Lincoln Homeless Coalition
Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2016

Attendance: Robin Ambroz, NIFA; Wende Baker, United Way; Tamara Cartwright, UNL- CCFL; Jeff Chambers, UNL-CCFL; Amber Dean, People’s City Mission; Leah Droge, Friendship Home; Sarah Fentress, Community Action Partnership; Nancy Green, Clinic with a Heart; Andrea Haberman, LLCHD; Jenni Hagen, VA; Lee Heflebower, Community Action; Dennis Hoffman, CenterPointe; Sara Hoyle, Lancaster County Human Services; Alison Kortefay, St. Monica’s; Sandy Lee, Lancaster General Assistance; Jen McCullough, Cedars; Michelle Martinez, Community Action; Tom Dierks, Lutheran Family Services; Denise Packard, CenterPointe; Tom Randa, Good Neighbor Community Center; Jaime Rauner, Voices of Hope; Bryan Seck, LPS; Sara Shalon, PALS; John Turner, Region V Systems; Terry Uland, Downtown Lincoln Association; Sarah Virchow, Community Correction; Lester Wagner, Released and Restored; Andrea Wever, Adult Parole; Abby White, People’s City Mission; Lea Wroblewski, Legal Aid; Monica Zinke, Fresh Start; Jorrae Zievenberg, Safe Place; Julie Aksamit, SSCF Central NE Community Action Partnership; Ron Herms, Realtor’s Association of Lincoln; Lea Sheets, St. Monica’s; Jamie Corder, LMEP Stepping Stones; Stan Wiegert, Adult Parole ; Rachel Hunter, LPSDO; Sandi Parelka, Blue Valley Behavioral Health, Nikki Siegel, The Bay.

Chair Denise Packard opened the meeting.

Minutes from the January 2016 were approved with the additional note that the AHAR was one of the required reports submitted to HUD.

Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.Current balance is $9,822.92, which includes PHCL of $4,509.64.Expenses since the last meeting were: PHCL oil change voucher and homeless recognition event food costs. Revenue is from 2016 membership dues. If you haven’t paid your dues, please renew soon.

Presentation: Wende Baker (United Way) and Bryan Seck (Prosper Lincoln) Results from the 2014 Prevention Grant
The grant was a short term temporary grant that was used for families in need. Data from ServicePoint (2012-2014) was used to see trends from past years and to craft the targeted program. The purpose was for a short term need that would help an at risk family avoid homelessness. The grant was for families only, and was coordinated by the existing Rent and Utilities Network with Community Action Partnership the lead. Families were identified by LPS and referred to Community Action Partnership (CAP). Requests for help other than rent and utility bills also were considered. Households received an average of $589, and 73% of the assistance given was for rent and electric bills. Just fewer than 5% of the families became homeless within a year (per ServicePoint). Less than half of those who requested assistance were able to receive and of that half, approx. 68% of their requested amount was provided. Please also reference the handout that was distributed via email prior to the meeting. It is unknown if long term avoidance of homelessness has been a result or not and follow up data is only available if the family is involved with an agency that uses ServicePoint.
Wende and Bryan then asked membership to discuss ideas for another fund. Specifically, the discussion question was: “If we put together another fund, what for, how much and how would it be done?” Bryan will collate the answers and provide them to the membership.
Committee Reports
A committee sign up list was passed among members present and people were encouraged to join a committee. The list will be updates and then shared with committee chairs.
Executive, Denise Packard
The Lincoln Homeless Coalition was asked to speak to the Board of Directors of the Omaha CoC, called Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MACCH).

Planning and Data, Jeff Chambers
PIT Count was conducted; data is pending. Initial numbers probably will be available mid March. The new definition of chronically homeless is being applied to this year’s count.

Consumer Engagement, Lea Wroblewski
This committee will meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9AM at Matt Talbot. The y need more members and invite people to join the committee. They are also looking for consumers or former consumers of services. They are currently assessing and redefining their purpose.

Youth, Nikki Siegel
They are planning their next Youth Employment Fair, to be held on 5/10/16 at Northeast High School. Contact Nikki if you’d like to be involved.

Street Outreach and Coordinated Entry, Denise Packard
This committee continues to meet and focus on the most vulnerable/ chronically homeless individuals with a high VISPDAT. They have housed 20 individuals so far in permanent supportive housing.

Public Awareness, Lee Heflebower
PLACE committee is currently reviewing goals and also working with Matt Talbot about a housing locator position that would be funded through that agency. The position would help build relationships with landlords and be a landlord liaison for other agencies. Denise was on KZUM yesterday as part of the Human Services Federation program and spoke about the Homeless Coalition.

Discharge Planning/ ReEntry
No report.

Project Homeless Connect Lincoln, Monica Zinke
Planning for the 2016 event will begin late spring. Date is not available from PBA until summer. It is hoped that we can partner with the VA StandDown event again. People were encouraged to help arrange new services. There are expenses pending from the 2015 event (i.e. just over ½ of the car vouchers have been redeemed, need to replace a cooler). Ideas for items that could be purchased and reused from year to year (i.e. exam table, photo lights) were requested.

SOAR, Denise Packard
There are now 4 people trained as SOAR providers.

Rent and Utility Network, Michelle Martinez
The meetings are on the 3rd Monday of the month at Community Action at 1pm. Next one is 3/21/16.The committee is growing.

Agency Updates were given.

Next meeting will beMarch 25, 2016.

Respectfully submitted by Monica Zinke, Homeless Coalition Secretary