Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

Grant Application Cover Page

What kind of grant are you applying for?

_____ Active Learning Grant

_____ Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) grant

_____ Service-Learning Faculty Fellowship

_____ Student Learning Analytics Fellowship (SLAF)

_____ Summer Instructional Development Fellowship (SIDF)

_____ Summer Writing-Teaching Grant

_____ Other (please describe): ______

Title of project:

Name of applicant:


Email address for contact purposes:

Please note that theCITL limitsinstructors to one CITL-funded project at a timein order to support as many instructors as possible. Funded projects include grants, faculty learning communities, fellowships, and any other program for which instructors receive financial support from the CITL. Therefore we ask that you apply for only one type of grant in a given funding cycle.

If you are currently participating in any CITL-funded program or project, please complete the table below by placing an X next to the type of funding you are currently receiving, and providing the information requested.

Current funding / Type of grant or other funded project / Title of grant, name of FLC, or description of project / Anticipated completion date
Active Learning Grant
SOTL grant
Service Learning Faculty Fellowship
Summer Writing-Teaching Grant
Funded Faculty Learning Community
Other (please describe in the box to the right)

Active Learning Grant Application

Please answer the following questions and submit your answers together with the Grant Application Cover Page as a single document.

In addition, please submit:

  • A current course syllabus (unless you will be designing a new course)
  • A curriculum vitae for each applicant
  • A letter of support from your department chair or dean that endorses the project and certifies that the applicant will teach the course (or a similar course) twice in the next three years.

Email the complete set of documents to by the deadline listed on the Active Learning Grant page.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your application with a CITL consultant, please contact Kate Ellis ().

1. What course will you work on during the period of your Active Learning Grant?

Include the following: 1) course goals, 2) typical or expected enrollment, 3) frequency it is taught, 4) student profile

2. What instructional need or opportunity would you like to address through active learning strategies?

3. How do you think you will address this need or opportunity?

Be as specific as possible regarding what new active learning strategies you will introduce to the course. Explain how this innovation will promote active learning: how will it encourage critical thinking and engagement?

4. How will you assess the effectiveness of your active learning strategy for student learning?

5. How might you share the results or useful outcomes of your project with colleagues in your department or school?