Central Parents’ Committee Report

Council of Commissioners’ Regular Meeting October 30, 2006

Parents’ Committee Annual General Assembly

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Forty-three parent representatives and alternates from thirty-three schools attended our AGA. Of note, our 2005-2006 Annual Report was presented and the 2006-2007 edition of the Parent Representative Handbook was distributed.

2006-2007 Central Parents’ Committee Members

Sector 1:Anne-Marie Campbell, Brian Johnston, Mike Nalecz, John Bakinowski

Sector 2:Frank Antonucci, Mark Bray, Craig Berger, Elisabeth Tosi

Sector 3:Jacqueline Mallais, Robert Bauco, Conny Held, TBD

Sector 4:Rafat Noor Khan, Denis Le Sieur, Danny Olivenstein, Sue Williams-Rae

SNAC:Jennifer Bogart, Michele Bastin (alternate)

A complete list of the CPC executive and elected/designated parents to the various committees is included at the end of this report.

Central Parents’ Committee Meeting

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The meeting was preceded by a “Getting to Know You” ice-breaker activity.

Elections: Elections for CPC executive positions, Education, Facilities and Security, FCPIM and FCPQ took place.

CPC Meeting Dates: The following dates were approved: (meetings begin at 7:30 p.m.)

November 9December 7January 11

February 8March 1April 12

May 3June 14September 6

Consultations: It was agreed that members needed to get input from their Sectors on consultations, so discussion will take place beginning next month on the following: Enrolment Criteria, School Fees Policy, and Video Surveillance Policy.

Regarding the current consultation on the Deeds of Establishment, it was decided that given the October 20 deadline, it’s not manageable to review the deeds of all schools and centres. It was felt that Sectors are in the best position to respond to the consultation.

Central Parents’ Committee Executive Positions

Chair:Elisabeth Tosi

Vice Chair:Jacqueline Mallais

Parent Commissioners:Craig Berger (Elementary)

Sue Williams-Rae (Secondary)

Treasurer:Robert Bauco

Board Committee Representatives

AVE:Conny Held

Education:Denis Le Sieur

Facilities:Elisabeth Tosi

Transportation:Steven Dorington (Sector 1)

Nancy McInnis (Sector 3)

Danny Olivenstein (Sector 4 and voting delegate)

Intercultural:Rafat Noor Khan, Conny Held, Sondra Chenevert, Ken Stanislaus

CPC Standing Committee Members

Awards:Jeff Zucker, Eloisa Binder, Antonia Di Paola-Belliveau, Mark Doret, Jacqueline Mallais

Budget:Stephen Deley, Rob McIsaac


Structures &

Communication:Lorraine da Costa, Stephen Deley, Conny Held, Kathryn Pille, Marion Sexton, Elisabeth Tosi, Sue Williams-Rae

External Affiliations

FCPIM:Marc Audet (Sector 3)

Rafat Noor Khan (Sector 4)

Rafat Noor Khan, Mike Nalecz (CPC)

FCPQ:Rafat Noor Khan, Elisabeth Tosi (CPC)

PEF:Antonia di Paola-Belliveau, Loretta Gillis, Richard Meloche, Cheryl Rozon, Debbie Sutherland, Rafat Noor Khan

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Williams-Rae

Secondary Parent Commissioner