Welcome to Troop 200!!!

We’re excited you decided to join us and we promise you lots of fun,

challenging activities and the chance to make new friends.

With your enthusiasm & help,

we will keep our scouting program top-notch!

Our most important tool for getting information to you is. There is a wealth of information here on upcoming campouts, meetings and activities. It's worth your time to become familiar and plan to visit often.

During crossovers, Troop 200 will give you a Troop 200 neckerchief (scarf) with slide and shoulder loops. Oftenyour Pack will give you a BSA Handbook and your parents give a book cover. If you are transferring from another troop, get with an adult leader to get your T200 neckerchief.

Visit the Council Store (call 595-3356 for directions) and get the following, if you don’t have them yet:

BSA Field Uniform shirt (Class A) – short sleeve

BSA socks, belt

CVC council patch & World Crest emblem

Uniform items you can get from Troop 200 are below. See any committee member for assistance.

T200 numbers (can be purchased from troop for $5)

T200 red t-shirt aka Activity Uniform (can be purchased from Troop)

T200 red hoodie - GREAT for cool nights (can be purchased from Troop - see order

form for details)

T200 scarf replacement cost ($12)

SCOUTS: Use your scout chain of command - this is a must! First stop for information should be your Patrol Leader/Troop Guide, then your Patrol ASM (go to the web site for patrol rosters).

PARENTS: A Scout led Troop = controlled chaos + learning! Trained scouters are watching and assessing . . . always.

•Parent #1 Rule of Engagement - minimal vectoring to "your" scout.

•Encourage your son to use the chain of command and to communicate

•Stress “endurance”! 110% attendance WILL cause burn out. . . 50% campouts is ok!

Troop 200 sincerely welcomes you and we're glad you and your son chose us!

New Scout and/or Adult Leader Checklist

Review the following documents from the Troop website under the LIBRARY tab: (Password is “slumc”)

- Troop 200 Guidelines – MUST READ. There’s a ton of good info to get you going on the right foot! ("***T200 Documents")

- Troop 200 adults & patrol rosters – has adult and scout contact info ("**T200 Rosters - …" )

- Troop 200 calendar - has dates for all upcoming campouts and meetings ("*Upcoming Event Info"). The home page also has lots of info on upcoming meetings and campouts.

Turn in the following paperwork to Advancements Coordinator, Natalie Wilbert:

1.BSA application & fee. Annual National BSA dues are $24 (pro-rated @ $2/month) for those who are not currently registered. If you are transferring from another Pack/Troop, there is no transfer fee. Checks payable to Troop 200.

** Note to ADULTS: Youth Protection Certificate MUST be submitted along with Adult Application. Training can be done online. Contact Troop 200 Training Coordinator, Libby Perdue, with any questions.

2. BSA Health Form (required before you can go camping) (Section #3 under Library tab). BSA requires medical forms be updated annually. **Be sure both parent/scout sign and include a copy of your insurance card. Contact Natalie Wilbert if you have questions.

3.T200 Scout and/or Adult Personal Data Collection Form (***New Scout Info under Library tab). This form is a must to ensure we have your contact information correct in our Troopmaster database.

4.For parents/guardians who are not registering to become leaders, please complete the Adult Volunteer Form to let us knowwhere you would like to help.

Be sure you have:

- Troop 200 Unit Numeral patch ($5), neckerchief (1st one free- replacements $12)

- Troop 200 t-shirts (Activity uniform) and T200 hoodie. T-shirt are usually in stock; hoodies are ordered semi-annually thru the Troop.

- Photo taken for Troopmaster database (in Field uniform)

SCOUTS: T200 dues are $10.00 a month paid through your patrol's scribe (checks payable to Troop 200). This process can be explained by the Troop Treasurer or Advancements Chair, just ask. If dues are not current, Scouts cannot go on campouts or do advancement board of review.

SCOUT ACCOUNTS: Be sure to always keep a balance in your account sufficient to cover expenses. This is essentially the scouts' checkbook with the troop. When you go on a campout, the campout fee will be taken directly from your Scout Account. If the Troop does fundraising, your share goes dirdirectly into the Scout Account.

Welcome to Troop 200


Did you know that scouting is for parents as well as boys! We know you’ve got talents and interests that can help us continue our scouting program and keep it one of the best in the Colonial Virginia Council for your son and his friends. Our troop leaders know you have skills that will help in the troop.

We appreciate your completing and returning to us this Volunteer Sign-up because every little bit truly helps. Our goal is for every family to actively assist the troop either Committee member, Assistant Scoutmaster, Merit Badge counselor or at a minimum—by helping out with one or more of our many projects throughout the year!

Please return this form along with your son's paperwork


Cal PerdueEric Horton

T200 Committee ChairmanT200 Scoutmaster


Troop 200 Parent Volunteer Signup

PARENT: ______

SCOUT: ______

 I enjoy working with the scouts and I’d like to serve as a Merit Badge Counselor several times ayear.

 I enjoy working behind the scenes and would like to work on the Committee supporting the troop.

 I enjoy the outdoors and would like to go camping as an adult leader on the troop outings.

 I can’t be a leader right now, but I’m an interested parent and can assist by helping at a troop event- just call or email me when you need help!

The best way to contact me: ( home phone / cell phone / email ):


My skills/interests include:
