Spring Promotion Reviews
- Continue preparation for Spring promotion(s) (Associate and Full Professor). Consult promotion schedule for the Spring semester with applicable deadlines and guidance on preparing materials for review:
Third Year Reviews:
- Identify all third year tenure track faculty for purposes of planning obligatory third year review to be conducted with Dean before end of Spring semester of their third year.
Teaching Observations: (Article 18 of CBA: 18.2(b)).
- Identify those for whom the department will need to schedule (at least two during each semester) required teaching observations of, at a minimum, the following:
-allnon-certificated teaching staff;
-tenured faculty at the assistant and associate levels (i.e., eligible for promotion); and
-appropriate adjuncts (i.e. with less than ten semesters of service).
- Identify those for whom the department will need to schedule teaching observations of adjuncts with ten or more semesters of service only at the request of the Chairperson or adjunct.
- Teaching observations of tenured full professors and certificated members of the teaching staff are also advised and these may be done once each semester.
- Note that employees must be given no less than 24-hours notification of observation, and note that one of the two teaching observations must be conducted during the first ten weeks of the semester.
- Each observer must submit a written observation report through the Chair to the Departmental P&B within one week of the observation.
- A post-observation conference (including the employee and the observer, and if requested, either a member of the Department P&B or a tenured associate or full professor from the department) must be scheduled by the Chairperson within two weeks after receipt of the written observation report(s).
- Following the post-observation conference, the assigned P&B representative or senior faculty member must prepare a record of the conference discussion in memorandum form.
- The original conference discussion memorandum should be initialed by the employee and then must be placed in the personal file (part of the personnel file maintained by HR).
Performance Evaluations: (Article 18 of CBA: 18.3).
- Confirm that required annual evaluations have been conducted, documented, and placed in the personal file (part of the personnel file maintained by HR).
- Members of the teaching faculty other than tenured full professors (including adjuncts with less than four semesters of service) must be evaluated at least annually.
- Tenured full professors may be evaluated annually.
- Adjuncts with four or more semesters of service must receive annual evaluations only at the request of the Chairperson or adjunct.
- Annual evaluations for teaching faculty consist of:
-preparation of a record of this discussion in memorandum form provided to the employee within ten working days after the conference, initialed by the employee and placed in the personal file (part of the personnel file maintained by HR).
- Annual evaluations of non-teaching staff (including librarians, CLTs, Counselors, Student Personnel Services staff, Registrar series, HEO series and other non-teaching members of the Instructional Staff) must be evaluated at least annually (preferably once each semester).
- Annual evaluations of non-teaching staff (including librarians, CLTs, Counselors, Student Personnel Services staff, Registrar series, HEO series and other non-teaching members of the Instructional Staff) consist of:
- preparation of a record of this discussion in memorandum form provided to the employee within ten working days after the conference, and placed in the personal file.
Other administrative responsibilities
- By the start of this month, you have determined with your Dean whether any changes need to be made to the Spring budget in terms of the amount of adjunct funding available for your Department’s use, and discussed any changes in adjunct needs for the Spring semester maximizing the contractual teaching loads for full time faculty, and the allocation of adjunct resources to classes, utilizing any other existing teaching resources (e.g., appropriate HEOs and administrators) and taking into account that adjunct overloads are not permitted.
- Assure you have input workload allocations for all FT faculty into CUNY First. (Note obligation to maximize teaching by veteran faculty and proper allocation of reassigned time for authorized research or administrative functions only.)
- Assure you have on file completed Workload Reporting Forms for all adjunct instructional staff and graduate assistants. Waivers of the applicable caps are essentially not permitted and in the extraordinary event that you seek one there must be a verifiable emergency which is interpreted very narrowly by the PSC:
- Confirm PAFs (Personnel Action Forms) for new and reappointed adjuncts were submitted to HR.
- Submit FT teaching PAFs for Fall semester to HR no later than the end of the first week of January.
- Invite faculty to serve as registration advisors. (Contact information for those who agree to serve will be posted on departmental web pages.)
- Submit all time and leave records for the previous time and leave year by the end of January.
- Remember departmental attendance reports for FT faculty are due monthly.
- Departmental attendance reports for FT faculty to OHR due monthly no later than the end of the first week of the month.
Remind faculty returning from fellowship or scholar incentive leaves that they must submit a report of their activities to the Chair with a copy to the Dean and the Provost. (The report is due within 30 days after the instructor returns.)
- Complete Winter Session related work including web attendance and grading. Tutorials for these responsibilities can be found at:
- Submit time and leave records monthly for all full time staff (including faculty except for the months of June, July, and August) no later than the first week of the following month.
- Assign faculty mentor for new faculty.
Reappointments (HEOs)
- Confirm receipt from HR of notification regarding HEOs who are up for reappointment (see article 13, CBA:
- Reappointment notification dates for HEOs vary depending on the number of times they have been reappointed.
- In general, upon the 6threappointment and 8 years of service, a HEO receives a Certificate of Continual Administrative Service. This is referred to as “13(3)b status” and is a form of “tenure” for the HEO administrative staff.
- In general, notice of reappointment or non-reappointment must be given on or before April 1stfor the first and second reappointments determinations, and by March 1stfor all subsequent reappointments determinations.
- Begin assessment of HEOs who must be notified by March 1st of reappointment or non-reappointment.
Reappointments (Faculty)
- Identify faculty members (including lecturers and CLT’s) who are up for reappointment (see Article 10 of PSC CUNY contract titled: Schedule for Notification of Reappointment and Non-Reappointment;
- Reappointment notification dates for faculty members (including lecturers and CLT’s) vary depending on the category of faculty that they are in and the number of times they have been reappointed.
- In general, faculty members in Tenure-Bearing and Certificate-Bearing Titles must be notified of appointmentor non-reappointment as follows
-If in their first year of service and hired on February 1, then on or before May 1st
- If in their second or later years of continuous service, with certain exceptions, then on or before December 1st. The exceptions are that lecturers in their second year of service must be informed by April 1st and persons hired in institutes and centers must receive notice on or before May 1st, and persons reappointed as a result of proceedings under Article 20/Grievances must receive notice on or before May 1st.
Reappointments (Adjuncts – This should be in November and April, right ? )
- Confirm receipt from HR of notification regarding adjuncts who are up for reappointment. Note that full-time staff members who are also adjuncts are not notified. In general, adjuncts hired on a semester basis receive notification of reappointment or non-reappointment on or before December 1st for the Spring semester or May 1st for the Fall semester. Note that notification of reappointment is subject to sufficiency of registration and changes in curriculum which must be communicated as soon as they are known and in general, prior to the start of the semester. Adjuncts who have served in the same department of the college for six or more consecutive semesters (exclusive of Summer sessions) during the three year period immediately proceeding the anticipated reappointment or non-reappointment must be notified on or about May 15th of their reappointment or non-reappointment for both the following Fall and Spring semesters. This notification is similarly subject to sufficiency of registration and changes in curriculum which must be communicated as soon as they are known and in general, prior to the start of the semester.
- Confirm divisional approval received for supporting visa or immigration (permanent residency) process for faculty requiring such support.
- In general, the cost of H1B processing and labor certification phase of the immigration process is borne by the college but such costs for adjuncts are borne by the department/division.
- In general, the college’s legal department provided adequate resources and time for processing handles H1B processing.
- Confirm necessary submissions have been made to the Legal Department in support of approved visa or other immigration status in order to teach .
- Continue to check on the progress of visas or any other immigration status for any foreign faculty who we have agreed to assist and who require immigration related documents such as visas in order to teach the Spring semester.
- Confirm necessary submissions have been made in support of such individuals.
- Note that the Queens College Legal Department requires approval of the Chair and Dean to pursue immigration status applications on behalf of Queens College faculty, and handles a limited number of visa applications in-house (i.e, without outside counsel). Advance notice of any such application of at least four months is required. Note that most visas are not transferable from one college to another. Any questions concerning this process should be directed to Donna Livecchi or Meryl Kaynard at 718-997-5725.
February (See boldfor February deadlines)
Spring Promotion Reviews
- Continue preparation for promotion(s) (Associate and Full Professor). Consult promotion schedule for the Spring semester with applicable deadlines:
- Begin conducting obligatory third year reviews of all third year tenure track faculty to be conducted with Dean before end of Spring semester. Such reviews are to be conducted with the Dean before the end of the Spring semester. Policy:
- Conduct required teaching observations of, at a minimum, all untenured faculty, tenured faculty coming up for promotion, non-certificated teaching staff, and appropriate adjuncts (Article 18 of CBA: Teaching observations of faculty eligible for future promotions are also necessary and observations of full professors are also advised.
- If Department plans curriculum changes, keep in mind it takes at least 3 months for minor changes to go through the UCC (Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: or GCC (Graduate Curriculum Committee:
- Prepare Fall semester course schedule and discuss with your Divisional Dean.
- At the start of this month, discuss with your Dean:
- 1. The anticipated classes scheduled for the fall semester (taking into account appropriate pre-requisites for students, enrollment patterns, and classes anticipated to be offered in subsequent semester);
- 2. How to maximize the contractual teaching loads for full time faculty for the scheduled classes;
- 3. Utilization of any other existing teaching resources (e.g., appropriate HEOs and administrators);
- 4. Anyadjunct needs (taking into account that adjunct overloads are not permitted).
- Discuss whether any changes need to be made for the Spring budget in terms of the current adjunct funding available for your Department’s use.
Other administrative responsibilities
- Prepare materials necessary to do reappointment assessments for adjuncts for Fall semester and schedule vote by the departmental Pand B for such reappointment decisions. Adjuncts hired on a semester basis must receive notice of appointment or non-reappointment before May 1st in the Spring semester. Adjuncts who have served in the same department for not fewer than 6 consecutive semesters (not including summer session) for the three year period immediately preceding the appointment, must be notified on or about May 15th of appointment (or non-appointment) for both the following Fall and Spring semesters.
- Determine with your Dean whether any requests for changes (with rationale) need to be made to the amount of adjunct funding available for your Department’s use for the Fall semester.
- Discuss any potential changes in adjunct needs for Fall Semester with Dean and Departmental P&B maximizing the contractual teaching loads for full time faculty and the allocation of adjunct resources to classes, utilizing any other existing teaching resources (e.g., appropriate HEOs and administrators) and taking into account, that adjunct overloads are not permitted. (Note that selection process for adjuncts is the Chair’s responsibility and domain with input from faculty if requested).
- Decide on reappointments for all HEOs up for reappointment by March 1.
- Assure HEOs who were to be notified by March 1st of reappointment or non-reappointment receive letters by March 1st.
- Determine those instructional staff members up for reappointment in full-time tenure bearing or CCE track teaching titles including those in: Professorial titles, Instructors,CLTs and Lecturers.
- (Does faculty include professorial titles, instructors, CLTs an lecturers) What about “ all other members of the instructional staff “referenced in Article 10.1b? What about research staff ?
- Prepare to do reappointment assessments for faculty who must be advised of reappointment or non-reappointment for Fall term by April 1 or May 1. Faculty members who must be advised by April 1 are those who were hired on an annual basis on September 1 who are up for their first reappointment and Lecturers who were hired on an annual basis who are in their second year. Faculty members who must be advised by May 1 are those who were hired on an annual basis on February 1st who are up for their first reappointment. Under certain circumstances (i.e. persons hired in Institutes and Centers or reappointed as a result of other proceedings), notice must be on or before May 1. See Article 10, CBA:
- Departmental attendance reports for FT faculty due monthly no later than the end of the first week of the month.
- Ensure that faculty has completed web attendance rosters for courses by February. Tutorials on web attendance here: and additional CUNY First guides for faculty:
- Notify faculty of deadlines for fellowship leave and scholar incentive leave applications (March 1 for Spring of following year and November 1 for Fall of the following year). Refer to the following list for specific obligations and deadlines:.
- Academic Program Review self studies due at the end of month for scheduled departments and programs.
- Assure Departmental P& B reviews credentials of all persons eligible for Promotion and votes, and by mid February inform the candidates and Divisional Dean of Departmental P&B recommendations.
- Prepare Chair’s letter with respect to these promotions, which letter must accompany materials to be sent to Divisional Dean.
- By mid February send Divisional Dean completed forms for candidates being recommended by Department for promotion titled: Cover page and Departmental report (formerly Form A) and Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement (formerly Form B). Both forms can be found here: .
- By third week in February, send Divisional Dean completed forms described above for candidates who appeal a P&B decision or are without the department’s affirmative recommendation (WDAR).
- Submit time and leave records monthly for all full time staff (including faculty except for the months of June, July, and August) no later than the first week of the following month.
- Appoint search committee for approved full-time academic postion searches.
- Submit verification of attendance rosters for all classes by the third week of February. Registrar will contact all faculty with deadlines.
- Continue to check on the progress of visas or any other immigration status for any foreign faculty who we have agreed to assist and who require immigration related documents such as visas in order to teach the Spring semester.
- Confirm necessary submissions have been made in support of such individuals.
- Note that the Queens College Legal Department requires approval of the Chair and Dean to pursue immigration status applications on behalf of Queens College faculty, and handles a limited number of visa applications in-house (i.e, without outside counsel). Advance notice of any such application of at least four months is required. Note that most visas are not transferable from one college to another. Any questions concerning this process should be directed to Donna Livecchi or Meryl Kaynard at 718-997-5725.
March (See bold for March deadlines)
Spring Promotion Reviews
- By end of the first week of March, forward to Divisional Deanappropriate files and all supporting materials for candidates for promotion (Associate and Full Professor), including those who are WDAR. Include the candidates’ doctoral dissertation and publications. Consult promotion schedule for the Spring semester for applicable deadlines:
- Present promotion cases at Divisional Caucus meeting.
- Discuss presentation with Dean who presents to Committee of Seven in April.