Centre Quality Self-Assessment for

Vocational Programmes 2017-18

The Centre Quality Self-Assessment for Vocational Programmes has the following aims:

●To provide an essential overview of the operation of Pearson work-based learning qualifications.

●To agree or not agree compliance with risk-based criteria, and to provide data on assessors and internal verifiers.

●To identify any areas of concern in programmedelivery and any enhancements to be made, and to identify areas of good practice and strengths.

Centre / Organisation Name: / Provider Type
Centre Number
Date / Dd/mm/yyyy
Name of person completing the form:
Role of person completing the form:
Lead Standards Verifier
  1. Programme Details

NVQ/Apprenticeship / Qualification Title / Level / Number of registered learners / DCS status/Expiry date
Delete rows or add further rows as necessary


Please complete Section 2 (Management Arrangements) and Section 3 (Learner Support) for the centre as a whole.

Section 4 (Quality of Assessment) and Section 5 (Quality Assurance) should be completed by the Programme Leaders for each Programme area delivering Pearson qualifications.

To be completed for the Centre as a whole

2. Management Arrangements

Criteria / Yes / No / Comments / Pearson use only
1.Certification claims on each programme area are confirmed by an appropriate Internal Verifier/IQA
2. A coherent administrative system is used for all qualification programmes
3. The system records candidate/learner details from enrolment with the centre to completion of their award(s)
4. Records are updated on a regular basis and stored securely
5. Programme Internal Verifiers and Assessors from all sites meet regularly
6. Appropriate and adequate resources are allocated to each qualification programme
7. A written code of practice and/or contract is in place between any satellite, outreach, franchise, linked centres/sites and work placements
8. Operational planning takes into account recommendations/reports of the Standards Verifier, the Internal Verifier other inspection agencies
9. Action points from Standards Verifiers are addressed within the timescales
10. A level 2 sanction or above has been applied in the last 2 years on any programme
Annual Terms and Conditions have been signed by Head of Centre

To be completed for the Centre as a whole

  1. Learner Support

Criteria / Yes / No / Comments / Pearson use only
1. There is a structured induction process which provides information about the Centre, the qualification(s) programme and assessment process
2. Learners are given information about appeals, equality of access to assessment and advice/support available
3. Learners are informed of progression and development opportunities
4. Individual needs are systematically assessed and action taken to provide appropriate support
5. Positive action is taken to respond to particular assessment needs
6. There is an effective system, monitored and recorded, for ensuring that work placements are suitable and safe
7. Learners have access to equipment, resources and I.T. needed for their programmes
8. Learning and support materials are suited to the needs of learners in terms of style, language, content and format
9. Learners receive appropriate and regular guidance and support which is monitored for quality & timeliness
10. Progress and achievements of learners are recorded and tracked on all programmes

4. Assessment

Criteria / Yes / No / Comments / Pearson use only
1. There are 2 or more dedicated assessors per programme
2. The number of assessors who are :
  • full time
  • part time
  • subcontracted
/ N/A / N/A / Please give numbers
3. The number of programme assessors who are :
  • Qualified
  • Not yet qualified
/ N/A / N/A / Please give numbers
4. The number of learners allocated to each assessor
  • highest workload
  • lowest workload
/ N/A / N/A / Please give numbers
5. All decisions of trainee assessors are validated by qualified assessors
6. Assessment is holistic and planned
7. Evidence is predominantly from the workplace
8. Assessment tools are suited to the programme context
9. Assessment records are up to date & available for audit
10. Each assessor has a relevant and up to date development plan

5. Internal Quality Assurance

Criteria / Yes / No / Comments / Pearson use only
1. There are 2 or more qualified and occupationally experienced Internal Quality Assurers (IQAs) per programme area / Please give numbers
2. The number of internal verifiers who are:
  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Sub-contracted
/ N/A / N/A / Please give numbers
3. All decisions of trainee IQAs are validated by qualified IQAs
4. The number of assessors allocated to each IQA:
  • Highest workload
  • Lowest workload
/ N/A / N/A / Please give numbers
5. Assessor workloads take into account learner location & needs
5. IQAs also assess on the same programme
6. Sampling & standardisation activity is risk based
7. Assessment practice is monitored at least every 6 months
9. IQA records are up to date and available for audit
10. Each IQA has a development plan

Actions agreed at previous LSV visit and progress towards

Criterion reference / Action

Thank you for completing the self-assessment form.

Please return this to your lead standards verifier.

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Pearson Centre Quality Self-Assessment Review for Vocational ProgrammesTechnical and Professional Assessment

Work Based Learning