Name: ______

Provided By: Crossword Maker

Ch. 4 Crossword Puzzle: Life in Medieval Towns

Please complete the crossword puzzle below using your workbook, social studies binder and textbook.

5 / 2
3 / 12 / 20
15 / 1
11 / 6
9 / 4
13 / 22
19 / 25
16 / 17 / 24 / 18
1. In trial by _____, an accused person had to fight to prove his/her innocence.
4. _____ plays were put on my guilds who acted out stories from the Bible.
5. The decisions of royal judges created this _____; a body of rulings made by judges that became part of a nation's legal system.
8. A craftsperson who found work day by day.
9. For many girls, education was at _____, where they learned cooking, clothmaking and other skills to run a home.
10. A _____ play dramatized the lives of saints.
13. Most medieval towns were built near a _____.
15. Unhealthy living conditions led to the spread of many _____.
16. In trial by _____, an accused person had to pass a dangerous test.
18. One reason why towns were growing again was improvements in _____.
21. Despite many hardships, town dwellers had many types leisure activities that included games, religious plays and _____.
23. In poorer neighborhoods, _____ families shared one house.
26. Children who survived began preparing for adulthood at age _____.
28. This is an organization of people in the same craft or trade who oversaw trade and the production of goods. / Vertical:
2. Bloodletting was a practice of treating patients by letting them bleed by applying _____ to them.
3. A charter allowed the members of a town to govern themselves by giving them the right to make _____, raise taxes and have their own mayor and council.
6. As towns grew, _____ became more powerful because they became members of town councils.
7. Another word for trade.
8. This group was not allowed to own land and their property could be taken by lords at any time.
11. A _____ allowed town to become more independent by purchasing it.
12. Doctors used magic, plants, herbs, bloodletting, charms and _____ to help heal people.
14. Some common diseases in the Middle Ages included the bubonic plague, scarlet fever, measles, cholera and _____.
17. During the Middle Ages, power shifted to merchants from feudal _____.
19. Revival of _____ contributed to the growth of towns.
20. At this age, a boy or girl could become an apprentice.
22. In the early 1100s, kings began to set up a nationwide system of royal _____.
23. Some towns grew wealthier because they _____ in making specific types of goods.
24. Approximately _____ of all children died before they became adults.
25. The land controlled by a ruler or lord.
27. To be accepted in to a guild, an apprentice must have this approved by the guild.

Provided By: Crossword Maker

Ch. 4 Crossword Puzzle: Life in Medieval Towns KEY

Please complete the crossword puzzle below using your workbook, social studies binder and textbook.

23s / e / v / e / r / a / l
c / 14l
i / 26s / e / v / e / n
a / p / 8j / o / u / r / n / e / y / m / a / n
l / 7c / r / e
i / 5c / o / m / m / o / n / 2l / a / w
z / m / s / e / s / 27m
e / m / y / e / 3l / 12p / 20t / a
15d / i / s / e / a / s / e / s / 1c / o / m / b / a / t / r / w / s
r / 11c / h / w / 6m / a / e / t
c / 9h / o / m / e / 4m / y / s / t / e / r / y / l / e
10m / i / r / a / c / l / e / a / s / r / e / v / r
r / c / 13r / i / v / e / r / 22c / p
19t / t / 25d / h / o / i
16o / r / d / e / a / 17l / 24h / o / 18a / g / r / i / c / u / l / t / u / r / e
a / r / o / a / m / n / r / c
28g / u / i / l / d / r / l / a / t / t / e
e / d / 21f / a / i / r / s / s
s / n
1. In trial by _____, an accused person had to fight to prove his/her innocence. (combat)
4. _____ plays were put on my guilds who acted out stories from the Bible. (mystery)
5. The decisions of royal judges created this _____; a body of rulings made by judges that became part of a nation's legal system. (commonlaw)
8. A craftsperson who found work day by day. (journeyman)
9. For many girls, education was at _____, where they learned cooking, clothmaking and other skills to run a home. (home)
10. A _____ play dramatized the lives of saints. (miracle)
13. Most medieval towns were built near a _____. (river)
15. Unhealthy living conditions led to the spread of many _____. (diseases)
16. In trial by _____, an accused person had to pass a dangerous test. (ordeal)
18. One reason why towns were growing again was improvements in _____. (agriculture)
21. Despite many hardships, town dwellers had many types leisure activities that included games, religious plays and _____. (fairs)
23. In poorer neighborhoods, _____ families shared one house. (several)
26. Children who survived began preparing for adulthood at age _____. (seven)
28. This is an organization of people in the same craft or trade who oversaw trade and the production of goods. (guild) / Vertical:
2. Bloodletting was a practice of treating patients by letting them bleed by applying _____ to them. (leeches)
3. A charter allowed the members of a town to govern themselves by giving them the right to make _____, raise taxes and have their own mayor and council. (laws)
6. As towns grew, _____ became more powerful because they became members of town councils. (merchants)
7. Another word for trade. (commerce)
8. This group was not allowed to own land and their property could be taken by lords at any time. (jews)
11. A _____ allowed town to become more independent by purchasing it. (charter)
12. Doctors used magic, plants, herbs, bloodletting, charms and _____ to help heal people. (prayer)
14. Some common diseases in the Middle Ages included the bubonic plague, scarlet fever, measles, cholera and _____. (leprosy)
17. During the Middle Ages, power shifted to merchants from feudal _____. (lords)
19. Revival of _____ contributed to the growth of towns. (trade)
20. At this age, a boy or girl could become an apprentice. (twelve)
22. In the early 1100s, kings began to set up a nationwide system of royal _____. (courts)
23. Some towns grew wealthier because they _____ in making specific types of goods. (specialized)
24. Approximately _____ of all children died before they became adults. (half)
25. The land controlled by a ruler or lord. (domain)
27. To be accepted in to a guild, an apprentice must have this approved by the guild. (masterpiece)

Name: ______Period & Date: ______