Principal – J. Currie

Vice Principal – W. Y. Mok

Chairpersons – M. Wall-Ryel, B. Kis

Office Assistants – H. Evelyn, C. Staub

Trustee – P. Gough



8:25 AMYard Supervision begins

8:40 – 8:50Morning entry all students

8:50 – 11:30Morning classes (1-6/7)

10:20 - 10:30Recess (Gr. 1-6/7)

11:30 – 12:24Lunch

12:30 – 3:10Afternoon classes (K-6/7)

2:00 – 2:10Recess (Gr. 1-6/7)

3:10Dismissal (1–6/7)

3:25 PMYard Supervision ends

8:25 AMYard Supervision begins

8:40 – 8:50Morning entry all students

8:50 – 11:22Morning classes (Gr.7/8)

11:22 – 12:24Lunch

12:30 – 3:02Afternoon classes

3:02Dismissal (Gr. 7/8)

3:17 PMYard Supervision ends



Students who are not IN CLASS by 8:50 in the morning and 12:30 in the

afternoon will be marked late and must sign in at the office for a late slip BEFORE proceeding to class. For Middle School students, lateness is recorded and will result in an-after school detention with the Principal or Vice Principal. If a student needs to leave early for any reason, he/she must

be signed out at the office.


During school hours, for safety reasons, all doors at James S. Bell will be locked. We have a surveillance system and entry may be gained by ringing the doorbell at the front door. At the end of the school day, parents are asked to wait for their child outside. All visitors are asked to report to the School Office.


At James S. Bell, character development is woven into its programs, practices and interactions. It becomes a way of life. Student success is dependent on a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued. This starts by teaching our students about the value of character – respecting themselves and each other, making positive contributions to their school and community and thinking critically and creatively. Character development is a shared responsibility. Together with the schools, family and community members must engage and cooperate to encourage student learning and maturing. Together, we can make it happen.


James S. Bell Junior Middle School is a community of eager learners, supportive parents and caring, progressive educators, where each child strives to attain personal excellence. Through our dynamic integration of academic, artistic, sports, fitness and technological skills, we build a strong foundation for lifetimes of accomplishment and discovery.


  • Our learners will develop to their fullest academic potential.
  • Our learners will develop and demonstrate self esteem, personal responsibility and mutual respect.
  • Our learners will act as responsible citizens in a global community.

We will ensure a collaborative, supportive atmosphere within the James S. Bell community. We will implement the Board’s policy for a safe and violence-free school. We will demonstrate and develop in our learners the understanding, the skills, and the values needed to co-exist in our culturally diverse and changing society. We will provide a curriculum encompassing that set out by the Ontario Ministry of Education.


It is our goal to provide all of our students and staff with a safe and secure learning environment. All students are expected to:

  • Attend school regularly and punctually
  • Participate actively and responsibly in their learning
  • Be respectful of all people
  • Follow school and class rules and routines
  • Treat all property and equipment with care
  • Behave properly on school grounds
  • Keep the school free of litter and vandalism
  • Respect community members and their property
  • Solve problems peacefully

It is essential that all students realize the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. The following list defines some of the possible actions which may be taken in an effort to help students gain the skills they need to act appropriately.

  • Counselling by teacher/ administration/ guidance counsellor
  • Informing a parent/guardian
  • Detention
  • Withdrawal of privileges
  • Formal interview with parent/guardian
  • Support of student services or outside agencies
  • Suspension

Refer to the Safe Schools section of this planner for the Consequences of Inappropriate Student Behaviour Chart.


The school relies on the good judgment of parents and students to ensure that students dress appropriately for school. Appropriate dress requires that students show respect for themselves and the overall school environment.

Some guidelines for appropriate dress are:

Tops must overlap bottoms and spaghetti-strap tops are not permitted without an over shirt. Loose basketball-type tops are not permitted unless accompanied by a

T-shirt underneath. We do not permit short shorts or skirts, bandanas, jewelry with studs, heavy chains or clothing with inappropriate language or graphics.

Flip-flops are not permitted. In the winter months, students need to have shoes at school. Boots are removed at lockers or the entrance to classrooms. Stocking feet are a safety hazard. Students must be prepared for a fire drill and therefore shoes must be worn at all times in school.


Middle school students should be prepared to have Physical Education every day. Weencourage the students to purchase shorts and shirts from the school. Running shoes are essential.

All jewelry must be removed for Physical Education classes.


If a student becomes ill during the day, parents will be called in order to make arrangements for the child to go home. In case of serious accident, every effort will be made to contact parents.

For this reason, it is imperative that we have up-to-date telephone numbers for all parents and emergency contacts. We are prepared to update our records at any time. Please let the office know if telephone numbers change.


Some pupils may require the regular use of prescribed medication during school hours. In such situations the principal, vice principal or office staff may assist the child, provided that the following procedures are followed:

  1. A signed authorization form is provided by the parent/guardian.
  2. Directions signed by the doctor are submitted to the office.
  3. Medication is in its original container properly labelled with the name of the child, the name of the medication and the time and dosage prescribed.
  4. The parent/guardian updates medical information regularly.
  5. Medication such as Tylenol or Advil will not be dispensed.

*In case of a serious emergency, 911 will be called.


Dismissal time is 3:02 pm for the grade 7/8 classes. Some students may be kept later for remedial help, after-school sports, extra-curricular activities or detentions. All students are expected to go directly home when they are dismissed.

Outdoor supervision by teachers ends at 3:17 pm.


A newsletter, with a calendar of events for the next month, will be sent home on the last Thursday of each month. As a rule, James S. Bell tries to send school-wide letters home on Thursdays.


Personal digital assistants, smart phones, and similar electronic devices may be used during instructional class time for educational purposes, if permitted by the teacher. Personal electronic devices may be used outside of instructional class time, so long as the use of these devices does not distract from instructional class time and extracurricular activities. The school recommends, however, that these items are turned off and safely stored during the school day. Devices whose sole function is to play music and electronic video games are not permitted at school and should be kept at home. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST ITEMS.


Students in Grades 5/6 to 8 will be assigned lockers on the first day of school. Combination locks may be purchased from the school for $5.00. Students are

warned not to share lock combinations as this is the only safe place for the students’ property.


This agenda is an important tool for communication between home and school. Homework is an important part of the learning process and we encourage the use of this planner for recording and managing time for completion of homework.

We strongly encourage parents/guardians to check the planners daily with their child to help ensure homework is completed and to be prepared for class trips and events at school.


All ‘found’ items may be placed in the Lost and Found bins inside the parking lot doors or they may be turned in at the office. If you have lost an article, please check the Lost and Found bins.

We recommend that you label all your child’s clothing, especially gym uniforms.


Students are encouraged to go home for lunch. The opportunity to have a break from school and eat lunch at home in a quiet place is beneficial. They may also stay at school. These students will be supervised in the gym or hot lunch rooms and then in the school yard. They are expected to stay at school for lunch and may not leave school property unless a note from a parent is provided.

  • No nut products may be sent in lunches. We have students with serious allergies to nuts.
  • NO glass bottles are allowed at school.
  • We run a litterless lunch program – please use recyclable containers.
  • Sharing food is not permittedbecause of allergies.
  • It is a privilege to eat lunch at school. Students are expected to remain seated and to talk quietly in the lunch room.
  • Students who fail to follow the lunchroom routines may lose the privilege of eating at school.
  • Students who stay at school for lunch MUST stay on schoolproperty.


Once a month, students in each division are brought together for a celebration assembly. Parents are welcome to join in. The dates are publicized on the monthly calendar.


The School Council’s role is to provide input to assist the school in making decisions regarding educational matters. The Executive is elected by the beginning of October and the Council holds regularly scheduled evening meetings. Parents are encouraged to attend.


Parents are encouraged to help out on trips as well as in the classroom. At James S. Bell, we need parent volunteers to help in the Library, read with children and work with students in many other ways. Volunteering at school is an excellent way to showsupport for your child’s school.


Parents are always encouraged to work collaboratively with their child’s teacher. Open communication between home and school will help to ensure that your child meets with success at school. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher through the office if you have a concern.


We are very fortunate at James S. Bell to have a library that is open every day for students. Students are welcomed and encouraged to take out books for reading pleasure as well as for projects and information. Students are responsible for the books they take out and need to return them on time. Lost books must be replaced and the cost will be discussed with the Teacher Librarian.


James S. Bell offers a Hot lunch Program for Grades 1 to 8. Registration forms will be sent home as space is limited. The Hot Lunch program runs Monday to Thursday, which includes a Salad Bar on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All students who stay for lunch are required to bring lunch on Fridays. We also have a Breakfast Club. Students may go to Breakfast Club any morning between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. The cost is 75¢ for a drink and $1.00 for the breakfast.




Parents’ Work or Cell Numbers