Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc. Reg.No A0026915H
February 3rd 2009 Zone Minutes
Central Zone of Pony Clubs Inc.
Tues.3rd February Tues.7th April Tues. 2nd June
Tues.4th August Tues.6th Oct./AGM Tues. 1st December
Central Zone Meeting Tuesday 3rd February 2009
At Ross Watts Children’s Hall Station Street, New Gisborne
Meeting Opened at 8:15 by Sue Hollins-Central Zone Vic President
Executive Present
Zone Representative:Leonie Lang
Zone President: Zone Vice President: Sue Hollins
Secretary: Shelly Biancon Treasurer: Liz Turner
Other Zone Officials
Zone Chief Instructor: Zone Exam Secretary: Jenny Graham
Zone Delegates Present
Member Club
/ Represented by; /Member Club
/ Represented by;Beveridge / Oaklands / Leanne Ryan
Broadford / Liz Turner
Shelly Biancon / Riddells Creek / Sue French
Judy Climas
Bullengarook / Sunbury / Nick Ednie
Findon / Toolern Vale
Gisborne /
Sue Hollins
Jenny GrahamAnn Bush / Trentham
Glenlyon / Carlene Klas / Truganina-Braybrook
Kilmore / Chris Clement / Tullamarine / Michelle Tzaferis
Colin Burke
Kingston / Joyce Williams
Darryl Williams / Werribee / Aimee Cuthbert
Wayne Cuthbert
Kyneton / Lisa Kennedy / Whittlesea
Lancefield / Mark Morgan / Williamstown
Macedon / Woodend / Russell Martin
Melton / Carmel Studley
Melinda Walker
Apologies: Deirdre Krausgrill-(Williamstown),Judy Ruter-(Kilmore),Sharon Green (Sunbury)
Marita Baker (Oaklands), Russel Madden (Woodend) Wendy Avey, Amanda Edwards (Gisborne) Tanya Kara (Truanina)
New Delegates: None to report
Motion that minutes of previous meeting be accepted as distributed
Moved : Liz Turner (Broadford) Second: Joyce Williams (Kingston) Accepted/Carried
Business arising from Previous Minutes:
9.2 Horses that attend competitions and are not entered are allowed unless noted on the program.
9.5 Motion for C Certificate (14 yrs etc.) to PCAV sent for following PCAV meeting by Shelly Biancon.
Date Received From Brief
Dec 08 PCAV Newsletter, Horse Trials Checklist,
By Laws 2009
Dec 08 Jenny Walker Postage account to be paid.
Dec 08 Margaret Wardell Notice of the passing of Mr. Ian Wardell.
Dec 08 Moreen Dainty Beveridge & DPC office bearers change.
Jan 09 PCAV Invoice to be paid.
Jan 09 LL James Fitzpatrick-State Level Events Info.
Jan 09 SG Notice Macedon PC withdrawl to host.
Jan 09 Angela King Not Attending State Champs.
Jan 09 Lisa Kennedy Kyneton PC Uniform Request
Motion: That all correspondence be received and approved.
Moved:Shelly Biancon (Broadford) Seconded: Sue Hollins(Gisborne)
1. Treasurer’s Report: Reports presented in hard copy and discussed at the meeting.
A copy of the report attainable on website.
Treasurer’s Report to be accepted as presented:
Moved: Liz Turner- Broadford Seconded: Carman Studley(Melton)Accepted/Carried
The Treasurer tabled a list of expenses to be paid for the proceeding two months.
Motion: That expenses be paid.
Moved: Liz Turner-Broadford Seconded:Joyce Williams(Kingston) Accepted/Carried
2. Presidents Report: Unavailable
3. Central Zone Representatives Report
CZ meeting February 03, 2009
I would like to report on:
· Course Accreditaton
· Forthcoming requirements for dressage arenas
· State Horse Trials Championships
· Interzone Horse Trials
· State Dressage and SJ Champs
Course Accreditation
I recently had a meeting with the Central Zone Course Accreditors and a roster has been prepared for 2009. It will shortly be posted on the website. We have two new panel members who are both experienced eventers. Ruth Webb came from England to settle in Bullengarook; some riders may have met her in coaching clinics. Jenny Bowker is originally from New Zealand but has been competing in Victoria for some years.
The panel reported that the standard of the courses in Central Zone is generally very good, and they are being well-maintained. However, if an old jump is no longer in use it must be removed. Advising riders not to use it for schooling because it is unsafe is unsatisfactory.
It is the duty of the course accreditor to inspect and approve all courses (including dressage and showjumping) and be satisfied with the other aspects of organisation before the day of the event. Since at least 3 of our accreditors are either competing or teaching on most weekends, it is highly likely that they will not be available on the day. The other accreditors may attend, by prior arrangement, but they are not obliged to. Therefore it is imperative that they be contacted well in advance, to allow time for modifications if necessary. Don’t wait until you think the courses are ready – make contact when you start planning. Consequences of inadequate or last minute planning may be removal of a jump, failure to be accredited as a Grade 1 and/or 2 Qualifier or even cancellation of the event!
Some particular concerns with the running of events identified by the accreditors were:
Ø Communication and the provision of sufficient radios. For a big event, at least 10 should be available.
Ø Availability of a horse ambulance and screens. A clean and empty float should be attached to a vehicle, with the keys in the ignition and on or with access to the course.
Ø Service crews, with appropriate equipment, must be sufficient. You may need 2 or 3 crews.
Ø A chief judge for cross-country must be appointed. The course accreditor may be used by arrangement but cannot be taken for granted.
Ø Organisers should not expect to compete on the day.
Ø Showjumping pencillers should be appointed who are prepared to stay for the duration of the competition, or at least , half a day. Judges do not have time to keep re-training new pencillers.
Ø Sufficient SJ equipment must be available to build courses of a high standard.
Ø Stewards and other volunteers must be sufficient. Every effort must be made to contact fence stewards before the day, and if possible ascertain their level of experience. Do not assume that volunteers listed on entry forms will be available on the day. Small clubs which cannot muster enough members and friends for all the jobs needed to be done on the day should consider joining forces with another club or having a different style of competition that requires fewer helpers. The zone rep or the course accreditor is not there to run the event for you.
I have revised the check list sent out to clubs 2 years ago and this will be sent to all clubs planning an event with a cross country component.
Forthcoming requirements for dressage arenas
You may be aware that from January 2010, the EFA will change the requirements for dressage arenas. No rope, chain or tape will be allowed. I haven’t heard the PCAV policy on this but they usually follow suit so it would be wise for clubs to start planning in advance. Other options should be investigated as alternatives to expensive commercial set ups.
State Horse Trials Championships
The State Horse Trials championships for grades 1 and 2 will be hosted by Midland Zone at Goornong, near Bendigo, on 2-3 May. Note that the printed closing date for entries is in the middle of Easter (Saturday or Monday, depending on whether you use the day or the date) when the Riddells Creek Horse Trials will be held. Midland Zone has agreed to extend the closing date to Weds 15th April to accommodate any Central Zone riders who need to complete this event as a qualifier. I will be at Glenlyon H/T and Riddells Creek to sign cards and entry forms. Riders qualifying at Riddells Creek will need to post entries urgently to ensure meeting the closing date.
Interzone Teams Horse Trials
The Interzone Teams Horse Trials for grades 3 and 4 will be held at Werribee on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May. This is one week after the State grades 1 and 2 championships, but the closing date for entries is the same – Wednesday 15th April.
Riders are reminded that this year it is a Central Zone requirement that you qualify. The rules are the same as for grades 1 and 2 i.e. two events completed with fewer the 100 penalty points, one to be in this calendar year. Again, if riders need to use the Riddells Creek event to qualify, they will need to get their entries in very promptly.
I would like to thank Nick Ednie for volunteering to be the Central Zone Coordinator for this event. All entries must be sent to him. All the details are on the special Central Zone Individual Entry Form which is on the entry forms section of the Central Zone website, together with the medical, veterinary and payment forms. Note that the Individual Entry Form is a little different to the one which will be posted on the PCAV website, due to the qualification requirement.
State Dressage and Showjumping Champs
As you know, we are hosting the state Dressage and Showjumping Championships at Oaklands on Feb 22nd. I would like to thank all the clubs for their generous help and cooperation in the big job of organising this event and especially Sue Hollins, who has done most of the work. If all goes to plan we should have a successful event.
I would also like to congratulate the riders who have qualified to represent Central Zone and wish them every success on the day.
Leonie Lang
CZ Rep
ZCI Report: ZCI Report from Central Zone.
Thank you to Bronwyn Fyfe, Jenny Graham, Liz Turner and Glenda Meddings for going down to Werribee and gear checking at the Summer Royal.
With very short notice, show jumper Becky Allen, World Cup Qualifier winner, was able to fit in a Zone show jumping school in early January at Riddells Creek. Those who attended were very pleased with their newly gained knowledge. Thanks to Ruth Feltoe for organising this.
There is to be a PCAV state workshop run in Central Zone at Riddells Creek on Saturday 30th May. Many aspects of Horsemanship and Riding will be available and you will be able to choose which ones to attend. More detail will be available on the PCAV web site.
I would urge you to attend along with parents, instructors particularly, NCAS, Zone DCI’s and ZA’s, riders, and interested people. This will be the only one held in Central Zone for 2009. Two more workshops will be held in Victoria this year and three more next year but all in different Zones. It is funded by the Department of Sport and Recreation so entry is free. Do put this date firmly on the calendar.
There will be a B and K weekend on Sat 16th and 17th May in the Barwon Zone. Please let your BK riders know personally. This is for all members of the State. Phone 0352 823 385 or email for more information.
Sally Francis will be available in our Zone for Sat 23rd and Sun 24th of May. Ideas and venues needed. Sally is a Victorian State coach for the RDA, was Zone Chief instructor in South Metro for years and is a competent creative teacher.
Wendy Abey
4. ZES Report as follows:
5. Junior Committee Report: In Recess
6. General Business with Notice:
1. Kyneton PC uniform request accepted. Action Shelly to send to PCAV
2. State Qualifier Selection Process-Report from the panel to be submitted at the April meeting.Note
3. Junior Committee-Disco to be advised (venue to be confirmed).Note
4. Composite Teams: Voting: 15= Yes / Remainder = Undecided, therefore majority rules.Action Leonie will vote for a reinstatement of composite teams at the next PCAV meeting.
5. State Championship duty roster discussed with Sue Hollins (list available upon request).Note
6. Interzone Horse Trails & Checklist – As per Leonie Lang’s report attached.Note
7. Website training for clubs.Action Leonie will ask Moreen Dainty if a workshop could be arranged.
8. PCAV State Training day May 30th 2009 Riddles Creek have advise availability.Action Wendy Abey to advise instructor.
7. General Business Without Notice:
- NCAS Couching Course Pilot: Gisborne,Macedon,Woodend & Kyenton to run this year.Note
- Kingston C/T changed to March 22nd 2009 from February 8th,2009.Action:Leonie to update calendar.
- Zone Games Macedon unable to host. Kynton has offered to host.Action:Kynton to confirm.
- Workshop request for Gear Check.Action: Wendy Abey to advise.
- Saddle Cloths – (Zone Rep) require cleaning.Action: Liz Turner to arrange @$15.00 per.
Moved: Shelly Biancon (Broadford) Second: Sue Hollins (Gisborne) Accepted/Carried.
Close Meeting at: 9:36 pm
Minutes Confirmed