Saturday, October 7, 2017

10 am – 8 pm

CHAIRPERSON:* represents the booth as the leader and makes sure the booth is run/managed properly with adequate volunteers. One chair per booth will receive a complimentary festival t-shirt (while supplies last). Please contact Joy Onorato at: with questions or to confirm as a chairperson. * Must be VIRTUS trained.

SPONSORS: A sponsor is a person or organization that provides funds for a booth, activity or supplies. Please contact Gail Killough at or 281-513-2927 to confirm a sponsorship.

RAFFLE TICKETS: Each family is encouraged to sell (or buy) 3 books of raffle tickets. Please return sold tickets and payment to the church. If you are unable to sell your tickets, please return them to the church. If you need additional tickets to buy or sell, see a staff member in the church office or a committee member after mass.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please sign up to work 2 hour shifts during the festival or help with set-up the day before the festival. Visit the church website festival page at: and then click on the SignUpGenius link. Or to go directly to the sign-up, type in: Contact Melanie Manalang with questions at:

SILENT AUCTION: If you would like to donate an item to the silent auction, please bring it to the church next weekend. If you have questions, please contact:

Dana Pike: or 713-927-3071

or Patrice Krus:r 713-466-0850

VENDORS: To reserve a vendor booth to sell your crafts/goods, contact:

Valerie Delafosse: or713-305-5778

CAKE BOOTH: Calling all bakers! Over 100 cakes are needed for the cake booth. Bring yours to the Education Building Friday before the festival.

FESTIVAL T-SHIRTS: T-shirts will go on September 23/24 for $15 each, cash or check only. Quantity is limited and will be sold on a first come, first served basis.