As the first year of the current term for Thurmaston Parish Council draws to an end, I thought it would be appropriate to report the Councils activities and achievements over the last year.

The new Council opened in May with 17 members and one vacancy and Councillor Matthew Brookes was co-opted during the May meeting and Councillor Fakir Osman to make a full council of 19 members.

The Council has delivered many successful activities and projects over the last year via the Committees as follows:-

Memorial Hall and Cemetery Committee:

The Memorial Hall committee has 8 members and is chaired by Councillor Davies, I would like to thank Councillor Davies and members of the committee for their contributions.

Over the last year the Memorial Hall and Cemetery committee have been busy with the progression of the new cemetery extension including the completion of stage 3 which included the marking of parking spaces and the creation of the peace garden. The peace garden was turfed and landscaped and two commemorative benches have been installed in commemoration of WW1and WW2. A new ornate noticeboard has been installed at the entrance to the Cemetery.

The Cemetery Headstone restoration project has progressed, Section E is now complete and the project will continue throughout the new Financial Year.

Due to a successful funding bid for grant funding from Stepping Stones, several trees have been planted to the right hand side of the Cemetery Extension to create the start of the Woodland Walk.

The Memorial Hall has benefited from new front door and interior decoration, brick BBQs will be installed on the field near to the picnic benches.

The Memorial Hall continues to be the base for the local Police Beat Team.

Leisure Centre and Parks Committee:

The Leisure Centre and Parks Committee has 10 members and is chaired by Councillor Hill, I would like to thank Councillor Hill and members of the committee for their contributions.

Over the last year the Leisure Centre, pavilion and Parks have benefited from several successful projects and refurbishments and the committee have managed and delivered activities as follows:

Elizabeth Park Sports Centre:

·  Children’s Activity Programs: The Centre Staff have successfully organised a program of multi sports days and craft days for local children, over Easter holidays and summer holidays. The sessions have proved extremely popular over the last year with the current Easter program fully booked with a waiting list.

Following a successful bid for a staying healthy grant from CBC, new equipment and provisions have been purchased to enhance activities for the camps.

·  3G Artificial Turf Pitches:

The pitches continue to be fully booked weekday evenings, and becoming more popular with local clubs for tournaments and events.

·  Outdoor Gym Equipment

Following a successful bid for 106 Funding, an outdoor gym facility has been installed on Elizabeth Park. The new gym equipment is designed for youths and adults providing a range of exercise experiences free of charge for the use of the community.

·  Solar Panels

Solar Panels have been installed at the Sports Centre to support the electricity costs of running the Sports Centre. This should generate a substantial saving on electricity.

·  Hall Lights

Decorative lights have been installed into the Main Hall to enhance lighting for functions.

·  Groundsman’s Office and Store

The former storeroom at the rear of the sports centre has been converted to provide a spacious office for the Grounds Team, and a brick workshop has been developed providing for storage and maintenance.

Jubilee Park:

Thurmaston Magpies Juniors continue to benefit from use of the pitches and changing facilities and Thurmaston Boxing Club from use of the pavilion throughout the last year.

Silverdale Park:

New Entrance

A new pedestrian and vehicular entrance has been created within the new housing development on Alpine Drive off Silverdale Drive.


Following success of a bid for 106 Funding, a new multi-use games court has been provided on Silverdale Park.

Picnic Benches

Two new picnic benches have been installed within the Park following requests from local residents.

Environmental Committee:

The Environmental Committee consists of 11 members and is chaired by Councillor Seaton, I would like to thank Councillor Seaton and members of the committee for their contributions during the last 12 months.

Over the last year the committee has considered and commented on planning applications within the Parish, representing the residents by supporting their concerns on many applications.

The Committee has composed and submitted a responses to several consultations including - the Local Government Boundary Review – Electoral Review of Leicestershire, the Council were in support of the current arrangement with Thurmaston retaining a County Councillor.

Other consultations included the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service integrated Risk Management Plan proposals, objecting to the proposed reduction in services. More recently the Committee responded the consultation re the relocation of the post office. In accordance with responses received from the local residents, the Committee agreed a comprehensive response in objection to the proposals, particularly in view of perceived parking problems and proximity to the busy dual carriageway and main road junction.

The committee have supported the residents of the Checkland Road estate to resolve the ongoing parking problems and anti-social behavior problems in the area.

Highway issues have been reposted and monitored including flooding under Churchill Road Bridge, overgrown hedges and grass verges throughout the Parish, blocked drains, fly tipping, pot holes and street lighting to name but a few . . . .

Health and Safety and HR Committee:

The Health and Safety and HR Committee has 5 members and is chaired by Council Bedder MBE. I would like to thank Councillor Bedder and members of the committee for their hard work throughout the year.

The Health and Safety Committee have monitored and managed all Council and Events Team functions over the last year including the Carnival and Christmas Lights Event. Additionally, the Committee have provided Health and Safety Management of the following Council projects over the last year which are:-

Construction of the Groundsman’s Office and Store

Construction of the Multi-Use Games Area

New Entrance

New Gym Equipment

Cemetery Extension Work

The hard work and commitment of this Committee has facilitated a considerable saving in Health and Safety Management fees for Council Projects. The Health and Safety Committee have also reviewed the Councils Policies and Procedures and updated Risk Assessments where necessary.

Finally, I would like to thank my Vice Chairman Councillor Hill, all members of the Council and the Clerks and staff for their support over the last four years.

Annual Accounts

The following is the statement of accounts for the latest audited accounts of Thurmaston Parish Council plus the previous year, as a comparison.

31/03/13 / 31/03/14
Balances brought forward / 290,389 / 282,807
Annual Precept / 306,580 / 271,862
Other Receipts / 217,692 / 209,835
Staff Costs / 227,965 / 240,294
Loan Interest/Capital Repayments / 24,027 / 24,027
Other Payments / 279,862 / 220,313
Balances carried forward / 282,807 / 279,870
Cash & short term investments / 244,197 / 274,472
Total borrowing / 131,838 / 118,580