CFO Peer Support Group
DRAFT – Terms of Reference
Jobs Australia has established the CFO Peer Support Group as a forum for staff of Jobs Australia Ltd Members who are working in the area of financial and corporate management.
The CFO Peer Support Group reflects both the key goals of Jobs Australia Ltd and its members by providing a forum and opportunities to its members to:
· Share ideas, interests, challenges and problems that can benefit individual member organisations as well as the group as a whole;
· Improve the knowledge of the not for profit community sector and developments, with a particular emphasis on financial management;
· Provide a pool of expertise, experience and knowledge;
· Provide networking opportunities;
· Enable and strengthen collaborative approaches to financial management and corporate issues; and
· Support Jobs Australia Ltd and the broader Jobs Australia Ltd membership and key stakeholders with information and advice on key financial and corporate matters.
Participants in the CFO Peer Support Group must be working as executive financial/ corporate managers for Jobs Australia Ltd Members – both full members and associate members.
Generally attendance will be limited to two representatives from each member organisation at a meeting unless previously agreed with Jobs Australia Ltd.
A sub-committee of members (previously known as the group’s “Champions”) supports the activities of the group. Membership is voluntary and informal. However, sub-committee members must be prepared to fulfil the responsibilities associated with the successful operation of the group.
Operation of the Peer Support Group
The aim is to create a trusting and open environment which benefits all members. All information shared at the group must be treated with respect and confidentiality maintained where requested by a group member. Any conflicts of interest should be declared and the Chair will be responsible for appropriately managing the situation.
Meetings will be held in each State and Territory at least twice per year including one meeting which is part of the Jobs Australia National Conference. The timing and location of meetings will be determined at the Conference meeting for the remainder of the year. This will be done in conjunction with Jobs Australia Ltd to ensure coordination with a calendar of events.
Meetings will be chaired by a representative of the host organisation.
Jobs Australia Ltd will work with the chair of the meeting and the subcommittee to develop the agenda for the meeting. This and any meeting papers will be circulated at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Where possible a member of staff from Jobs Australia Ltd will attend meetings and take minutes. Where this is not possible, the Chair will organise a note taker and ensure that notes are forwarded to Jobs Australia Ltd for minute preparation. Minutes will be circulated to the Chair for comment and when finalised will be forwarded to members. This should be completed within one month of the meeting.
Jobs Australia Ltd will work with the subcommittee to identify appropriate meeting venues and assist with venue organisation including catering and audio visual requirements where needed.
Jobs Australia Ltd will maintain a central repository for all information relating to the Group. Jobs Australia Ltd will prepare a summary of the key areas of the minutes for circulation to the broader membership and key stakeholders to ensure appropriate communication and coordination.