Colorado Court of Appeals
2 East 14th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203
Appeal from:
District Court County: {Enter County}
District Court Judge: The Hon. {Enter Name}
District Court Case Number: {Enter Number}
In the Case of:
Plaintiff/Petitioner: {Enter Names},
☐Appellant or ☐Appellee
Defendant/Respondent: {Enter Names}
☐Appellant or ☐Appellee
Filing Party Name: {Enter your Name}
Address: {Enter Street Address}
{City}, {State}{Zip Code}
Phone: {Enter Number with area code}
E-Mail: {Enter E-Mail /  FOR COURT USE 
Court of Appeals’
Case Number: {Enter Number}
Answer Brief

Certificate of Compliance

I certify that this brief complies with the requirements of Colorado Appellate Rules (C.A.R.) 28 and 32. Including:

Word Limits:By briefhas{Insert the Number of Words}words, which is not more than the9,500 word limit.

Standard of Review Section:In the arguments section, before responding to each issue on appeal, I have the following sub-section:

Response to Proposed Standard of Review: For each issue on appeal, I state whether Iagree with the Appellant’s statement concerning which Standard of Review should be used to review that issue. I also state whether I believe the issue has been preserved for appeal. If I disagree with the proposed Standard of Review or whether the issue was preserved, I explainwhy.

I understand that my brief may be rejected if I fail to comply with these rules

Signature of the Appellee

Table of Contents

Table of Authorities: {Insert Page Number}

Issues on Appeal: {Insert Page Number}

Statement of the Case: {Insert Page Number}

Argument Summary: {Insert Page Number}

Argument: {Insert Page Number}

Conclusion: {Insert Page Number}

Table ofAuthorities



Court Rules

Other Authorities

Issues on Appeal

Statement of the Case

Argument Summary


Issue 1: {List the issue}

  1. Response to Standard of Review:
  1. Preservation:
  1. Discussion:

Issue 2: {List the issue}

  1. Response to Standard of Review:
  1. Preservation:
  1. Discussion:

{Repeat sub-sections A, B, and C for each issue in the Opening Brief}


Dated: ______

Respectfully submitted,

Signature: ______


Certificate of Service

I certify that on {Enter Date Served}I filed this Answer Brief with the Court of Appeals. I sent a copyto the people listed below: (Every party in the case should get a copy. If a party has an attorney, send their copy to the attorney.)

Name of Attorney (Or party without an attorney): ______

Sent by (Check One): ☐U.S. Mail; OR ☐In-Person Hand Delivery

Address:{Enter Street Address}

{City}, {State}{Zip Code}

{Enter Other Parties’ Service Information Here}

Signature: ______


Answer Brief| 1