Central Beach Alliance Board Meeting

December 8, 2010

Ritz Carlton – Fort Lauderdale, FL

Board Members Present: Fred Carlson, Joan Crohn, Chuck Hansen, Dennis Herrity,

Shirley Smith, John Weaver, and Lester Zalewski

Fred Carlson called the meeting to order at 11:45 am.

Chuck asked if there were any receipts for reimbursement. There were none.

Fred said he had some new membership forms, which he would give to John.

John reported on current membership for next year. There are 28 paid members, 8 buildings and 1 business.

A question was asked about changes in a quorum based on membership. It was stated that our by laws state 40 votes including buildings.

Shirley and Joan shared some information from Commissioner Rodstrom’s meeting regarding the improvements to Sistrunk Blvd. and plans for the Centennial.

There was a discussion regarding the boundaries of the CBA and if we can include other residents who are currently denied membership. We will look into this further.

Lester and Fred said they spoke to Gina Ellis who said we couldn’t include Dolphin Isles and Harbor Beach.

Dennis made a motion to limit speakers at our meetings to three minutes.

John seconded the motion.

It passed unanimously.

Fred read a statement regarding disruptions to public meetings. We will follow this if there are any problems at our meetings.

Fred then introduced the issue of noise levels.

John said we need to come up with our own noise restrictions and bring send it to the City.

Fred has spoken to the Hilton regarding our Dec. 16 General Meeting. He should hear back this week.

Lester feels we need to market the CBA better and suggested we hire a marketing firm.

Joan suggested we try “free” strategies first, such as newspaper announcements of upcoming meetings and maybe articles for other city publications.


Dennis suggested a press release.

Fred will contact Don Krinklaw at the “Highriser” and Scott Wyman at the “Sun Sentinel”.

John said he would send out the notices.

Dennis asked about the awards from the Civic Association and thought maybe we could get one.

Fred said we could apply for this, but there were some caveats to be aware of. Such as matching grants and who will be responsible for the project in the future.

Dennis suggested the CBA give out recognition awards each year.

Joan suggested the boutique hotel, The Pillars, or other condos or hotels in the area.

Dennis and Joan will look into this for next year.

Fred said the Water Slide came before the P&Z, and they asked the Beach Council to review this. The CBA had voted against it.

John presented the nominations to the board for next year. There was one that did not qualify.

Fred spoke about the homeless and what is being done.

Dennis passed out some articles regarding classes for condo boards and a condo’s ability to levy fines for infraction of rules.

Shirley is on the Council of Civic Associations. The President of the CBA Board will have to reappoint her next year. She also passed around a flyer regarding the Council’s Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 14, from 6-8pm, 8th floor of City Hall. All Board Members are invited. Rsvp to Betty Shelley @954-938-9230 or . Please bring a salad, vegetable or dessert.

Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Lester seconded it.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Crohn, Recording Secretary