CentralDauphinMiddle School

2017-2018Orchestra Handbook

I am delighted to welcome you to Central Dauphin Middle School Orchestra. I am looking forward to a fantastic year. It is my pleasure to begin my thirteenthyear at CDMS and my 22nd

year of teaching at Central Dauphin School District. It is my desire to see string students grow to become better musicians while having an enjoyable learning experience while expanding thinking and critical response skills. I believe that we have a great group of young musicians in our orchestra and I can’t wait to work with you all. We can have a fantastic year in orchestra making music.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will be teaching at Linglestown Middle School on cycle days 4, 5 & 6 and at Central Dauphin Middle School on cycle days 1, 2 & 3. The phone number for Linglestown Middle is 657-3060 and the phone number for CD Middle is540-4606. Email is also a great way to reach me. My email is .

-Anita Smith

Please read the following information carefully and return the page stating that you have received and read this. Please mark important concert dates on your family calendar.

Class Schedule

Orchestra meets two times per each 6 day cycle during Enrichment Period. (CD Middle orchestra meets on days 1 and 2.) Lessons are scheduled once every 6 days and will be assigned on a rotating schedule where students are excused from ½ a period of a class.

Orchestra Attendance

Orchestra is a class and you are required to be in orchestra as assigned on your schedule. This class period should not be used to make up work in other classes. Your responsibility is to be in rehearsal. If a class emergency happens you should check into orchestra first and present your pass to Mrs. Smith. An unexcused orchestra rehearsal is considered a skipped class and will be treated as such and will result in 0 points for class participation for that day. Also, students are required to participate in all orchestra activities as scheduled. Prior to the concert date, we may have an after-school rehearsal (7th and 8th grade students). Advance notice will be given for these rehearsals and the student is responsible to take paperwork home and inform parents of these rehearsals. Late buses will be available for transportation on these dates if needed. An unexcused absence from an after school rehearsal or performance will result in a lowered grade. All possible attempts should be made to attend the activity, but if an excused absence is unavoidable, the absences must be approved before the orchestra event. Students are also excused from an after school rehearsal if there is a conflict with a school sports team.


Our school music program offers instrumental lessons for all students scheduled for orchestra. These lessons count as part of your orchestra class grade.

All students will receive a lesson card after their first lesson of the year. This card lists lesson times and should be presented to the classroom teacher before leaving for a lesson. The teacher should sign the card at the beginning of class, and then the student should leave for lessons immediately or half way through the class period (depending on the scheduled lesson time). All lessons are ½ a class period. Lessons rotate between 5 or 6 class periods. Therefore, a student will only miss ½ of a class every 30-36 days. In the event of a quiz, test, or class project, teachers may hold a student in class. In this case, a make-up lesson should be scheduled. If a student knows of a conflict prior to the lesson, a possible make up may be available that day on a different period. Students should check availability of make up lesson times as soon as possible. Mrs. Smith is usually available in the morning in the music area. Make up lessons are also announced in orchestra rehearsal frequently. Make-up lessons should be kept to a minimum and used when needed. Make up lessons do not allow for the same small group instruction as regular lessons. However, knowing that there are events that prevent students from attending lessons, each student is excused from one lesson each marking period. In addition, students are still responsible for the material that their group worked on even if one cannot attend the regular lesson. Please check with Mrs. Smith on your assignment. Students are responsible for all class work they miss during the lesson time.

Cell Phone Policy

District cell phone policy will apply during class and any afterschool rehearsals. However, tuning apps maybe used during tuning at the beginning of class.

Lesson Material

Students will need to bring their Essential Elements for Stringslesson book(s) with them to lessons. Depending on the level of the student, they may need book 1, 2, or 3. If a student does not have this book or is ready for the next book, it is the student’s responsibility to secure the book. Please check with me before you buy the book to make sure we have the correct level. In the case of more advanced students, other repertoire may be selected for lesson materials.


Orchestra is a graded subject in the middle schools. You will receive an orchestra grade every marking period. The following components will determine a student’s grade in orchestra:

  1. Participation in Orchestra Class and Concerts (30% of grade)
  • 4 points will be possible for each rehearsal

4 Points / 3 Points / 2 Points / 1 Point / 0 Points
Student comes to rehearsal class with all needed materials (such as instruments, shoulder rest, drum sticks, music, pencil, etc.) and actively engaged in the rehearsal.
Student demonstrates effort in activities, exhibits a positive attitude, and is respectful of peers and self.
Student follows all teacher directions the first time asked and follows all classroom procedures. / Student comes to rehearsal class but lacks some needed piece material(s) (such as shoulder rest, music, pencil, etc.) and actively engaged in the rehearsal.
Student demonstrates effort in activities, exhibits a positive attitude, and is respectful of peers and self.
Student follows all teacher directions the first time asked and follows all classroom procedures.
Student comes to rehearsal class with all needed materials but does not display proper behavior expectations. / Student comes to rehearsal class without their instrument, but is actively engaged in the rehearsal as well as possible without their instrument.
Student demonstrates effort in activities, exhibits a positive attitude, and is respectful of peers and self.
Student follows all teacher directions the first time asked and follows all classroom procedures. / Student comes to rehearsal class with without their instrument, and does not actively engage in the rehearsal.
Student demonstrates limited effort in activities, exhibits a poor attitude, or is not respectful of peers and self.
Student does not follow all teacher directions the first time asked or displays lack of classroom procedure protocol. / Student is Unexcused from class.
Student is in school that period, but does not come to the rehearsal class and has never come to the teacher with a pass to go to another location.
  1. Lessons (40% of grade) - Labeled as ‘Classwork’ in the gradebook

Each lesson is worth 20 points

14 points for preparedness

10 points for attendance

2 points for instrument

1 point for music and lesson books

1 point for supplies (pencil, reeds, oil, etc.)

6 points for practice

3 possible points for practice at home

o3 points for proficient/advanced practice

o2 points for basic practice

o1 point for below basic practice

3 points for practice sheet

o2 points for completed questions

o1 point for parent signature

A missed lesson (for any reason) will be entered in the gradebook as a ‘0’ until the lesson is made-up

A student’s lowest lesson grade will be dropped each quarter

  1. Assessments (30% of the grade)

Concerts – Attendance is required!

*If there is an unavoidable family situation (wedding, graduation, educational trip, etc.) or illness that would prevent attendance, the teacher must be contacted prior to the concert and a make-up assignment may be given. For an unexcused absence from a concert (when a student is in school that day and not at the concert that evening) participation points are not excused and a make-up assignment will be assigned.

Playing Tests (scales, concert music, etc.) -Playing tests must be completed within 2 cycles of the date announced.

Other Assessments (performance tasks, written tests, listening reflections)

Individual Practice Time

Being a part of an orchestra involves much teamwork and a commitment from all members. The success of our orchestra depends on each player contributing to the best of their ability. Students are expected to practice at home and to be prepared with their lesson and orchestra material. Weekly lesson assignments/practice sheets will be distributed each week. Should a student miss their lesson, they should check with Mrs. Smith and receive their assignment sheet and turn in the past week’s sheet. Parents should sign each sheet weekly. Parents, please encourage your child to practice and continue to support them by helping them find a quietly place to practice. Middle school is a time for great growth musically and we are excited to hear the progress. Your help and guidance of your child's practice routine at home is necessary for continued success. Let's make a terrific orchestra at CD Middle together.

Discontinuing Orchestra

The continued success of the CDMSorchestra depends on the cooperation and commitment of its members. If it is necessary for a student to droporchestra, the student’s parents must send a note to the orchestra directorand the Guidance Office. Students may only drop during two specific timeframes within the school year. The first is at the beginning of the school year during the first four weeks of school and the second is after the winter concert at the end of the second marking period for the beginning of the 3rd marking period. Students experiencing severe academic difficulties may be permitted to drop at other times. These academic difficulties will be evaluated by the principal, the music director, the guidance counselor, and the student’s team upon the receipt of a written parent request addressed to the Music Director and the guidance counselor. This team will work towards the best decision for the student. Submission of this request does not guarantee that the student will be given permission to drop the course. However, I highly encourage all students to give orchestra a try. When a student is undecided at the beginning of the year on what to do with orchestra, I find that those who stay with the group are happy they did so.

If a student drops orchestra all music department property must be returned prior to his or her release from the program. This includes instruments and music which must be returned in the condition in which they were issued.

School Instruments

The Central Dauphin School District has a limited number of musical instruments to loan to students. There is an extremely limited supply of violins and violas and students are highly encouraged to obtain their own instrument. If you receive a school instrument it is on a temporary basis and cannot be guaranteed that the instrument will be available the following year or in the High School. If a personal or school instrument is not acquired by the end of September, students will be dropped from orchestra. Please talk to Mrs. Smith if you would like help or suggestions of where to look for quality and affordable instruments. Please avoid purchasing an instrument from the internet without discussing it with Mrs. Smith first.

All attempts will be made to issue cello and bass players a school instrument when needed. Especially in the case of cello players, if they have their own instrument, they can use that instrument for home practice and concerts and will not need to bring their own instrument to school on a regular basis and can use the school cello at school. If a student does not have a cello at home, they must see that the school instrument is transported safely to school each week. When possible, bass players are issued a bass to play at school and one to keep at home to practice.

Concert Etiquette

  • Arrive 20-30 minutes before a scheduled performance time.
  • Maintain a professional stage presence while performing.
  • Listen to other groups as they perform and be respectful and supportive of them.
  • Wear proper concert attire
  • Stay for the entire performance. You are expected to stay and support the other performers.

Concert Attire

Students are required to purchase a CDMS music shirt to wear to all school music functions. Jeans and sneakers are not permitted at concerts. Students who arrive dressed inappropriately will not be permitted to perform and their grade will be negatively affected. Proper attire:

Girls: White Music Shirt, Black Skirt (appropriate length) or Dress Pants (no leggings), Dress Shoes

Guys: White Music Shirt, Dress Pants, Dress Shoes

2017-2018 Concert Dates

Please mark your calendars!!!

Holiday Concert:6th grade – Monday, December 187:00 PM

7/8th grade – Wednesday, December 137:00 PM

Spring Concert:6th grade – Monday, May 217:00 PM

7/8th grade – Tuesday, May 87:00 PM


1. FOLLOW all middle school orchestra and middle school procedures.

2. RESPECT those in authority and your fellow classmates.

3. COOPERATE with others in the orchestra and the music program. The better we work together and get along, the more success we will see.

4. PRACTICE regularly. Our ensemble will only be as good as the members in it. Orchestra is a team sport, and we need everyone to participate to the best of their ability.

6. SHOW proper care and respect for your instrument and the instruments of others. You do not want to have to repair your instrument or the instrument of someone else.

7. BE RESPONSIBLE by attending all lessons, rehearsals, and concerts. Please make sure you keep track of your calendar dates, lesson schedule, rehearsal schedule, and hand in work on the date due.

Orchestra Web Site

Select your school and then click on “music” and then select “orchestra”.

Please keep the previous pages of information for your reference.

Please detach, sign and return by

Friday, September 22nd

Student’s Name ______

Grade ____ Homeroom #____

Homeroom Teacher ______Team ______

We have read the orchestra handbook and my son/daughter and I understand the requirements as listed.


Parent’s/Guardian’s signature Student’s signature

Preferred Primary Contact ______

Best way to reach you ______

Best time to reach you______