Central Idaho Mountain Biking Association July Meeting Minutes
When: July 21, 2014, 6pm
Where: Rupert’s
Attendees: Michelle Reagan, John Link, Carolyn Troutner, Heather Thiry, Diane Sanders, Sidney Bateman, and Jim Fitzgerald
Next Meeting: August 18, 2014, Rupert’s 6pm
- John presented the bank statement which shows income for June with $1347.24 in donations and 1209.97 from map sales, totaling $2557.21. Expenditures were $309.27 in tools, 1267.35 in map purchases, and 1630 in miscellaneous for a total of 3206.62. Current balance is 9425.40.
- John also presented a spreadsheet on D&O insurance he has gathered.
- Three companies were available to vote upon. Carolina Casualty, Great American, and United States Liability.
- Board moved and approved to utilize United States Liability for a yearly premium of $994, which includes $250 service fee, a 3 year binding guarantee of no rage increase, and a $1,000,000 limit with no deductible.
- Rich sent an e-mail regarding the TAL
- Rich A and Rich C have flagged and done some initial work on the north end reroute
- The reroute will go through an old road bed and can be cleared more easily than the previous alternatives.
- It will be marked as a triangle with pink survey tape on the west side of Warren Wagon Rd.
- IDL now needs to inspect.
- Heather presented a trails update.
- Heather met with Andrew form the USFS regarding the Bear Basin Trail. Gregg has been out of touch, She has created a folder which includes the mou.
- Horses are included on the mou, though nothing is built for horse traffic.
- Heather presented a copy of the sign that the USFS will post at the trail head. This sign recommends no horses utilize the mountain bike trails. The “No Horses” signs are still up on all the single track trails.
- A meeting has yet to be scheduled with the USFS. Michelle, Gregg and Heather plan to attend.
- The board discussed inviting Lisa Klinger on a mountain bike group ride. Jim, Diane, and Carolyn expressed an interest in going.
- Heather needs several CIMBA tools returned. Sid will get them for her.
- The trail day for Bear Pete will be rescheduled for September 13.
- 18 people showed up for the trail day at Ponderosa.
- Sid said the East Fork of Lake Fork has 5-6 trees down, and should be cleared.
- A discussion was held on the Blackwell trail. No one knows the status of the trail.
- The BB connector requires 2-3 more evenings of work. It was decided to work on this trail in the evenings. Kurt needs to finish the bridge approaches. Questions have been asked asked about the gravel on the trail. The gravel will be small and needs to be spread to keep the dirt down.
- Map sales are going well.
- Brundage would like to be on the map.
- CIMBA will start a new map next summer with GPS trails.
- Diane will contact Scott about small revisions to the maps.
- A discussion regarding a digital app for the maps was tabled until the next meeting.
- Education has also been going well.
- Between the rodeo and the Payette Forest children’s ride, all helmets have been given away.
- The bikes CIMBA bought and donated have been used during kid’s camp. McCall has been given 3 of the donated bikes, and Donnelly has 6.
- The subject of sending Lisa K of the USFS pictures was brought up
- Jim suggested sending a year-end summary to Lisa as well.
- Michelle would like to see a board member work with Scott on sponsorship.
- Scott has plans to talk to Hometown
- Sid will talk to Keen.
- Sid will also talk to the Wild Rockies rep regarding sponsorship
- Board agreed it would be nice to have a sponsor for big projects such as TAL.
- John has the signs for the Festival in Sept. He will take them to Rocky Mtn. signs.
Michelle will connect with him.
- The ICL meeting regarding existing mountain biking trails in the proposed wilderness areas will be held next weekend. Michelle will attend. She asked for ideas to present.
- Jim suggested that concessions have been made for uses in the Frank Church
- Asking for specific areas (20mile) and uses to be grandfathered in can be more helpful than tackling mountain bikes and the motorized/non-motorized classification.
- Being clear will help
- John Greesom, a GIS tech, has BB summer trail map ready to be published. He needs an ok from Scott of Adventure maps, to include CIMBA trails. Board agreed to say no because of a prior agreement with adventure maps.
- Neither CIMBA nor IMBA is showing up on the IRS website listing 5013Cs. Michelle has contacted IMBA.
- The board moved and approved Jim Fitzgerald as the Vice-President.