All permanent members of staff have been given the role of ‘author’ on the blog. Authors are able to create, draft and publish posts – they do not need administrator approval.
Authors: How to Blog
NB. If you are working on the blog remotely, you should use the Pulse Secure Exeter VPN connection (see here for details).
1. Scheduling a Post
- Log in to the blog using your university username and password
- Go to the sidebar, hover over ‘Dashboard’ and select ‘Calendar’
- Choose the date on which you want to publish your post (try to choose a week without any other scheduled posts)
- Click on the desired date and then click on the small ‘+’ button that appears in the top left-hand corner
- Enter the working title of your post (this can be changed later)
- You may then either:
- Click ‘edit post’ and start to write it
- The post status will be displayed as ‘Draft’
- Or click ‘Create post’ to simply schedule your post on that date, with the intention of writing it at another point
- The post status will be displayed as ‘Pitch’ (i.e. you have put forward an idea for a post)
2. Writing a Post
- Log in to the blog
- Go to the sidebar, hover over ‘Posts’ and select ‘All posts’
- Find and select your post
- Write your text in the text box
- If you’ve drafted the post on a Word document and want to paste it into the box, you may want to copy the text on to a ‘Notepad’ first to remove any formatting
- Add web links using the ‘Insert/edit link’ button (the symbol that looks like an interlocking chain)
- Add images using the ‘Add media’ button
- Click on the ‘Upload Files’ tab
- Upload an image from your files
- Click on the ‘Media Library’ tab, select your image and click ‘Insert into post’
- The image should now be in your post: click on the image and use the buttons that appear to align it with your text
- You can also use the ‘edit’ button (the pencil) to add a caption
- Write the caption in the box
- You should also include your name and an indication of your academic status and interests at the bottom of the post, then align this to the right
- Select the appropriate category or categories for your post using the ‘Categories’ box on the right-hand side
- This identifies what type of post it is
- Select or add the appropriate tags for your post using the ‘Tags’ box on the right-hand side
- This identifies the specific content of your post
- To preview your post, click on the ‘Preview’ button in the ‘Publish’ box on the right-hand side
- When you’ve made a change, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button in the ‘Publish’ box on the right-hand side
3. Publishing a Post
- When the post is ready to go, you can either:
- Publish it immediately
- Check that the calendar icon in the ‘Publish’ box has ‘Publish immediately’ next to it
- Click the blue ‘Publish’ button
- Or schedule it to be published at a later date
- Check that the calendar icon in the ‘Publish’ box has ‘Schedule for’ and a date next to it
- If it says ‘Publish immediately’ or you would like to change the date, click on the ‘Edit’ button, select the preferred date and time, then click ‘OK’
- Sometimes you need to adjust the hour and minutes for it to register a change…
- The blue button should now say ‘Schedule’: click on it – the post should now be published on the stated date and time
4. Commenting on Posts
- Log in to the blog
- Click on ‘Leave a comment’ at the top of the post
- Write your comment, bearing in mind that:
- This is a public forum
- You are commenting on the work of your students, colleagues and friends: be respectful!
In addition to having all the functions assigned to the ‘Author’ role, ‘Administrator’ are also able to edit and publish contributor posts. The current administrators of the blog are: Helen Birkett, Levi Roach, Catherine Rider and James Clark.
Administrators: How to Publish Contributor Posts
1. Reviewing a post
- Log in to the blog
- Go to the sidebar, hover on ‘Posts’ and select ‘All posts’
- Find and select the relevant post
- Read through the post and add any images
- To preview the post click on the ‘Preview’ button in the ‘Publish’ box on the right-hand side
- If the post requires some revision:
- Go to the ‘Notifications’ box at the bottom of the post and make sure that the author is selected in the ‘Users’ section
- This should send an automatic alert to them once you have added your comments
- Go back up to the ‘Editorial Comments’ box and click on ‘Respond to this post’
- Enter your comments in the box
- Finally, go to the ‘Publish’ box on the right-hand side and change the status back to ‘Draft’, then save these changes
2. Publishing a Post
- When the post is ready to go, you can either:
- Publish it immediately
- Check that the calendar icon in the ‘Publish’ box has ‘Publish immediately’ next to it
- Click the blue ‘Publish’ button
- Or schedule it to be published at a later date
- Check that the calendar icon in the ‘Publish’ box has ‘Schedule for’ and a date next to it
- If it says ‘Publish immediately’ or you would like to change the date, click on the ‘Edit’ button, select the preferred date and time, then click ‘OK’
- Sometimes you need to adjust the hour and minutes for it to register a change…
- The blue button should now say ‘Schedule’: click on it – the post should be published on the stated date and time