GLVIA Advisory Panel
Phone conference, Wednesday9thFebruary, 2.00pm - minutes

Chair: Jeff Stevenson

Present: Mary O’Connor, Mark Turnbull, Marc van Grieken, Carys Swanwick, Lesley Malone,
Julian Francis (in listening capacity only – comments submitted by email)

1. Matters arising from last meeting

Action points:

JSEmail NE Seascape presentation to all

2. Consultation on proposed structure

In CS and MvG’s opinion the survey confirmed the proposed structure, and no revision to the structure is required.

Action points:

JS/CSDraft text to go to priority consultees and on LI/IEMA website for other respondents to thank for their contribution and assure that comments are being given due consideration, while emphasising no further debate at this stage.

LMCirculate with summary of responses when done

3. Other specific issues arising from consultation

- Ecosystem services –need to be dealt with in guidance where ‘value’ is an issue; might be possible to draw on LCA material

- Historic landscape/heritage agendas – needs to be dealt with in regard to LCA, but GLVIA is not guidance on how to assess impacts on historic landscapes.

- Cumulative assessment – how is this being approached

- Applicability to devolved nations and overseas – need to state that the guidance reflects UK-wide context; no need to refer separately to Scotland, NI etc, important to emphasise principles not individual policy contexts.

- Significance – how is this assessed

As a general rule, GLVIA3 will state that these and other such issues are recognised as relevant, highlight the types of specific issuesthat will arise in LVIA, and will offer links and signposting, but not guidance.

Action points:

ALLDraft a max. 2 sides of A4 on magnitude, significance and sensitivity – and relevance of topic Paper 6 issues if possible

JS Discuss Panel’s position on historic landscape issues with Jenifer White at EH

CSCirculate LCA guidance, Topic Paper 6 and Highway Agency Flow Charts


JSSecond draft of LCA has useful glossary that can be incorporated into GLVIA glossary - will send new draft

AllComments on revised glossary

5. Update from Carys

Survived Australia. Went through all old material and comments on extranet – useful for context and ideas. Went through consultation material – agreed with broad thrust of Panel’s responses. Is in a position to start work on actual writing now, although not necessarily starting at the beginning. Has been approached by LI branches to give talks on LVIA – Panel agreed not a problem if CS wants to accept, makes process more transparent.

Action point:

LM/CSDiscuss project plan and timescale/plan for drafting


Action points

LMCreate new folders for case studies and useful resources (done)

LMCirculate URL and passwords again

6.Next meeting

Phone conference in early April, face to face meeting at LI offices first week of May. Future meeting schedule will be quarterly face to face meetings with one or two conference calls in between.