Medicines in school
School will only usually administer medicines prescribed by a doctor. We will not give children pain killers such as aspirin or ibuprofen (unless this is prescribed). Paracetamol (e.g. calpol) will not usually be given except in extreme circumstances such as on residential trips. If a parent/carer feels a child needs paracetamol in school time they will need to come in to school themselves to administer this to their child.
All medicines in school are stored safely.
Long Term Medical Needs: If you child has a medical need such as asthma, epilepsy or severe allergy, you will be asked to complete a health care plan to record the precise details of your child’s needs. These medicines will only be given by trained staff following the agreed plan. Asthma inhalers will be the child’s own responsibility as soon as they are capable of doing this independently. School will inform parents when a medicine is used but it is up to the parent to ensure that medicines remain in date and there is sufficient in school to meet the child’s needs in an emergency.
Short Term Medical Needs: Wherever possible prescription medicines should be administered at home. However we recognise occasionally prescribed medicines need to be administered during the school day e.g. completing a course of antibiotics. In this case parents must bring the medicine into school themselves and then complete and sign a medicine permission form giving clear instructions of what is needed. We cannot / accept medicines sent with children without the completed permission form. We record all occasions when a medicine is given. Parents are responsible for collecting medicines at the end of the day.
Emergency Evacuation
School has strict procedures for the safe evacuation of children and staff in the case of an emergency. If we need to evacuate from the whole site (e.g. in the case of a bomb scare) we will move to an agreed safe site and contact parents from there, initially by emergency text.
Other Emergency contact
Sometimes we need to contact families if there is a medical emergency. Please ensure you keep the contact numbers in school up to date for this purpose. Our procedure in an emergency is to ring all of the numbers given to us for the first named emergency contact. If these are not answered we will leave messages if possible but will continue working down the list until we speak to one of the named contacts you have given us. If you are not available, your child may be sent home with one of the other adults on the contact form you completed or go to hospital with a member of staff.
Head bumps: We will contact you by text and medical slip if your child has a bump to the head or face to make you aware. If this looks more serious we will ring you.
Support for Families
Our Learning Mentors, Mrs Aston and Mrs Hall, our Attendance Officer, Mrs Horsley, our Behaviour Support Worker, Mr Moir and Family Support Worker, Mrs Bahraare always available to support families. Please contact one of them if you would like advice or support with your child in behaviour, emotional health, family issues, attendance ortransfers to high school orspecialist provision. /

Head teacher – Mrs Jill Harland
Information for Parents about ourSafeguarding Policy and Procedures
November 2017
Keeping all children safe at Moor Allerton Hall
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the term we use in school for all of our procedures which keep children safe. It includes our health and safety, behaviour, attendance and child protection procedures. This leaflet is a summary of all we do to keep your children safe in school time.
Arriving safely
Absences:You must ring school first thing in the morning if your child is ill. If your child is absent and we have not had a clear message, school will be in contact with you to ensure your child has not gone missing on their way to us.
Safe Parking: Lidgett Lane and the surrounding roads are incredibly busy and potentially dangerous especially at drop off and pick up times. Please help by:
  • Walking to school wherever possible
  • Car sharing or taking public transport
  • Parking a few streets away and walking the last part of the journey
  • Leaving enough time to make good parking choices
  • Park safely (not across local residents driveways or blocking other parked cars)
  • Never using the pedestrian crossing as a drop off point
  • Teaching children the Green Cross code
Early morning playground supervision:
The classroom doors are open in the morning between 8.45-8.55 am. The playground is not / supervised by staff before this time, so please do not leave your children in the school ground alone before 8.45am. If you need child care before this time please contact our breakfast club run by Child Seasons to book a place (call Zainab on 07763721942).
Arriving Late: Being on time is important because children who are regularly late miss essential learning time, but we would much rather children came to school late than not at all. If you arrive after the doors are closed please accompany your children round to the main entrance to make sure they are properly registered. Do not drop them off and leave them to manage alone. This can cause major issues if children do not let the right adults know when they have arrived.
Going Home Safely
Going Home alone:Only children in year 5 and 6 will be allowed to go home unaccompanied. You need to let the class teacher know your child has permission to do this.
Pick up by adults other than the child’s own parent/carer: We will only let children go home with their own parents/carer. Other family members or friends can only collect your child if they are on the school emergency contact list or you have given special permission to the class teacher for this to happen.
Late pick up:If you are unable to get to school for 3.25pm please phone school to let us know. Children who are still in class at 3.35pm will be taken to the school’s own late club. We will try to contact you or someone else on the emergency contact list. / Adults who work in school
All adults who are employed by school, or are supply teachers, volunteers, students or visitors working regularly with children will have had a clear police check before they are allowed to be with the children. All of our own staff have also had training on safe working practices and understand appropriate ways of dealing with children safely.
All children have the right to feel safe in school and focus on their learning. The school has clear policies and procedures for behaviour management, care and control, antibullying and e-safety (internet safety). There are separate information sheets or policy documents for these areas which are available from the school office or on our website.
Child Protection
All schools have a statutory duty to follow up any incidents which could be considered as a child protection issue. If we have concerns, we will be in contact with you to keep you informed, clarify what may have happened and offer support. It is our legal duty to follow up isssues to make sure all children are safe, so please do not take offence if we ask to discuss concerning incidents. These are usually cleared up quickly on discussion with you.
The designated staff responsible for Child Protection in school are: Ms McKay, Mrs Phillips, Mrs Dabill Mrs Hall, Mrs Aston and Mrs Pearson, Mr Moir and Mrs Horsley.