Central Geelong Task Force Special Committee
Friday 9th october 2015
9.30am-12.30pm | City Hall Chamber, 57 Little Malop Street, Geelong
Mayor Darryn Lyons (Chair), Cr Michelle Heagney, Cr Andy Richards, Mark Edmonds, Todd Devine, Dan Simmonds, Professor Roz Hansen, Rory Costelloe
Also Present:
Paul Jane (Acting General Manager Projects, Recreation & Central Geelong), Hilary Rutledge (Manager Central Geelong Action Plan), Tamara Carmichael (Minute-taker)
Alister Paterson, Melanie Cassidy, Jarrod Malone, Mark Haycox, Christian Borchert. Miranda Wilkinson
1. Welcome
The Chairperson welcomed the Task Force and declared the meeting open at 9.52am.
2. Apologies
Nicholas Heath, Kelvin Spiller (CEO)
3. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of conflict of interest.
4. Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting – 11th September, 2015
M Edmonds moved, R Hansen seconded-
That the Minutes be confirmed and accepted.
Cr A Richards arrived at 9.59am
5. The Malop Street ‘Lab’: City in a Park Pop Up
R Costelloe moved, T Devine seconded –
That the report be noted.
Cr M Heagney arrived at 10.04am
6. Malop to Myers Street Revitalisation Project - Update
D Simmonds moved, T Devine seconded –
That the report be noted.
7. Central Geelong Drainage/Flood Study
D Simmonds moved, R Costelloe seconded –
That the report be noted.
8. General Business
Central Geelong Task Force Breakfast – Friday 9th October 7.15am-9.15am
Mayor D Lyons wanted to thank Task Force Committee members for their attendance and assistance at the breakfast this morning. It was a successful event with the actions and initiatives of the Action Plan being well communicated to stakeholders. Thank you to Hilary and the team at Central Geelong Action Plan for organising the event. Feedback from attendees was extremely positive.
9. Next meeting date
The Committee decided that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on Friday 13th November 2015 commencing at 9.30am.
Close of Meeting
The meeting was closed to the public at 10.17am on Friday 9th October, 2015.
D Simmonds moved, T Devine seconded –
That in accordance with Section 89 (2)(h)(i) of the Local Government Act 1989, the meeting be closed to members of the public to consider confidential matters.
The meeting was officially closed at 12.50pm on Friday 9th October, 2015.