Ch. 5: Introduction to Natural Hazards

Define the following:

  • catastrophe
  • disaster preparedness
  • forecast
  • land use planning
  • magnitude-frequency concept
  • natural disaster
  • precursor events
  • prediction
  • risk warning
  • List all the natural processes that are hazardous to people and property in the U.S. What adjustments have the population made to lessen the impacts of these hazards? Could more be done?
  • Do you agree or disagree that land use change and population increase areincreasingthe risk from natural hazardous processes?

Ch. 6: Earthquakes

  • What is the relationship between earthquakes and faulting?
  • How is the magnitude of an earthquake measured?
  • List the different types of earthquake waves, their properties, and the strength of their motion.
  • How is seismic risk estimated?
  • How do earthquakes affect the physical earth and individuals?
  • Describe the earthquake cycle.
  • Define active fault.
  • Wat is tectonic creep?
  • What is material amplification?
  • How has human activity caused earthquakes?
  • What methods are used to predict earthquake occurrence.
  • What processes are in place to reduce the hazards of earthquakes?

Ch. 7: Tsunami

Define the following:

  • distant tsunami
  • local tsunami
  • mega-tsunami
  • runup
  • tsunami
  • tsunami ready
  • tsunamirunupmap
  • tsunami warning
  • tsunami watch
  • How do naturalprocessescause atsunami? What is the primary process.
  • What are the major effects of atsunami?
  • Explain the relationship between plate tectonics andtsunami?
  • How aretsunamidetected in the open ocean?
  • What are the primary and secondary effects of tsunami?
  • Describe the methods used to minimize the tsunami hazard.

Ch. 8 Volcanic Activity

Define the following:

  • addition of volatiles
  • ash fall
  • ash flow
  • caldera eruption
  • cinder cone
  • composite volcano
  • decompression melting
  • debris flow/mudflow/lahar
  • lateral blast
  • lava
  • lava flow
  • magma
  • pyroclasticactivity
  • shield volcano
  • valatiles
  • volcanic crisis
  • volcanic dome
  • From a hazards perspective, why is it important to know the type of a volcano?
  • What is viscosity, and what determines it?
  • List the major types of volcano and the type of magma associated with each.
  • List the major types of volcano and their eruption style. Why do they erupt the way they do?
  • What is the relationship between plate tectonics and volcanoes?
  • How do lava tubes help move magma far from the erupting vents?
  • What is the origin of a geyser?
  • Why are caldera eruptions so dangerous?
  • How are volcanic eruptions able to produce giganticmudflows?
  • List the primary and secondary effects of volcanic eruptions.
  • What type of volcano was Mt. St.Helens?
  • What does the "Ring of Fire" refer to?

Ch. 9 Rivers and Flooding

Define the following:

  • channel pattern
  • channel restoration
  • channelization
  • continuity equation
  • discharge
  • downstream flood
  • drainage basin
  • flash flood
  • flooding
  • floodplain
  • floodplain regulation
  • levee
  • river
  • runoff
  • What are the three components that make up the total load a stream carries?
  • What is the riverine environment?
  • Differentiate between: competency/capacity, braided/meandering channels, pools/riffles, upstream/downstream floods.
  • What do we mean when we say a 10-year flood has occurred?
  • How does urbanization affect the flood hazard?
  • What are the primary and secondary effects of flooding?

Ch. 10: Slope Processes, Landslides, and Subsidence

Define the following:

  • factor of safety
  • landslide
  • mass wasting
  • rotational slide
  • sinkhole
  • snow avalanche
  • subsidence
  • translational slide
  • What are the main ways that materials on a slope may fail?
  • How does the slope angle affect the incidence of landslides?
  • What are the three ways that vegetation is important in slope stability?
  • How many spontaneous liquefaction occur?
  • Why does time play an important role in landslides?
  • What is the process that causes subsidenceduetowithdrawaloffluid, such as groundwater or petroleum?

Ch. 11: Coastal Processes

Define the following:

  • beach
  • beach budget
  • beach nourishment
  • breakwater
  • groin
  • hurricane
  • jetty
  • longshoresediment transport
  • rip current
  • sea cliff
  • sea wall
  • storm surge
  • tropical cyclone
  • typhoon
  • How does wave refraction at a rocky pointresult in concentration of wave energy at thepoint?
  • What is the difference between plunging and spilling breakers?
  • What are some of the human activities that can increase sea cliff erosion?
  • What are the three major adjustments to coastal erosion?

Ch. 12: Impact of Extraterrestrial Objects

  • Differentiate among asteroid, meteor, meteoroid comet and meteorite.
  • What are the characteristics of animpactcrater? Compare a complex crater with a simple crater.
  • How is the risk ofimpact determined?
  • Why was the Tunguska event a wake-up call?
  • Explain how the impact of extraterrestrial objects is a possible cause of mass extinctions.
  • Describe the physical, chemical, and biological consequences of impact from a large asteroid or comet.

Topic for Part 2 (Earth Processes) Discussion:

Part 2 Discussion will consist of each student selecting a (one) topic from the chapters covered in this unit. You will deliver an informative discussion on a topic of your choosing with appropriate sources, facts, links, new/media coverage, pictures, videos, data, statistics, analysis, etc., that you wish to include. The discussion should be no fewer than 2000 words not including pictures and references. Please refer to the grading rubrics and the above information on appropriate scholarly work.