbon and their input into several draft Government policies and strategies.
  • A Council Member reported on her membership of the UTAS Gender Policy and Strategy Group and the important work this Group is doing in promoting gender equality and reducing the gender pay gap.
  • The Council were given an update on recent developments in the area of family violence, with the Prime Minister elevating the issue to the Council of Australian Governments. The Council was pleased to note the recent announcement of Rosie Batty as Australian of the Year, and the focus this has brought to the issue of family violence.
  • The next meeting of the Council will be held on 2June 2015 in Hobart.

The Council seek inputs from women and community organisations about any issues that are of concern to, and that could impact women in Tasmania. If you would like to talk with a member of the Council, please contact the Communities, Sport and Recreation Tasmania, Department of Premier and Cabinet on 62327296 or email for members’ contact details. We welcome your calls.

Christine Hepburn
