The Neighbourhood Plan was passed at the referendum on 22ndMay lastyear. The result was 66% voting “yes” with a 59% turnout. More than 50% of those voting needed to say “yes” in order for the document to become part of Broadland District Council’s Local Plan, allowing it to be a main consideration during the planning process for any application made in Strumpshaw.

Since then work has been slow due to complications with setting up trustees.


David Varley will give a report later in the Meeting.


For theyear April 2014 – March 2015 there were a total of 18 crimes with 5 detections, downslightly on last year when there were 20 crimes but 10 detections

I reiterate that it is good-neighbourly to reportsuspicious activities tothe police. The number for emergencies is 999 and non-Emergencies101 and the main switchboard at Wymondham is01953 424242.


Strumpshaw Parish Council has considered 5 planning applications this year, three of which the Council supported, the last two were for the same application; the first time Broadland District Council took on board some of the Parish Council’s objections and the second time overruled the Parish Council.


Dog mess

Still a problem with so far no solution.

Fly Tipping

Still a problem but Broadland District Council Environmental Protection Team are excellent at cleaning up, just a shame they have to.


This is one area where the Council has made progress. We borrowed a SAM from Blofield Parish Councilfor 8 weeks at the tail end of last year. It was perceived by parishioners to be effective in slowing traffic while it was in place. Sadly we still have no money tobuy one of our own evenwith a Parish Partnership grant. But if anyone wants to volunteer to raise the necessary £1,500 or so, please see me.

I need to thank Paul Dexter who volunteered to move the SAM every week. This is part of the agreement in having one.


The Council has bought two noticeboards; one each for Buckenham and Hassingham where the broadband is negligible. I urge the parishioners to use them. They were funded with grant money from The Big Lottery and Broadland District Council and cost the Parish Council nothing.


Two councillors stood at the election on 7 May, three could not get their paperwork in in time for various good reasons, and they will be co-opted. Two councillors Paul Dexter and Carla Sutherland stood down at the elections. As usual I have to thank all these people for their hard work and dedication to the communityand support to me.

I think I have found twomore people to co-opt, bringing us back to full strength.

The others I have to thank are BADCOG for their work at Buckenham Woods and our volunteer tree warden Alasdair Fraser for his work both at Buckenham Woods and round and about the villages.

As usual I want to thank my fellow councillors and the clerk for their support during the past year.

Alison Peart

18 May 2015