CF “Presentation of Research” Proposal (Revised: 3/13/08)

1)Applicant:Name of Applicant

URL link to curriculum vitae:

web address (URL address)


3)Title and/or Topic of Research Presentation:

Title of Presentation


Place below one of the following: the abstract of the presentation, a copy of the presentation proposal submitted to the professional society/meeting, or a description of the research.

5)Conference or Other Site at which the Presentation Is to Be Made:

Enter below the name of the conference, the first and last day of the meeting, the city and state of the meeting, and the inclusive dates for attendance.

Name of ConferenceConference Title

First Day of Conference

Last Day of Conference

Place of ConferenceCity, State

Number of Days for Request0

6)Justification of Travel to Present the Results of Research:

Justification for Presentation

Indicate the specific benefits to yourself and to The Citadel.

Benefits of Presentation

If this presentation involves international travel (excluding Canada and US Jurisdictions), please include specific justification.

Justification for Foreign Travel

7)Projected Costs:

Item / Estimate
Airfare / $0.00
Vehicle including Taxi/Shuttle / $0.00
Parking Cost / $0.00
Lodging / $0.00
Meals / $0.00
Registration / $0.00
Phone Call Home (one call allowed per day) / $0.00
Other (specify) / $0.00
Total / $0.00

8)Cost Justification:

Indicate the basis for each cost estimate, and the source. Airline tickets can be purchased from AAA travel agency or on-line, if less expensive. The college encourages a Saturday night stay, when the cost of airfare without the Saturday stay exceeds the additional lodging and meal expenses. Refer to the most recent Travel Reimbursement document for additional details. Citadel rates are listed below.

  • Fuel Expense (Include mileage and cost per mile based on following data.)
  • $14/day for Citadel vehicle (compact sedan) and $0.14/mile for fuel (see vehicles at for other vehicular options)
  • You are reimbursed $0.445/mile if a Citadel car is unavailable. You must attach the Motor Pool Proof of Unavailability to your TRD.
  • If a Citadel car is available, you are reimbursed $0.405/mile.
  • Meals (Include number of days for necessary meals.)
  • In-State: $25 per day (Note: Meals at conferences in Charleston can not be reimbursed.)
  • $6 (breakfast), $7 (lunch), $12 (dinner)
  • Out-of-State: $32 per day
  • $7 (breakfast), $9 (lunch), $16 (dinner)

Give a brief explanation for driving to the conference rather than flying, if the cost is more for driving.

Give a brief explanation for any other activities associated with the conference for which you are seeking funds, e.g., pre or post-conference workshops and tours.

Is there more than one presenter on your project requesting funding?


If yes and you are not the primary author, give justification for the need of multiple presenters. A response is required for Citadel co-authors sharing a presentation with other Citadel faculty or colleagues at another institution.

Item / Basis/Source
Airfare / Cost of Ticket
Vehicle including Taxi/Shuttle / Mileage x Cost & Car Rental Cost
Parking Cost / Cost/Day, # of Days
Lodging / Cost/Day, # of Days, % Tax
Meals / Days x Cost
Registration / Registration Estimate Basis
Phone Call Home / Cost/Day, # of Days
Other (specify) / Other Expenses Estimate Basis

9)Confirmation of Acceptance:

Has your presentation been accepted by the Conference?

If not, please provide the date when confirmation of acceptance is expected.

10)List CF Presentation of Research Grants awarded in the fiscal year for which this application applies.


Awarded / Amount
Spent / Date of
Activity / Site of Activity
$0.00 / $0.00
$0.00 / $0.00
$0.00 / $0.00

11)Additional Information

Provide any additional appropriate information below.

12)Signature of Applicant

By checking this box,you electronically "sign" this document, acknowledging that all of the information provided is correct and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Name of Applicant

Name Title
