CG100 College Student Success and Survival

Spring2016 Syllabus

Instructor: Dr. M.A. Woodman

Office/Mailbox:HEC 201 Office Hours: Tues, Thurs & Fri Best to Make Appointment


RCC Webpage:

Phone Number:541-941-0235 Text and Voice Accepted Office: HEC 201

Time/Location:Tuesday, 2:30 am – 3:50 pm; Room A-12

Credits:Two lower division Transfer credits

Text:On Course: Study Skills PLUS 2nd Edition by Skip Downing


Course Description:This course focuses on achieving positive outcomes in the academic environment by using the frameworks of teaching and learning style interactions, college systems understanding, and positive behavior and communication skills. It introduces students to aspects of academic success centering on strategies for studying, time management, academic planning and using Web-based resources and tools.


Classroom Behavior:

Expectations for classroom behavior are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, available in the catalog, schedule, and online. Students may not engage in any activity which the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class. Instructors have the right to remove students from class for not following the Code of Conduct or other specified classroom rules. Cell Phones should be turned off or set to silent alert during class. If you must take a call during class, please leave the room quietly.

Academic Honesty:

Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of academic dishonesty are regarded as serious offenses. Instructors have the right to take action on any suspected acts of academic dishonesty. Depending on the nature of the offense, serious penalties may be imposed, ranging from loss of points to expulsion from the class or college.

Smoking restrictions (RCC Board policy) Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Rogue Community College except in designated areas. For more information go to

Equal Opportunity:

Any student who believes s/he may need academic accommodations for a disability such as vision, hearing, orthopedic, learning, psychological functioning and/or other medical conditions should make an appointment with the RCC Disability Services Office (RWC 956-7337 or RVC 245-7537). The Disability Services web address is

Expected Outcomes: Assessment Methods:

1. Students will identify their learning styles and enhance their study skills.
ISLO’s:Expresses ideas clearly in oral and written work; pursues goals by creating strategies over time. / 1. Students will complete a learning styles survey to identify their learning style, complete chapter assignments, journaling, quiz and classroom activities.
2. Students will become aware of personality types and communication styles.
ISLO’s: Responds positively to change. Respectfully advocates for self and exhibits self-confidence.
3. Students will learn the importance of effective time management to succeed in college.
ISLO’s: Pursues goals by creating strategies over time. / 2. Students will take the Typology Test to identify their personality preferences, complete chapter assignments, journalizing, quiz and classroom activities.
3. Students will set short and long term goals and understand how managing time effectively plays an important part in achieving their goals.
4. Students will become aware of library resources, federal financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
ISLO’s: Locates, organizes, analyzes and interprets data / 4. Students will tour the library and give instructor feedback about the resources, complete a money management activity and scholarship essay.
5. Students will learn how to set effective, attainable goals.
ISLO’s: Pursues goals by creating strategies over time; balances personal and educational commitments; puts forth the time and effort necessary to succeed. / 5. Students will learn the elements of a SMART goal and develop a personal example to share in small groups. They will complete a Critical Thinking Log that identifies their goals and what it will take to achieve them.
6. Students will learn to read a program advising guide, understand prerequisites and academically plan a series of upcoming terms.
ISLO’s: Integrates previous and new learning, along with practical skill to solve problems. / 6. Students will complete a program plan by utilizing the appropriate program advising guide for their major, complete the chapter assignment, journalizing and quiz.
7. Students will learn to navigate and become familiar with the elements of RCC’s website.
ISLO’s: Uses technological tools to research new information, solve problems, and communicate effectively; understands and accepts responsibility for learning; locates, organizes, analyzes and interprets data. / 7. Students will complete the Website Scavenger Hunt and setup an account on the Career Base Camp Website. Students will gain familiarity with the different types of available financial aid and become aware of the on-line search tools.


Purpose: The purpose for having assignments in a college course is to demonstrate to your instructor that you have mastered the required material and meet the learning objectives of the course. This course is an interactive education model. Students will earn grades by being active in class and hopefully enjoy learning rather than being stressed out. No part of your grade will be based on your ability to memorize information.

Every student has the potential to earn an A grade. To achieve a passing grade of C or better, students will successfully participate in required classes and complete all assignments. Your assignments will be promptly graded and returned to you by the following class. Your work must maintain college standards in format, spelling and grammar.

Weekly Reading : All assigned reading is to be completed PRIOR to the start of the following week’s class.

Homework Chapter Assignments: Assignments will be due at the start of each class as described in the course outline. Submissions must be typed; correct spelling and grammar are considered in your grade. Any work turned in past the due date will not be accepted unless prior extension is granted by Dr. Woodman.

Assignment Details

Classroom Participation

The model of this course is interactive education. Attendance and active participation in classroom activities is strongly encouraged and will count as an integral part of your grade. 30 points per class will be given to those who respectfully show up on time, actively engage in the class, and stay until the end of the period. Grade point deductions will be given for those who do not attend, show up late, leave early, text in class or do not participate in the lesson.There is no make up for a missed class. (300 grade points)

Homework Chapter Assignment

Students may work alone, in partners or a small group on these assignments. Assignments can be handed in hard copy in a colored folder or as an email attachment to Dr. Woodman. You are required to study the textbook and submit ten key ideas from reading each chapter. Select ideas that are meaningful to you. Use complete sentences and present ideas with content. Written homework must be typed with correct heading, spelling and grammar in order to earn full grade value for each of the chapters.

Assignments will be due at the start of each class as described in the course outline. Submissions must be typed; correct spelling and grammar are considered in your grade. Any work turned in past the due date will not be accepted unless prior extension is granted by Dr. Woodman. (8 chapters x 40 points =320 Points)


Two times during the term, your instructor will give you a quiz. The quiz will cover some of the material in the chapters and will relate to the learning objectives of the course. The quiz may be true and false, multiple choice or short answer. It will be open book and given at the end of a class. Those who need extra test time may stay after class to finish the quiz. There is no make up for missed quizzes. (2 Quizzesx 90 Points= 180 Points)

FINAL PRESENTATION: Action Option or Career Information Interview

You will be required to either participate in one approved on-campus activity at any point during the term (prior to Final Presentations) or to do an information interview of someone who works in a career area of interest to you. You will summarize your experience of this activity during your final presentation.

If you choose the “Action Option” alternative, you must choose something you are not already familiar with (for example, if you regularly use the tutoring center, you have to choose something different).

Action Option Choices:

-Go to the RCC library, speak to a librarian and research something

-Go to an RCC tutoring center and get some tutoring

-Go to the Disability Services and find out about their services

-Check the calendar and attend an event. This could be anything from a Human Services Information Session to the Transfer Fair. Find out what is coming up by going here

-Attend an event hosted by ASG (Associated Student Government)

-Attend a meeting of a club

32-Day Commitment

This assignment is based on Journal Entry 15 on page 159 of your text, and builds upon a previous journal on goal-setting (Journal Entry 10). You will be asked to summarize and reflect on your experience with this project for your Final Presentation.

Final Presentation

This is an assignment which you will present to the class in lieu of a final exam. It will be about 5 minutes long. Approximately half of your time will be for presenting on your Action Option or Career Information Interview AND half of your time will be for presenting your 32-Day Commitment.

-Why did you choose your specific 32-Day Commitment? How does it move you towards your goal?-Was it difficult to keep your commitment? Did you have to alter your commitment?

-A summary of your Action Option or Information Interview.

-What did you learn about your potential career that you didn’t already know?

-You may chose to create some visual aid to accompany your presentation. This could be a PowerPoint presentation, a chart or graph, handouts, a collage etc. (200 Grade Points)


Class Attendance and Participation (10 Classes) / 30 pts / 300 points possible
Homework Assignments (8 Chapters) / 40 pts / 320 points possible
Quiz (2 Quizes) / 90 pts / 180 points possible
Final Presentation / 200 pts / 200 points possible
Total Possible Points / 1000 points

900-1000 points = A800-900 points = B700-800 points = C

600-700 points = D0-600 points = F