CES SCC Annual General Meeting Minutes
October 8th, 2014
Attendees: Tyler Fehrenbach, Danielle Benjamin, Kathy Tomaszewski, Evan Bloomfield, April Eberts, Erica Nistor, Kelly Currie, Melissa Roy-Brown, Jodie McGowan, Carrie Dureault, Fred Perry, Cathy Sauter, Tom Broccolo, Beth Farrow, Lindsay Greve, Dawn Jones, Muriel Shirley, Justine Stephanson, Carrie Rutten, Tracey Rae, Morgan Sutherland, Laura Thompson, Amy Rutten, Tracy Procyk, Jen Brady, Anita Dellaleau, Karen Fisher, Amanda Morrissette, Jerri Lenius, Amber Morse, Krystal Fehrenbach
- Meeting called to order 6:05pm
- Thank you to members who have completed their 2 year terms: Anita Delalleau, Tracey Rae and Danielle Benjamin
- SCC Parent Membership for 2014/2015:Kathy Tomaszewski, Morgan Sutherland, Laura Thompson, Amy Rutten, Tracy Procyk, Jen Brady, Amanda Morrissette, Jerri Lenius, Amber Morse
- SCC Annual Report: (Danielle Benjamin)
- Mission Statement: Carlyle Elementary School Community Council will act as a positive and supportive bridge between our school and community.
- Regrets delivered on behalf of Harold Laich (Board Member) and Shelley Sargent (Superintendent for the East Schools). Both were invited to speak at the AGM but were unable due to prior commitments.
- Last year’s SCC activities included:
SCC helped with 2 Family Bingo Days which were well attended
Helped organize a Family Movie Night where we showed The Croods
Organized meals for the teachers on the nights of Student-Led Conferences
Indoor Walking Group was started by a member of our SCC which has proven to be a very positive activity for our community.
SCC members helped with babysitting for the IMPACT night which is an event held for children turning 4
Provided help with the annual Friendship Meal just before Christmas
Purchased 3 mini Ipads for the classrooms in the school
Donated SCC funds to help purchase 200 seats for the Mathletics program
- Principal’s Report: (Tyler Fehrenbach)
- Enrollment is at 245 students
- New Staff this year includes: Tyler Fehrenbach (Principal), Erica Nistor (Gr. 1), April Eberts (Gr. 1), Beth Farrow (Gr. 2), Lindsay Greve (Gr. 3/4), Dawn Jones (Gr. 5/6), Muriel Shirley (RTI) and Jodie McGoan (LST)
- The annual BBQ and Welcome Back Breakfast were a huge success
- The Terry Fox Run raised over $8100
- The provincial priorities are math, early learning and graduation rates. There is a push from the government to focus on behaviour. In some schools, a behaviour audit is being performed to understand the issues and how they are being handled. The government is also pushing a focus on attendance. Mainly stressing to parents the importance of attendance so as to stress this to students.
- School Improvement Plan (SIP) days will focus on the provincial priorities
- This year’s SST (Student Support Team) consists of: Tyler Fehrenbach, Tom Broccolo, Kelly Currie, Jodie McGowan, Muirel Shirley and one additional staff member. The team meets every morning at 8:15. Their areas of focus are attendance, academic performance and behaviour.
- The school is in the process of developing a school “matrix”, or basic rules, which will focus around the concepts of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence. The students have been providing input on how to implement these in the classroom, on the playground, when using the bathroom and during lunch. Grades 1 through 6 have been involved and when finished, posters will be made to place throughout the school.
- The following assessments will be completed this year. Assessments are either ministry or division driven and brings attention to the areas that students may need help.
M-Comp (grade 1-6)
Aims Web – early numeracy (K-1)
Aims Web – early literacy (K-1)
RCBM (Reading Curriculum Based Measurement) – fluency (Gr. 1-6)
MAZE – comprehension (Gr.1-6)
Fontas and Pinnel – the school has been asked to participate in this pilot project. It focuses on reading, comprehension and fluency (Gr 2-3)
- The division has released a new, revised MABE Scale (Mastered, Attained, Beginning, and Experiencing Difficulty) Information went home in the newsletter. According to Amy Rutten, high school teacher, the new scale has been well received as it took away the grey areas.
- On Sept. 23rd Tyler Fehrenbach, Melissa Roy-Brown and Kathy Tomaszewski attended a meeting in Redvers to discuss the upcoming division’s school calendar.
- Student achieve is a new program being used by teachers to report student progress. This program has many new aspects that the teacher’s are positive about.
- A link was sent home for parents to access Home Logic. However, the division and the parent company are having some issues. These issues are in the process of being fixed and additional information will be sent home in the future.
- Grandma Angie is working the school as Elder again this year. Her first day was October 2nd. She will be at the school every Tuesday and Thursday with her mornings spent in the classrooms and afternoons with student meetings.
- 200 seats were purchased for Mathletics this year. This program can be used at school or home. Thank you to the SCC for donating towards the purchase of this program
- Armand McArthur will be making presentations at all 39 schools in our division this year. The topic will be based around Residential Schools. Armand will be at our school on November 17th and will be visiting with the grade 5 and 6 classes from 9:00am – 10:30pm
- Missoula Theatre will be from October 20th -24th with the performance on Friday October 24th @7:00pm. Accommodations are still required for the two program directors. They will need a host family that can provide two separate bedrooms from Saturday, October 17th to Saturday, October 25th If interested or know of anyone who is, please contact Krystal Fehrenbach
- Cross- Country running was very successful this year with 9 of our students achieving top 20 finishes.
- Girls and Boys volleyball is underway.
- Picture Retakes are scheduled for October 28th
- SCC Workshop for new members will take place on November 26th. Location is unknown at this time.
- Questions / Open Discussion:
- Melissa Roy-Brown suggested that the SCC undertake giving the school a fresh coat of paint in certain areas - mainly the library. SCC will discuss at upcoming meeting.
- Dawn Jones suggested that the SCC implement a paper recycling program as one does not presently exist. Danielle Benjamin will contact Regens Disposal out of Estevan and more details will be discussed at next SCC meeting.
- The draw for 2 Tickets to Just for Laughs in Regina on November 6th was won by Jen Brady. Congratulations Jen!
- Meeting adjourned 6:45pm