Chamberlain School District #7-1
Board of Education – Regular Meeting
June 13, 2016
A regular meeting of the Chamberlain School District #7-1 Board of Education was held at 7:00 P.M. at the High School Media Center with the following members present: President Jay Blum, Board Members Marlo Natwick, Casey Hutmacher, Foster Iversen, Keith Reuer, Leanne Larson and Annette Priebe. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Deb Johnson, Principal Rocky Almond and Business Manager Holly Nagel.
President Blum called the meeting to order and noted a quorum present to conduct business.
Motion #15-255 duly made by Mrs. Priebe, seconded by Mr. Reuer, all votes yes to amend the Agenda to include Supplemental Budget, Transfer of Funds and a Resignation. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-256, duly made by Mr. Iversen, seconded by Mrs. Larson, all votes yes to approve the agenda as amended. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-257, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Mrs. Priebe, all votes yes to amend the May 23 minutes to show Casey Hutmacher present and Foster Iversen absent. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-258, duly made by Mr. Hutmacher, seconded by Mr. Iversen, all votes yes to approve the amended minutes of the May 23, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-259, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Mr. Hutmacher, all votes yes to approve the bill list dated June 13, 2016. Motion Carried
President Blum declared the Public Hearing on the 2016-17 Proposed Budgets as presented in the Official Publication to be in session. Business Manager Nagel reviewed the Proposed General Fund Budget, Capital Outlay Fund Budget, Special Education Fund Budget, Pension Fund Budget, Impact Aid Fund Budget, Bond Redemption Fund Budget, and Food Service Budget. Both Revenue and Expenditures were reviewed. Formal adoption of the School District Budgets is set for the June 27, 2016 Regular Meeting. After discussion, President Blum called the Regular Meeting back to order.
The following reports were presented to the Board:
A. Delegations –CSD Foundation Representative, Dave Larson – Mr. Larson presented a proposed fundraising project in which the CSD Foundation would like approved. The fundraiser would entail the selling of engraved bricks which would be designed into a paver patio outside of the administrative entrance of the new addition. Size and amount per brick is still being finalized but they are estimating $100/brick. The board will vote on the fundraiser at a future meeting.
B. Facilities Update – Dr. Johnson gave the board a progress report of the project. The geo-piers are almost complete and foundation should be started the week of June 20.
C. Supplemental Budget-Enterprise Fund – Business Manager Nagel recommended the following:
2015-16 Supplemental Budget for the following: Enterprise (PAWS), Revenue – Acct. #5110-000 for $13,800 and Expenses – Acct. #’s 3500 000 110 for $12,000, 3500 000 210 for $1,000, 3500-000-220 for $ 800 and Impact Aid, Revenue – Acct. #5110 000 and Expense – Acct. # 8110-000-690 for $13,800.
D. Transfer of Funds-Impact Aid to Enterprise Fund-Enterprise Fund Revenue Acct #5110-000 and Impact Aid Fund Expense – Acct #8110-000-690 for $ 30,800.
E. Armory Roof Contract – Business Manager Nagel presented the bid results and recommended the contract be awarded to Weathercraft Companies, Chamberlain, SD, for the alternate proposal in the amount of $ 39,950.
F. Canvas Board Election – Canvassing Board reviewed the school board election results and poll books for the June 7 election. The board certified the results declaring Jim Anderson, Linnea Wright and Leanne Larson received the top three total votes for the three open seats.
G. Substitute Teacher-At negotiations, the board representatives requested that administration look at the possibility of a permanent substitute in each of the buildings. The board will review information and vote on the position at the next regular board meeting.
H. Girls on the Run, Child Safety ID (M. Natwick) – Ms. Natwick gave an update on the Girls on the Run program held March-May. It was very well received and attended. The girls ran a 5K in Pierre at the end of the program. Thrivent would like to have a Child Safety ID machine at the elementary open house this year. It would be a voluntary option for parents to have a print-out made identifying their student for police in case of abduction, run away, etc.
I. Good News Bulletin-The PAWS program was featured in the Good News Bulletin published by ASBSD.
J. Staffing Update-Only teaching position open is the 1st grade (after notification of the Paws grant, this position will be filled).
K. SD Special Ed. Comprehensive Plan/Program Narrative-The board reviewed the plan/program narrative as presented.
L. Board Policy GDAJA-1st Reading – The board was presented the job description for the Part-time Business Office Administrative Assistant position.
M. Superintendent’s Report – A report from Supt. Dr. Johnson reviewed Upcoming Dates, Congratulations to Golf Team & Coach Lynn Peterson for their participation/performances at the Region/State Track Meet, Staff Trainings and Workshops, Graduation, and Native American Parent Advisory Task Force Meeting.
Motion #15-260, duly made by Mrs. Larson, seconded by Mrs. Priebe, all votes yes to approve Special Education Comprehensive Plan/Program Narrative as Presented. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-261, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Mr. Hutmacher, all votes yes to award Armory roof contract to Weathercraft of Chamberlain based on alternate bid ($39,950) option. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-262, duly made by Mr. Hutmacher, seconded by Mr. Iversen, all votes yes to approve the canvas of the 2016 School Board Election. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-263, duly made by Mr. Hutmacher, seconded by Mr. Reuer, all votes yes to authorize a 2015-16 Supplemental Budget for the following: Enterprise (PAWS), Revenue – Acct. #5110-000 for $13,800 and Expenses – Acct. #’s 3500 000 110 for $12,000, 3500 000 210 for $1,000, 3500-000-220 for $ 800 and Impact Aid, Revenue – Acct. #5110 000 and Expense – Acct. # 8110-000-690 for $13,800. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-264, duly made by Mr. Iversen, seconded by Mrs. Larson, all votes yes to authorize transfer of $ 30,800 to Enterprise Fund Revenue Acct #5110-000 and from Impact Aid Fund Expense – Acct. #8110-000-690 for the 2015-2016 School Budget according to approved and supplemental budget. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-265, duly made by Mr. Reuer, seconded by Mrs. Priebe, all votes yes to accept resignation from Mr. Jerry Rhodes as Head Track Coach and thank him for the years of service. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-266, duly made by Mrs. Larson, seconded by Mr. Iversen, all votes yes to offer contract to Allison Duffy, 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher. Motion Carried.
Motion #15-267, duly made by Mr. Hutmacher, seconded by Mr. Reuer, all votes yes to adjourn at 8:07 P.M. Motion Carried.
Date: ______
President: ______
Business Manager: ______