Procuring Organisation
/ / RECORD OF TENDER OPENINGProcurement Number:
/ / GPPA-Form 013The Gambia Public Procurement Regulations (GPPR) set out precise rules for the submission and opening of tenders. [GPPR 51, 52 & 53] The Gambia Public Procurement Regulations also make clear that the Contracts Committee is responsible to receive, register, open and record tenders. [GPPR 61(1)]
identify procurement:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
date of tender opening: …………………………………………………………
name of tenderer / receipt
Date & Time / price / was tender opended by mistake prior to tender opening? yes___ no___
if yes, explain and by whom / remarks
I certify that the contracts committee, opened, read and recorded on this GPPA-Form 013 (and continuation sheets if any) all tenders received in response to the invitation to tender.
Name: ______
Signature: ______DATE:______
Chairperson of Contracts Committee
Ø Tenders shall be submitted in writing, signed and in a sealed envelope, to the place and before the deadline stated in the invitation to tender. [GPPR 52]
Ø The procuring organisation shall provide the tenderer with a receipt showing the date and time when its tender was received. Record in column 2 of the table the date and time the receipt was issued.
Ø Tenders submitted before the tender opening shall not be opened or viewed and shall be carefully safeguarded and secured in a locked box or safe. The contracts committee also shall take care not to disclose the identity and the number of tenders received before the tender opening.
Ø If before the tender opening, a tender is opened by mistake, the opener shall sign and note his/her title on the envelope. The envelope must then be delivered to the Chairperson of the contracts committee. The Chairman shall immediately write on the envelop (1) an explanation of the opening, (2) the date and time opened, and (3) the invitation to tender number or other identifying mark, (4) his/her signature. The Chairperson then should immediately reseal the envelope.
Ø Tenders received after the deadline for submission shall be returned unopened to the tenderer. [GPPR 55]
Ø The tender opening should be scheduled to coincide with the deadline for submitting tenders. [GPPR 61(1)]
Ø At the tender opening, the procuring organisation shall open only tenders received before the deadline provided that there is a quorum of the contracts committee, and if there is no quoram then the tender opening shall take place at a time and date determined by the Chairperson..
Ø Tenderers, their authorised representatives and the public shall be allowed to attend the opening of tenders. [GPPR 61(1)]
Ø The name of the tenderer and the total amount of each tender shall be read out aloud and recorded, and a copy of the record shall be made available to any tenderer on request. [GPPR 61(2)]
July 2003 / 1