CERGA Journal Title and Abstracts March 2016
Alcohol Brief Intervention / 4
Alcohol Effects / 4
Alcohol Epidemiology and Demography / 4
Alcohol Injuries / 4
Alcohol Miscellaneous / 5
Alcohol Mortality Effects / 6
Alcohol Parenting / 6
Alcohol Policy / 6
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention / 6
Alcohol Treatment / 6
Benzodiazepine / 7
Blood Borne Viruses / 7
Brief Intervention / 8
Co-Morbidity / 8
Epidemiology and Demography / 8
Hepatitis C / 8
Homelessness / 8
Injecting Drug Use / 9
Miscellaneous / 9
Needle Exchange / 10
New Psychoactive Substance / 10
Opiate Replacement Treatment / 10
Overdose and Drug Related Deaths / 11
Parenting / 12
Pharmacy / 12
Public Interface / 12
Recovery, Relapse and Prevention / 12
Treatment Services / 13
Young People & Alcohol / 13
Journal Title / Volumes and Issues Checked / Number of issues per year
Addiction / Volume 111, Issue 1[5], Issue 2[7],
Issue 3[1] / 12
Addictive Behaviours / Volume 55[1], Volume 56[2] / 12
Alcohol and Alcoholism / Volume 51 Issue 2[4] / 6
Alcoholism Clinical & Experimental Research / Volume 39 Issue 12[2],
Volume 40 Issue 1[2], Issue 2[2] / 12
Drug and Alcohol Dependence / Volume 157[3], Volume 158[1],
Volume 159[8], Volume 160[3] / 12
Drugs Education Prevention and Policy / Volume 23 Issue 1[4] / 6
Drug and Alcohol Review / Volume 35 Issue 1[3] / 6
European Addiction Research / Volume 22 Issue 4[1] / 4-5
Harm Reduction Journal / February 2016 Volume 13[2] / 12
International Journal of Drug Policy / Volume 26 Issue 12[3],
Volume 27[5], Volume 28[2] / 6
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment / Volume 61[2] / 8
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse / 6
Substance Use and Misuse / Volume 50 Issue 12[2], Issue 13[1]
Volume 51 Issue 1[1], Issue 2[2] / 14
1. A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Brief Interventions for Alcohol Misuse among Adults in Emergency Departments
Meredith S.H. Landy, Caitlin J. Davey, David Quintero, Amanda Pecora, Kelly E. McShane
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2016:61;1-12
2. A lifetime history of alcohol use disorder increases risk for chronic medical conditions after stable remission
Tomoko Udo, Elizabeth Vásquez, Benjamin A. Shaw
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2015:157;68-74
3. Alcohol Dependence, Co-occurring Conditions and Attributable Burden
B.L. Odlaug, A. Gual, J. DeCourcy, R. Perry, J. Pike, L. Heron, J. Rehm
Alcohol and Alcoholism 2016:51(2);201-209
4. Patterns of alcohol consumption and health-related quality of life in older adults
Rosario Ortolá, Esther García-Esquinas, Iñaki Galán, Fernando Rodríguez-Artalejo
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;166-173
5. Alcohol consumption in very old age and its association with survival: A matter of health and physical function
Neda Agahi, Susanne Kelfve, Carin Lennartsson, Ingemar Kåreholt
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;240-245
6. Relating off-premises alcohol outlet density to intentional and unintentional injuries
Christopher Morrison, Karen Smith, Paul J. Gruenewald, William R. Ponicki, Juliet P. Lee and Peter Cameron
Addiction 2016:111(1);56-64
7. Health information on alcoholic beverage containers: has the alcohol industry's pledge in England to improve labelling been met?
Mark Petticrew, Nick Douglas, Cécile Knai, Mary Alison Durand, Elizabeth Eastmure and Nicholas Mays
Addiction 2016:111(1);51-55
8. How to think about your drink: Action-identification and the relation between mindfulness and dyscontrolled drinking
Laura Schellhas, Brian D. Ostafin, Tibor P. Palfai, Peter J. de Jong
Addictive Behaviours 2016:56;51-56
9. Systematic Review of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Interventions Across the Life Span
Natasha Reid, Sharon Dawe, Douglas Shelton, Paul Harnett, Judith Warner, Eleanor Armstrong, Kim LeGros and Frances O'Callaghan
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2016:39(12);2283-2295
10. Worldwide Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Literature Review Including Meta-Analysis
Sylvia Roozen, Gjalt-Jorn Y. Peters, Gerjo Kok, David Townend, Jan Nijhuis and Leopold Curfs
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2016:40(1);18-32
11. Alcohol Mixed with Energy Drink Use as an Event-Level Predictor of Physical and Verbal Aggression in Bar Conflicts
Kathleen E. Miller, Brian M. Quigley, Rebecca K. Eliseo-Arras and Natalie J. Ball
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2016:40(1);161-169
12. Adult Binge Drinking: Childhood Sexual Abuse, Gender and the Role of Adolescent Alcohol-Related Experiences
Martie L. Skinner, Allison N. Kristman-Valente, Todd I. Herrenkohl
Alcohol and Alcoholism 2016:51(2);136-141
13. Association of Alcohol Consumption with Perception of Attractiveness in a Naturalistic Environment
Olivia M. Maynard, Andrew L. Skinner, David M. Troy, Angela S. Attwood, Marcus R. Munafò
Alcohol and Alcoholism 2016:51(2);142-147
14. Demographic Risk Factors for Alcohol-Related Aggression In and Around Licensed Venues
Lucy Zinkiewicz, Ashlee Curtis, Hannah Meurer, Peter Miller
Alcohol and Alcoholism 2016:51(2);196-200
15. Drinking and mortality: long-term follow-up of drinking-discordant twin pairs
Pyry Sipilä, Richard J. Rose and Jaakko Kaprio
Addiction 2016:111(2);245-254
16. Does parental drinking influence children's drinking? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies
Ingeborg Rossow, Patrick Keating, Lambert Felix and Jim McCambridge
Addiction 2016:111(2);204-217
17. Does promoting parents’ negative attitudes to underage drinking reduce adolescents’ drinking? The mediating process and moderators of the effects of the Örebro Prevention Programme
Metin Özdemir and Nikolaus Koutakis
Addiction 2016:111(2);263-271
18. Developing and delivering local level partnership schemes with the alcohol trade
Fizz Annand
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2016:23(1);62-72
19. Policy-Relevant Behaviors Predict Heavier Drinking in Both On and Off Premises and Mediate the Relationship Between Heavier Alcohol Consumption and Age, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status—Analysis from the International Alcohol Control Study
Sally Casswell, Taisia Huckle, Martin Wall and Karl Parker
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2016:40(2);385-392
20. Which women are missed by primary health-care based interventions for alcohol and drug use?
SCM Roberts, L.J. Ralph, S.C. Wilsnack, D.G. Foster
Addictive Behaviours 2016:55;32-37
21. Studying an unreal world: incentives on internet-based interventions for alcohol use
André Bedendo and Ana Regina Noto
Addiction 2016:111(2);373-374
22. Hospital Stay and Engagement in Outpatient Follow-Up After Alcohol Emergency Detox: A 1-Year Comparison Study
Julien Azuar, Frank Questel, Eric Hispard, Jan Scott, Florence Vorspan and Frank Bellivier
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2016:40(2);418-421
23. Exercise training – A beneficial intervention in the treatment of alcohol use disorders?
Mark Stoutenberg, Chad D. Rethorst, Olivia Lawson, Jennifer P. Read
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:160;2-11
24. Prevalence, prescribed quantities, and trajectory of multiple prescriber episodes for benzodiazepines: A 2-year cohort study
Yasuyuki Okumura, Sayuri Shimizu, Toshihiko Matsumoto
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:158;118-125
25. Attitudes towards a maintenance (-agonist) treatment approach in high-dose benzodiazepine-dependent patients: a qualitative study
Michael Liebrenz, Marcel Schneider, Anna Buadze, Marie-Therese Gehring, Anish Dube and Carlo Caflisch
Harm Reduction Journal 2016:13(1)
26. Innovative community-based educational face-to-face intervention to reduce HIV, hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne infectious risks in difficult-to-reach people who inject drugs: results from the ANRS–AERLI intervention study
Perrine Roux, Jean-Marie Le Gall, Marie Debrus, Camélia Protopopescu, Khadim Ndiaye, Baptiste Demoulin, Caroline Lions, Aurelie Haas, Marion Mora, Bruno Spire, Marie Suzan-Monti and Maria Patrizia Carrieri
Addiction 2016:111(1);94-106
27. Rates of HIV and Hepatitis Infections in Clients Entering Heroin-Assisted Treatment between 2003 and 2013 and Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Infection
AbstractDickson-SpillmannM., HaugS., UchtenhagenA., BruggmannP., SchaubM.P.
European Addiction Research 2016:22(4);181-191
28. Dead space in over-the-counter syringes: The implications for HIV and HCV transmission
Christine U. Oramasionwu, Stacy C. Bailey, Heather N. Moore, Christopher O. Oramasionwu, Allison L. Russell, William A. Zule
International Journal of Drug Policy 2015:26(12);1282-1284
29. Is the quality of brief motivational interventions for drug use in primary care associated with subsequent drug use?
Tibor P. Palfai, Debbie M. Cheng, Judith A. Bernstein, Joseph Palmisano, Christine A. Lloyd-Travaglini, Tracie Goodness, Richard Saitz
Addictive Behaviours 2016:56;8-14
30. Treatment Access Barriers and Disparities Among Individuals with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders: An Integrative Literature Review
Mary Ann Priester, Teri Browne, Aidyn Iachini, Stephanie Clone, Dana DeHart, Kristen D. Seay
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2016:61;47-59
31. Tobacco and e-cigarette use amongst illicit drug users in Australia
Rachel Sutherland, Natasha Sindicich, Gavin Entwistle, Elizabeth Whittaker, Amy Peacock, Allison Matthews, Raimondo Bruno, Rosa Alati, Lucy Burns
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;35-41
32. Predictors of transition to heroin use among initially non-opioid dependent illicit pharmaceutical opioid users: A natural history study
Robert G. Carlson, Ramzi W. Nahhas, Silvia S. Martins, Raminta Daniulaityte
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:160;127-134
33. Treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs attending opioid substitution treatment and community health clinics: the ETHOS Study
Jason Grebely, Maryam Alavi, Michelle Micallef, Adrian J. Dunlop, Anne C. Balcomb, Nghi Phung, Martin D. Weltman, Carolyn A. Day, Carla Treloar, Nicky Bath, Paul S. Haber, Gregory J. Dore and on behalf of the ETHOS Study Group
Addiction 2016:111(2);311-319
34. A systematic review of interventions for homeless alcohol-abusing adults
Julie R. Adams-GuppyAndrew Guppy
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2016:23(1);15-30
35. In their own words: Content analysis of pathways to recovery among individuals with the lived experience of homelessness and alcohol use disorders
Susan E. Collins, Connor B. Jones, Gail Hoffmann, Lonnie A. Nelson, Starlyn M. Hawes, Véronique S. Grazioli, Jessica L. Mackelprang, Jessica Holttum, Greta Kaese, James Lenert, Patrick Herndon, Seema L. Clifasefi
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:27;89-96
36. Exposure to injecting drug use and hepatitis C knowledge among an online sample of young people
Toby Lea,Joanne BryantCarla Treloar
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2016:23(1);84-88
37. Trends in sources and sharing of needles among people who inject drugs, San Francisco, 2005–2012
Nathan J. Kim, Harry Jin, Willi McFarland, Henry F. Raymond
International Journal of Drug Policy 2015:26(12);1238-1243
38. Correlates of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Injection Drug Users in a Syringe-Exchange Program in Malmö, Sweden
Disa Dahlman,Anders Håkansson,Per Björkman,Marianne Alanko BloméAlex H. Kral
Substance Use and Misuse 2016:50(12);1529-1535
39. Initiation Stories: An Examination of the Narratives of People Who Assist With a First Injection
Gillian Kolla,Carol Strike,Élise Roy,Jason Altenberg,Raffi Balian,Rey SilverNeil Hunt
Substance Use and Misuse 2015:50(13);1619-1627
40. Not in the vein: ‘missed hits’, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections and associated harms among people who inject psychoactive drugs in Bristol, United Kingdom
V.D. Hope, J.V. Parry, F. Ncube, M. Hickman
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:28;83-90
41. An international systematic review of smoking prevalence in addiction treatment
Joseph Guydish, Emma Passalacqua, Anna Pagano, Cristina Martínez, Thao Le, JongSerl Chun, Barbara Tajima, Lindsay Docto, Daria Garina and Kevin Delucchi
Addiction 2016:111(2);220-230
42. Impact of the introduction of standardised packaging on smokers' brand awareness and identification in Australia
James Balmford, Ron Borland and Hua-Hie Yong
Drug and Alcohol Review 2016:35(1);102-109
43. Community attitudes towards harm reduction services and a newly established needle and syringe automatic dispensing machine in an inner-city area of Sydney, Australia
Bethany White, Paul S. Haber, Carolyn A. Day
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:27;121-126
44. Trust and people who inject drugs: The perspectives of clients and staff of Needle Syringe Programs
Carla Treloar, Jake Rance, Kenneth Yates, Limin Mao
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:27;138-145
45. Next generation of novel psychoactive substances on the horizon – A complex problem to face
Jolanta B. Zawilska, Dariusz Andrzejczak
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2015:157;1-17
46. Risk of mortality on and off methadone substitution treatment in primary care: a national cohort study
Gráinne Cousins, Fiona Boland, Brenda Courtney, Joseph Barry, Suzi Lyons and Tom Fahey
Addiction 2016:111(1);73-82
47. Characterizing pain and associated coping strategies in methadone and buprenorphine-maintained patients
Kelly E. Dunn, Patrick H. Finan, D. Andrew Tompkins, Michael Fingerhood, Eric C. Strain
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2015:157;143-149
48. Concomitant use of benzodiazepine and alcohol in methadone-maintained patients from the ANRS–Methaville trial: Preventing the risk of opioid overdose in patients who failed with buprenorphine
Perrine Roux, Caroline Lions, Laurent Michel, Antoine Vilotitch, Marion Mora, Gwenaelle Maradan, Fabienne Marcellin, Bruno Spire, Morel Alain, Carrieri M. Patrizia and and the ANRS Methaville Study Group
Drug and Alcohol Review 2016:35(1);61-69
49. Treating codeine dependence with buprenorphine: Dose requirements and induction outcomes from a retrospective case series in New South Wales, Australia
Suzanne Nielsen, Raimondo Bruno, Bridin Murnion, Adrian Dunlop, Louisa Degenhardt, Apo Demirkol, Peter Muhleisen and Nicholas Lintzeris
Drug and Alcohol Review 2016:35(1);70-75
50. Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment of Opiate Dependence: Correlations Between Prescriber Beliefs and Practices
Kai MacDonald,Kristy Lamb,Michael L. ThomasWendy Khentigan
Substance Use and Misuse 2016:51(1);85-90
51. Potential cost-effectiveness of supervised injection facilities in Toronto and Ottawa, Canada
Eva A. Enns, Gregory S. Zaric, Carol J. Strike, Jennifer A. Jairam, Gillian Kolla and Ahmed M. Bayoumi
Addiction 2016:111(3);475-489
52. Development of a brief tool for monitoring aberrant behaviours among patients receiving long-term opioid therapy: The Opioid-Related Behaviours In Treatment (ORBIT) scale
Briony Larance, Raimondo Bruno, Nicholas Lintzeris, Louisa Degenhardt, Emma Black, Amanda Brown, Suzanne Nielsen, Adrian Dunlop, Rohan Holland, Milton Cohen, Richard P. Mattick
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;42-52
53. Comparison of methods to assess psychiatric medication adherence in methadone-maintained patients with co-occurring psychiatric disorder
Kelly E. Dunn, Van L. King, Robert K. Brooner
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:160;212-217
54. Impact of treatment for opioid dependence on fatal drug-related poisoning: a national cohort study in England
Matthias Pierce, Sheila M. Bird, Matthew Hickman, John Marsden, Graham Dunn, Andrew Jones and Tim Millar
Addiction 2016:111(2);298-308
55. Exploring the life-saving potential of naloxone: A systematic review and descriptive meta-analysis of take home naloxone (THN) programmes for opioid users
Andrew McAuley, Lorna Aucott, Catriona Matheson
International Journal of Drug Policy 2015:26(12);1183-1188
56. Trends in recreational poisoning in Newcastle, Australia, between 1996 and 2013
Kate M. Chitty, Nicholas J. Osborne, Rose Cairns, Andrew H. Dawson, Nicholas A. Buckley
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;17-25
57. Correlates of overdose risk perception among illicit opioid users
Christopher Rowe, Glenn-Milo Santos, Emily Behar, Philip O. Coffin
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;234-239
58. Stakeholder perceptions and operational barriers in the training and distribution of take-home naloxone within prisons in England
Arun Sondhi, George Ryan and Ed Day
Harm Reduction Journal 2016:13;5
59. An Initial Evaluation of Web-Based Opioid Overdose Education
Stephanie S. RoeCaleb J. Banta-Green
Substance Use and Misuse 2016:51(2);268-275
60. The Parental Bond and Alcohol Use Among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Drinking Motives
Martina SmortiSilvia Guarnieri
Substance Use and Misuse 2015:50(13);560-1570
61. Community pharmacy services for people with drug problems over two decades in Scotland: Implications for future development
Catriona Matheson, Manimekalai Thiruvothiyur, Helen Robertson, Christine Bond
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:27;105-112
62. Understanding Americans’ views on opioid pain reliever abuse
Colleen L. Barry, Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, Sarah E. Gollust, Jeff Niederdeppe, Marcus A. Bachhuber, Daniel W. Webster and Emma E. McGinty
Addiction 2016:111(1);85-93
63. Emerging consensus on measuring addiction recovery: Findings from a multi-stakeholder consultation exercise
Joanne Neale,Daria Panebianco,Emily Finch,John Marsden,Luke Mitcheson,Diana Rose,John StrangTil Wykes
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2016:23(1);31-40
64. Personal support networks, social capital, and risk of relapse among individuals treated for substance use issues
Daria Panebianco, Owen Gallupe, Peter J. Carrington, Ivo Colozzi
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:27;146-153
65. Telephone-based continuing care counseling in substance abuse treatment: Economic analysis of a randomized trial
Donald S. Shepard, Marilyn C. Daley, Matthew J. Neuman, Aaron P. Blaakman, James R. McKay
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;109-116
66. The effectiveness of compulsory drug treatment: A systematic review
D. Werb, A. Kamarulzaman, M.C. Meacham, C. Rafful, B. Fischer, S.A. Strathdee, E. Wood
International Journal of Drug Policy 2016:28;1-9
67. Parental Criminal Justice Involvement and Children's Involvement With Child Protective Services: Do Adult Drug Treatment Courts Prevent Child Maltreatment?
Elizabeth J. Gifford,Lindsey M. Eldred,Frank A. SloanKelly E. Evans
Substance Use and Misuse 2016:51(2);179-192
68. Social Goals and Grade as Moderators of Social Normative Influences on Adolescent Alcohol Use
Samuel N. Meisel and Craig R. Colder
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2015:39(12);2455-2462
69. Effectiveness of a Dutch community-based alcohol intervention: Changes in alcohol use of adolescents after 1 and 5 years
Sophia C. Jansen, Annemien Haveman-Nies, Inge Bos-Oude Groeniger, Cobi Izeboud, Carolien de Rover, Pieter van’t Veer
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2016:159;125-132
1. A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Brief Interventions for Alcohol Misuse among Adults in Emergency Departments
Meredith S.H. Landy, Caitlin J. Davey, David Quintero, Amanda Pecora, Kelly E. McShane
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2016:61;1-12
Given the frequency with which individuals seek treatment for alcohol-related consequences in emergency departments (EDs), they may be the optimal setting to deliver brief interventions (BIs) for alcohol misuse. Studies examining the effectiveness of BIs for alcohol misuse conducted in EDs have yielded mixed results, and new articles have been published since the last review in 2008. The aim of this study was to provide an updated systematic review on the effectiveness of BIs for alcohol misuse delivered to adults in EDs. Articles published in June 2014 and earlier were identified from online databases (PsycInfo, Healthstar, CINAHL, Medline, Nursing and Allied Health). Search terms included (1) alcohol, (2) “alcohol screening”, “brief intervention”, “brief alcohol intervention” or feedback and (3) “emergency department” or “emergency room”. Once duplicates were removed, 171 abstracts were identified for review. Thirty-four studies were included in the systematic review. All studies reported a significant reduction in alcohol consumption at 3months post-BI, with some studies finding significant differences between the BI and control groups, and other studies finding significant decreases in both conditions but no between-groups differences. The majority of studies did not find significant between-group differences at 6 and 12months post-BI with regard to decreases in alcohol consumption. Individuals who received a BI were significantly less likely to have an alcohol-related injury at 6 or 12months post-BI than individuals who did not receive a BI. BIs are unlikely to reduce subsequent hospitalizations however, they may be effective in reducing risky driving and motor vehicle crashes associated with alcohol use, which can result in hospitalization. Beyond the effects generated by visiting EDs, BIs delivered in EDs may not be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, or in reducing subsequent hospitalizations. BIs may be effective in reducing some alcohol-related consequences. Future studies ought to investigate for whom BIs are most effective, and the processes that lead to decreases in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related consequences.