Referred/Deferred Coursework 2010/11
csd-3-aitIntroduction to Computer Animation
UNIT LEADER: Ebad Banissi ()
The deadline for students to submit referred/deferred coursework to L105 (Faculty Office) is 4pm, Monday 22nd August 2011
Please mark for the attention of EBAD BANISSI
marked for the attention of the unit leader (Ebad Banissi)
Computer Animation
Course Work for the csd-3-ait, Computer Animation unit
This course work assesses your skill as a computer animation practitioner. You are required to choose a "real world problem" with an aim to be used either in the context of a real application environment (e.g. aspect of a game, simulation of a animated physical model, education application, short advert, part of a larger project and so on) or to demonstrate some aspect of computer animation skills (object modeling, texture application, motion modeling and so on). NOTE THAT YOU MUST CONSULT YOUR TUTOR ABOUT THE DETAILS OF THE SCENARIO BEFORE YOU START.
For this section you should:
A. Provide a specification giving the following:
-A brief introduction
-Clear list of aims and objectives
-A detailed outline of a detailed nature of your design.
- A detailed possible objects in the scene graph
- The tools that are used to design model and animation
- A story board design
B. Outline the technical aspects - building model, animation, rendering, post processing, scripting and so on
C. Design implementation - need to be annotated clearly for each stages
D. Outline an alternative to your adaptation of your design or design variation in specific area clearly highlighted for each section
E. Provide electronic and hard copy of your design document
F. Evaluate critically your design tools that you have adopted and state what would be the next stage of development in the prototype you have designed.
Marking scheme:
Outline technical aspect/15
Design Implementation/50
Alternative design/5
Total Marks...... /100 (...... /100) Penalty...... Awarded mark...... %
Computer Animation
example for the csd-3-ait, Computer Animation course work
You are not limited to the following suggestion but you chosen scenario would be along the line of following the you may consider as the subject matter for your Assignment:
- Experiments with modelling:
- Modeling a polygonal mesh
- Modeling a subdivision surface
- NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-splines)
- Animation: Action to the objects in your 3D scene
- keyframe animation
- Path Animation
- Nonlinear animation: allows you to create and edit an animation sequence by arranging smaller animation sequences (known as clips) on a timeline. A clip is a time-independent sequence of animation that you create from an existing animation (keyframe animation, expressions, constraints, and motion capture data - except motion path animation).
- Inverse Kinematics (IK): allows you to efficiently pose your models and characters for animation.
- Character setup or rigging (is the general term used for the preparation of 3D models with their accompanying joints and skeletons for animation)
- Skeletons and kinematics - A skeleton provides a structure for animating the character.
- Smooth skinning
- Cluster and blend shape deformers: Facial animation is an integral component of character animation.
- Skining
- Texturing
- Polygon Texturing
- Rendering
- Shading surfaces
- Lights, shadows, and cameras
- Global Illumination & Caustics
- Dynamics
- Particles, emitters, and fields
- Rigid body constraints restrict the motion of rigid bodies. The constraints simulate the behavior of real-world items you’re familiar with, such as pins, nails, barriers, hinges, and springs.
- Hair Modeling
- Fur
- Fluid Effect
Computer Animation
Course Work for the csd-3-ait, Computer Animation unit
Student No:
Student Name:
Marking scheme:
0 ………… 1 ………… 2 ………… 3 ………… 4 ………… 5 ………… 6 ………… 7 ………… 8 ………… 9 ………… 10
Outline technical aspect
0 ………… 2 ………… 3 ………… 5 ………… 6 ………… 8 ………… 9………… 10 ………… 12 ………… 13 ………… 15
Design Implementation
0 ………… 5 ………… 10 ………… 15 ………… 20 ………… 25 ………… 30 ……… 35 ……… 40 ……… 45 ……… 50
Alternative design
0 ………… ………… 1 ………… ………… 2 ………… ………… 3 ………… ………… 4 ………… ………… 5
0 ………… ………… 1 ………… ………… 2 ………… ………… 3 ………… ………… 4 ………… ………… 5
0 ………… 1 ………… 2 ………… 3 ………… ………… 4 ………… ………… 5 ………… 6 ………… 7
0 ………… 1 ………… 2 ………… 3 ………… 4 ………… 5 ………… ………… 6 ………… 7 ………… 8
Total Marks...... /100 (...... /100) Penalty...... Awarded mark...... % ======
Foundation in Computer Studies
Introduction to Computer Graphics 2010/11 Assignment-Re-Sit