Welcome to WillowBrookSchool


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Welcome to WillowBrookPrimary School

To all prospective parents and carers,

On behalf of the whole staff team, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to WillowBrookPrimary School. We recognise that choosing a school for your child’s education is a very important step and our school brochure is intended to help you find out more about life here at Willow Brook.If you have any further questions or would like to come and get a better ‘feel’ for the school then please phone to arrange a visit. You will be more than welcome.

First and foremost, we want our children to be happy and to feel safe and secure - this is essential if a child is to thrive and enjoy learning.Everyone at Willow Brook is committed to providing a high quality education for all our children through a broad and balanced curriculum. We devote a great deal of time, effort and energy to planning for the achievement of our children, helping them to discover new talentsand to be successful in their own right, regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances.

We believe that we can only achieve the best for your child if we all work together to achieve our aims. We will always be available to talk to you about any aspect of your child’s development and hope that you will be involved in the many opportunities to share in your child’s education.

I hope that your family’s association with WillowBrookSchool will be a long and happy one and that you will be able to look back at their time here with fondness and pride.

Yours sincerely,

Ly Toom

Head Teacher.


2Welcome to WillowBrookSchool


4WillowBrookSchool Aims

5Who’s Who at WillowBrookSchool - staff

6Who’s Who at WillowBrookSchool - Governors

7General Information


9School sessions / Attendance

10School Uniform

11PE Kit

11Our Curriculum

12Our Curriculum

13Our Curriculum

13School trips, Visits and Visitors

14Extra Curricular Provision

15Reporting to Parents

15Pastoral Care

16Starting School at Willow Brook

16Admission Arrangements


17Health and Safety

18Children’s Photographs

18‘Wicked Willows’ out of school club

19‘Friends of Willow Brook’

19Parents and Toddlers – Tuesday club

20How can I help my child?

20Special Educational Needs

21Assessment – End of Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments

21Assessment - End of Key Stage 2 Test Results

22School Complaints Procedure

23HomeSchool Agreement


WillowBrookPrimary School is a happycommunitywhere we share a love for learning and where all are encouraged to embrace opportunities and discover new talents in a stimulating and caring environment.

We believe that these five words sum up our aims for our children very well. They are displayed around school and we call them our 5 Cs.


“In anything we do we use our imaginations which makes things exciting.” Jacob, Year 4

“I can make up a story in my head and everyone loves hearing stories!” Yasmin, Year 1


“Doing little things in our village matters. We get invited to meet all sorts of people!” Michael, Year 6

“I like it when the Salvation Army comes to play in the playground. We sing carols with our mums and dads and it feels really Christmassy.” Jack, Year 2


“When I moved schools, everyone made me feel welcome. It feels like I’ve always been here.” Lottie, Year 6

“The big children play games with us at break time. I let them use my real basketball if they want to.” Cole, Reception


“I’m proud because I always get picked for the school cross country. I’ve never come first but I just keep trying and hope that one day I will.” Alfie, Year 6

“Our school play took a long time to practice but it was worth it because our parents said it was brilliant!” Maddison, Year 6


“If you want to do it, just do it. Everyone will cheer you on!” George, Year 5

“No one laughs at you at Willow Brook – you can perform, compete and sing and feel proud of what you have achieved.” Emma, Year 6


Head Teacher:Ly Toom (SENco)

Assistant Head Teacher:Louise Ballard


CLASS 1 - ReceptionLouise Ballard

CLASS 2 - Year 1/Year 2:Simon Tuckwell

CLASS 4 - Year 2/Year 3:Jamie Jones

CLASS 5 - Year 4/Year 5:Helen Dalkin

CLASS 6 – Year 5/Year 6:Janet Noblet

Willow BrookKaren Richards

PreSchool staff:Sue Needham

Christine Shepherd

Tracey Maxwell

Paula Drury

Teaching Assistants:Carmel Zawodniak

Alison Hallsworth

Lauren Hollingshead

Catherine Brown

Paula Phillips

Office Managers:Amanda Brown

Paula Phillips

Site Manager:Robert Castledine

Cleaner:Julie Brooker


Midday Supervisors:Chantel Posnett (Senior Midday Supervisor)

Kelly Severn

Pat Hall

Susan Donington

Carol Field

Paula Drury

Kate Martindale

Pam Burrell

Evelyn Edwards


Local Authority Governors:Dr Neil Radford (Chair of Governors)

Stewart Pattinson

Ernest Wright

Parent Governors:Clare Ridsdale

Simon Harris

Les Meader

Kathy Hogg

Orla Flynn

Community Governors:Nigel Featherstone (Vice Chair)

Neil Rabbitts

Margaret Healy

Staff Governors:Louise Ballard

Alison Hallsworth

Ly Toom

The role of the governing body is to help the school provide the best possible education for all of our pupils. If you wish to bring anything to the attention of the Governors, please contact one of your Parent Governors who will be pleased to talk to you.

There is one full Governors meeting each term, and in addition all governors serve on one or more of the following committees which meet each term:

  • Finance, Personnel and General Purposes
  • Strategic Development and Pupils


WillowBrookPrimary Schooland PreSchoolis a Nottinghamshire LA Primary Co-Educational Day School for 3 – 11 year old children.

It is one of three primary schools in the large suburban village of Keyworth, which is approximately 7 miles south of Nottingham in the Borough of Rushcliffe.

The school enjoys a largely rural location, standing in its own extensive grounds and has excellent facilities that have been considerably enhanced and improved in recent years.

From September 2011, our admission arrangements to Reception change so that there is a single point of entry for all pupils in the year of their 5th birthday.This means that all pupils will begin in September regardless of their date of birth.

At the end of Key Stage 2 (11 years of age) most of our children transfer to the nearby SouthWoldsSchool which has just been re-designated as a SpecialistLanguageCollege for the next three years. Their commitment to the teaching of languages enables all of our Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to receive specialist language teaching. As well as this, our children also enjoy regular specialist music and Physical Education lessons provided by teachers and older students from South Wolds.


WillowBrookPreSchool opened its doors in September 2010. They are a sister to the Burnside Hall Pre-School Nursery, whichhas been serving the communities of Plumtree, Keyworth and the surrounding villages foralmost 40years.

Ithas a dedicated team of experienced, highly qualified and caring childcare professionals including two early years’ teachers.

They offer you and your child:

A stimulating, safe, happy and secure learning environment for children aged between 3 and 5.

Individual attention made possible by a high ratio of adults to children.

The support ofa designated Keyworker, who will assume responsibility within the setting for your child's individual needs and development.

A curriculum based on learning through play and leading to the Early Years Goals.


8.50 am to 12.00 pm


1.10 pm to 3.30 pm.

We like all of our children to develop good habits and being punctual is one of them.

For safety and security reasons, when children arrive late for registration or if a medical or dental appointment requires a late arrival or early departure from school, please fill in the “Late Arrival / Early Departure” Book in the school entrance.

Sometimes, for very good reasons, parents ask for their children to be released early from school. We are always happy to co-operate with these requests, but in the interests of safety, no child will be allowed to leave school unless collected by a parent or carer.

For medical or dental appointments, please notify your child’s class teacher in writing or the school by phone or e-mail. When children are to be collected early from school, please report to the school office on arrival.

Occasionally, a parent may be delayed and will be late picking up their child at the end of the school day. If you can inform us that this may happen, we will ensure that your child is supervised in the school’s front entrance until your arrival.

Any parent needing to see their child during the school day should register their arrival at the school office and seek approval.


We are required to monitor each child’s school attendance closely. Written details of individual attendance and absenteeism are statutory requirements on our Annual Reports to Parents.

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE (2006 - 2010):

2006-2007 / 2007-2008 / 2008 - 2009 / 2009 - 2010
Willow Brook / 97.2% / 96.4% / 96% / 96.8%

Our attendance rates are well above the national average. The rates of unauthorised absence at the school are also well below the national average. If we have any concerns about a child’s attendance in school, we refer them to our Education Welfare Officer for investigation.

When a child is absent from school for any reason, we must receive a note or phone call at school explaining the reason for the absence. If we receive no explanation, parents will be required to complete and return a form sent from school. If we are satisfied the absence is legitimate – eg: due to illness or medical appointment, then we will authorise the absence. Without a legitimate explanation, this is an ‘unauthorised’ absence.

If you plan to take your child out of school in term time for a holiday, parents are required to complete a ‘holiday form’. Except where there are exceptional circumstances, we would not authorise more than 10 school days in any one school year for this purpose.


We want our children to be comfortable, yet look smart and tidy in their appearance.We think the wearing of a school uniform reflects well on the school and gives our children a feeling of identity.

Our school colouris bottle green.

Top quality and good value Willow Brook sweatshirts and other items of clothing can be obtained from ‘D and P Outfitters’, Maid Marion Way, Nottingham.Uniform is now also available to order online. Contact D and P directly or ask Amanda in the school office for further details.


  • Grey or black trousers
  • white shirt or polo shirt (with or without logo)
  • Bottle green sweatshirt, fleece or pullover (with or without logo)
  • Black shoes
  • Grey or black tailored shorts in the summer


  • Grey or black trousers
  • Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress
  • White shirt or polo shirt (with or without logo)
  • Bottle green sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan (with or without logo)
  • Flat black shoes or boots
  • Green gingham dress or grey or black tailored shorts in the summer

When items of clothing are lost or go missing it is usually because they are not marked with the owner’s name! We have a lost property ‘bin’ which you are welcome to rummage through if anything has gone missing.


Physical Education is an essential and compulsory part of the school curriculum.WillowBrookSchool competes with other schools in the Rushcliffe area in a wide variety of sporting events such as football, cricket, hockey, indoor and outdoor athletics, basketball, cross-country and tennis.

We make every use of opportunities offered by Rushcliffe Sports Development, Nottinghamshire CCC, Nottingham Forest Football in the Community and the YMCA to enable our children to take part in sport.

Many sporting activities are offered as extra-curricular activities. These are usually suitable for junior aged children, unless specifically highlighted by staff or outside providers in the event details.

It is essential that all children are provided with the appropriate clothing and footwear to enable them to participate in these lessons. Children unable to take part in Physical Education lessons through illness or injury should bring a note for their class teacher explaining why they should be excused. It is our policy that children must remove all jewellery for Physical Education lessons and we cannot accept responsibility or liability for loss or injury caused by the wearing of jewellery.We also insist that long hair is tied up for Physical Education lessons.

Children who need inhalers must have these available in school and for off-site activities such as swimming and inter-school activities.


  • Black shorts, white t-shirt and plimsolls or bare feet for indoor PE.
  • tracksuit and trainers for outdoor PE


Swimming forms part of the PE curriculum for Years 3, 4 and 5.

Boys: Swimming trunks - not long shorts or cut-offs.

Girls: A one-piece swimming costume.

Parents who wish their children to use goggles for swimming must authorise this in writing.


As part of the Children Act in 2004, the government published ‘Every Child Matters’. The government’s aim is for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to:

  • Be healthy
  • Stay safe
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic well-being

At Willow Brook, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure all these take place.

Our youngest children in PreSchool and Reception follow a separate Foundation Stage curriculum. This follows the six areas of learning:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication, language and literacy
  • Problem solving, reasoning and number
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Physical development
  • Creative development

More information about this curriculum is detailed in our ‘Welcome to Reception’ booklet.

Our curriculum for children in key stages 1 and 2 has recently been redesigned and also follows six areas of learning:

  • Understanding English, communication and languages;
  • Mathematical understanding;
  • Understanding the arts;
  • Historical, geographical and social understanding;
  • Understanding physical development, health and wellbeing;
  • Scientific and technological understanding.

We recognise that children’s learning needs to keep pace with our rapidly changing world and have also tailored our curriculum to respond to our children’s needs, interests and aspirations. We teach using a ‘topic’ approach – providing our pupils with imaginative and meaningful links and motivating them in their learning.

The core subjects of English and Maths are given priority with daily sessions that build on basic skills whilst still encouraging a love for reading; opportunities for creativity and imagination in writing and enthusiasm and enjoyment for mathematical thinking and working with numbers.

ICT is an integral part of our learning. Using desktop computers, laptops, digital cameras and voice recorders, children learn and practice the skills for a technological world. Similarly, Science teaching emphasises investigating and discovery rather than the ability to learn facts and figures.

Of course, the ‘basics’ are only part of the curriculum.We also highly value the Humanities (History, Geography and Social Studies), the Arts (Art, Music, Drama and Dance), Physical Activities such as PE, Games,Swimming and Environmental Education.

Children also have opportunities to explore many of these areas outside the normal school day in our wide range of extra-curricular activities. (see page 10)

Religious Education (RE) teaching follows the non-denominational Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus. Parents may exercise their right to withdraw children from religious worship and instruction.


The Governors have adopted the LA’s guidelines for the teaching of Sex Education in Years 5 and 6, taking advice from parents, staff and outside agencies. Parents can discuss the contents of our Sex Education programme with school staff and withdraw their children if they wish.


The majority of schools in our LA participate in the DARE programme (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). This is delivered to the children in Year 6 over 12 weeks, culminating in a Graduation Ceremony when all of the children ‘take a stand’ to present all they have learned to the whole school community and parents.


Many school curriculum activities are supported by visits from a huge variety of individuals and groups and off-site visits to places of interest. From Year 3, children have the opportunity to take part in our annual residential trips. The children who take part in these events gain a great deal in terms of their personal and social education. In the past few years we have enjoyed splendid residential trips at Scarborough, the Isle of Wight, Ross-on Wye, Llandudno and Whitby.

Parents and carers are asked to make voluntary contributions for off-site activities and to support visiting organisations such as theatre groups. We always subsidise events wherever possible butwithout voluntary financial support these activities would not be able to take place. Parents have always responded splendidly to appeals for help, enabling these valuable learning experiences to go ahead for all of our children.