The Central Bucks Schools will provide all students with the academic and problem-solving skills
essential for personal development, responsible citizenship, and life-long learning.
Important Notes 2017-2018
First Day of School Schedule:
-The first day of school for ALL students is Tuesday, September 5, 2017.
-The school day begins promptly at 7:25 AM. Students MUST be in their Titan Forum by that time. Otherwise, they will be considered late to school.
-CB Southwill be operating on a special schedule on the first day of school. The schedule will allow us to hold Welcome Assemblies for all three classes. The schedule will be as follows:
Tuesday, September 5
Titan Forum (7:25 AM – 9:30 AM)
-Senior Assembly is scheduled for 7:25 AM until 8:20 AM*
-Junior Assembly is scheduled for 8:20 AM until 9:10 AM*
-Sophomore Activities are scheduled for 8:25AM until 9:25 AM*
1st Block (9:35 AM - 10:10 AM)
2nd Block (10:15 AM - 10:50 AM)
3rd Block (10:55 AM- 12:55 PM) w/normal lunch schedules
4th Block (1:00 PM - 2:30 PM)
*Students report directly to Titan Forum at the beginning of the school day. Students should wait for an announcement before proceeding to the Auditorium. Students with First Marking Period Late Arrival are expected to be in school by 7:25 AM on the first day of school and should also report directly to Titan Forum.
Student Schedules:
Student Schedules for the 2017-2018 school year will be available on the Infinite Campus Portal on Monday, August 21, 2017 at 8:00 AM. Schedules will not be mailed home. If you require a printed schedule, please contact the Guidance Office and we will gladly print one for you.
PSAT Information:
The 2017 PSAT’s will be held on Saturday, October 14th. PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It is a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test. The PSAT measures: critical-reading skills, math problem-solving skills, and writing and language skills. It also gives juniors a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs.
Additional information regarding the registration process for PSAT’s will be forthcoming.
Procedure to Follow for a Student Absence:
1. To report an absence, a parent should call, email, or send in a note to the South Attendance Office on the morning of the absence and state the reason for the absence. The South Attendance Office's voice mail number is 267-893-3200.
2. All contact (phone calls/emails/notes/faxes) from the parent/guardian must include the student's name, the date(s) of the absences, the reason for the absence, and the signature of a parent/guardian.
3. Failure to contact the school within the three-day grace period after returning from an absence will automatically make the absence unexcused or illegal. In addition, a 2-hour administrative detention will be assigned.
Specific information on CB South's Attendance Procedures can be found on our webpage.
Student Parking Information:
Summer registration begins on Wednesday, August 9, 2017 for Seniors Only! Seniorsmay register August 9th, 10th, 14th, and 15th. Seniors may also register on any other day that registration is scheduled for other students. Juniors may begin to register on August 16th. Registration will also be held throughout the remainder of August. (Check website for exact days and hours.) Registration will be held from 7:30 AM – 3 PM on all scheduled days. The fee is $100.00 for the year and $60.00 beginning on first day of the second semester. To register, follow the instructions on the first page of the registration packet. If you have any further questions, please call Mr. Rohrmiller at 267-893-3036 or e-mail him at .
(Please check dates and times daily for accuracy.)
Senior Only Registration August 9th, 10th, 14th, and 15thfrom7:30 AM -3:00 PM.
Junior Registration begins August 16thfrom 7:30-3:00.
Junior/Senior registration continues August 17th and 18thfrom 7:30 AM -3:00 PM.
Please Note:
*Students with obligations will be unable to purchase spaces.
*Students who are away on vacation or unable to register in person may have friends, family etc. register for them.
*Students who have an appointment for their license test by mid-September may register on the applicable dates as listed above.
Please visit CB South’s website to access Student Parking Registration Forms.
Bus Information
Find My Buswill open on Monday, August 21, 2017 with specifics regarding the 2017-2018 bus stops. Bus information will also be available in the Transportation Tab on Parent Portal.
Traffic Patterns at CB South:
Traffic patterns are a significant safety concern on the C.B. South property. Student drivers will receive directions regarding their entrance to and exit from the building with the driving permit application form. I am asking everyone who drives on the South property to observe the 15 MPH speed limit. This speed limit is important during the school day and equally important during afternoon, evening and weekend hours. All drivers are also asked to follow the painted traffic lanes and not cut across the parking aisles to reach their destination. We have experienced many “fender benders” and even more “near misses.” It is very important for everyone to follow these rules to avoid a more serious incident. Security cameras are used to monitor the parking lots and violators will lose driving privileges.
Please visit CB South’s website for specific information on Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures.
MBIT Information:
MBIT students will attend Middle Bucks Institute of Technology every day. Therefore, the following information is very important.
AM Session MBIT Students must board the MBIT bus each morning by 7:20 AM. The MBIT busses will be located in the front parking lot near the Auditorium.
At the conclusion of MBIT, AM Session Students will be dropped off at CB South in the front parking lot. Students should enter through the gymnasium doors and report directly to their assigned Titan Forum. MBIT drivers should enter through the rear entrance and also report directly to their Titan Forum.
PM Session MBIT Students are dismissed each day from class at 10:45 AM. Students are to report directly to the Cafeteria for lunch. Students will be dismissed from lunch to the MBIT busses at 11:05 AM. The PM MBIT busses return to CB South by 2:30 PM for dismissal.
Student Pictures:
ID pictures and photo packets for all students on Thursday, September 14th. Photo packets will be handed out in your student’s Titan Forum. All students must have an ID picture taken. Picture re-takes are scheduled for Thursday, October 12th.
Central Bucks High School-South 1100 Folly RoadWarrington, PA 18976 Telephone: (267)893-3000 Fax: (267)893-5824