CentralDauphinSchool District
Graduation Project
Guidelines for Shadow Day
- The shadow day location must be approved by your Graduation Project advisor prior to the experience. Shadow experiences completed without advisor approval are subject to being omitted from the project.
- The student will, with his/her advisor’s approval, contact an appropriate mentor for the job shadow experience. The job shadow letter and response formmay be used to make that contact.
- If the Job Shadow experience is on a scheduled school day, a permission formmust be turned in to the attendance office ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE JOB SHADOW. Only one excused absence from school will be permitted for the purpose Job Shadow.
- Although a six-hour job shadow is ideal, the student is expected to be in attendance at the company a minimum of three hours. For any job shadow during the school year that is less than a full day, the student must return school.
- The student must call the school office and the company on the scheduled day if it is impossible to attend.
- Transportation to the shadow facility is the responsibility of the parent/student.
- The student will wear attire appropriate for the shadow workplace.
- The student will adhere to the Central Dauphin School District Student Code of Conduct, as well as to all policies of the company that is being visited.
- The student understands that no wages will be paid for the Job Shadowing experience.
- If the Job Shadow experience is on a scheduled school day, a verification form must be turned into the attendance office within 3 days after the shadow. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence for the shadow day.
- The student will include the completed interview questionnaire and post-shadow worksheet in the final student portfolio.
- The student will follow up with a thank you note to the shadow day mentor(s).