CEO Diary Update w/c 5th December 2016

Dear member

Update from last week:-

CEO diary update –last week:-

  • 2nd NISCC workshop on workforce development planning – again facilitated by John Compton – NISCC will be producing a report from these engagement workshops – my input so far has been to push for a joined up ( and clarified) view of who exactly is responsible for the development of a strategic workforce plan as there is a lot of duplication of this work – the need for clear career structures – the need for appropriate funding to support workforce stability – value/recognition of the workforce- the risks associated with the policy on self directed payments – the need for funding and integrated training across statutory and independent service provision.
  • BBC telephone calls and interview regarding the media coverage on a number of complaints about a care home – for those who did not hear this coverage the interview included Duane Farrell ageNI and myself on the live GMU on 2 Dec followed by extracts from my interview on the following news runs. The questions were very general and focused more on challenges facing care homes and on how to select a care home -The 6.30 TV interview included Olive MaCleod, CEO RQIA and questions were around seeking context to the number of enforcement actions that are taken against care homes – Olive’s response was very balanced and not unhelpful in that she attributed enforcement actions to staffing issues and in particular nurse shortages. Can I take this opportunity to remind all members that if there is any potential media coverage about your homes/businesses I would really appreciate if you could let me know as inevitably the BBC contact me and it is helpful if I have a ‘heads up’ first. Also can I remind you, in line with the ihcp code, could you please advise us of any enforcement action being taken.Link for interview - which is on the ihcp website
  • Competition and Market Authority also contacted me to discuss some research work that they are taking forward on care homes– further information is attached. Ihcp will contribute to this but it would be helpful if individual contributions from members are also sent.
  • There are a number of consultations out at the minute and ihcp will be issuing a response to each however it would be helpful for individual responses from members to go also. Current consultations - Fees and frequency of inspections RQIA – HSC tranformation criteria
  • An announcement has also been made by DHSSPS about the establishment of an expert panel to consider – call for evidence on adult care and support – ihcp will be issuing a response to this request. More information is attached on the panel and request for evidence – please contribute to the request.
  • Steering group report on domiciliary care workforce planning – following the meeting the previous week I have now included the ihcp response to the draft document which will be issued when finalised.

This week:-

  • Meeting Kevin Keenan and Fionnuala McAndrew – joint meeting of COPNI and ihcp to discuss delayed hospital discharges and the need for a roundtable discussion on this issue.
  • UKHCA annual provider forum
  • Meeting with ihcp directors to prepare the submission for the annual tariff review – Can you please send in any information you have that will inform this submission – Liz will be following up on a reminder on a previous email.

REPORTS WHICH CAN BE DOWNLOADED via our website (click on below link)


1.Good morning

Northern Ireland Hospice Adult Community Services are currently reviewing the way in which re-referrals to the service are processed. There is recognition that the process needs to meet the organisations needs but also be less cumbersome for referrers to the service. In reviewing this process we recognise the importance of stakeholder engagement.

We have attached a letter of explanation along with a proposed re-referral form and would appreciate if you would share with your colleagues and provide feedback to us within the stated time frame.

Best wishes Barbara

Dromara surgery – please pass email to Dr Yvonne McGivern.

Southern Area Hospice Services – please pass email to Carmel Campbell.

Sent on behalf of Barbara Watson, Head of Hospice Specialist Community Services

Samantha Lowry | Clinical Secretary | Adult Community Services

Northern Ireland Hospice |Community Services |Somerton House 74 Somerton Road Belfast BT15 3LH

T: 028 9078 1836 EXT: 4713|

2.The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) would like to hear from providers as part of a market study into care and nursing homes for the elderly. The CMA has recently launched this study to review how well the UK market for care and nursing homes works, and it wants to hear from providers about the services they offer and any challenges they face. For more details of the study and how to contribute, see:

3.Good afternoon All,

We are currently reviewing the NISCC Code of Practice for Employers of Social Care Workers and wish to seek your views on the draft revised standards we have developed.

The Employer Code sets out the responsibilities that employers have in the regulation of social workers and social care workers.

Please find the attached consultation document along with our information flyer which also contains the survey monkey link where you can provide your feedback.

We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


Roisin O’Connor| Admin Officer

Northern Ireland Social Care Council

7th Floor, Millennium House

19-25 Great Victoria Street

Belfast | BT2 7AQ

Tel: 02895362984

4.Dear Colleague

Please find attached cover letter and link to the Dementia Learning and Development Framework launched in September 2016.

If you require a hard copy/copies please send me your name and postal address to .

Kind regards

Thelma Swann

Business Support Manager – Dementia Together NI

Health and Social Care Board (HSCB),

County Hall Galgorm Road Ballymena BT42 1QB

Tel: 0300 555 0115 Ext 2980 DL: 028 9536 2980

Mobile: 07917704955


 please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email



Pauline Shepherd
Chief Executive
independent health & care providers
Mobile 07703754574