FEE SCHEDULE Centre For Environmental Analysis And Remediation
The following is the price list for services available in the Centre for Environmental Analysis and Remediation CEAR, effective date: October 1, 2011.
User Operation / Technician OperationEquipment and Service / Internal / Internal / External / Commercial
/hour / /sample / /hour / /sample / /hour / /sample / /hour / /sample
Agilent 1100 LC-PDA-MS
Direct Injection MS / $16 / $4 / $52 / $11 / $103 / $22 / $258 / $54
LC MS / $16 / $4 / $52 / $11 / $103 / $22 / $258 / $54
LC PDA / $8 / $2 / $25 / $5 / $50 / $11 / $126 / $27
LC PDA MS / $16 / $4 / $52 / $11 / $103 / $22 / $258 / $54
Method development / $16 / $52** / $103 / $258
Varian 3800 GC-FID-MS
GC MS / $16 / $4 / $52 / $11 / $103 / $22 / $258 / $54
GC FID / $8 / $2 / $25 / $5 / $50 / $11 / $126 / $27
GC FID MS / $16 / $4 / $52 / $11 / $103 / $22 / $258 / $54
Method development / $16 / $52** / $103 / $258
Elemental Analyzer CHN Perkin Elmer
CHN Analysis / $26 / $7 / $62 / $13 / $125 / $26 / $312 / $132
Method development / $26 / $62** / $125 / $312
* All prices are in Canadian funds.
FEE SCHEDULE Centre For Environmental Analysis And Remediation
· Rates are offered on per-hour or per-sample bases
· Separated rates are listed for different users:
a. Internal: SMU professors, researchers, students
b. External: research collaborators from other universities or research institutions
c. Commercial
· Samples are analyzed on the first come first served bases
· All samples for analysis should be submitted with a sample request form. Instructions on requirements to submit samples can be found in the guidelines prepared for each instrumental technique.
Forms and guidelines can be obtained from CEAR’s website http://fgsr.smu.ca/cear or by request to
· Training is mandatory to internal users operating the instruments. After demonstrating proficiency in using the specific instrumentation, users will be able to book time to use the particular instrument
· ** When method development is performed by CEAR’s technician, collaboration is usually expected
For further information, please contact: