Census Definitions and Classifications

Census Definitions and Classifications


1. Population (resident population, de facto population, temporary absent and temporary present population)

THE PERMANENT POPULATION includes all persons, who live permanently in a given settlement, irrespectively of whether they are present on its territory at the crucial moment of the census, or have temporarily left to another settlement. The permanent place of residence is the settlement in which the person usually lives.

THE PRESENT POPULATION includes all persons who are present in the settlement at the crucial moment of the census, irrespectively of whether they live there permanently, or are temporarily present in it for some reason.

TEMPORARILY ABSENT PERSONS are those who live permanently in a given dwelling belonging to the settlement under census, but in the crucial moment- 0 o'clock on 1 March 2001, have been in another settlement on business, vacation, visiting, holidays, etc.

TEMPORARILY PRESENT PERSONS are those who live permanently in another settlement, but have come on business, vacation, visiting, holidays in the dwelling, hotel, holiday house, etc., belonging to the territory of the settlement under census and at the crucial moment of the census have been there.

2. Migration (place of birth, place of residence, foreigners, refugees…)


Both exhaustive and sample surveys of migration are included in the Census 2001 Programme. The basic criteria (concepts) which will be used in surveying migration are as follows:


-place of residence / permanent residence;

-duration of presence/absence – 1 year before the census date;

-purpose of migration

Indicators for migration (internal and international) are:


For persons born outside the country the whole date of birth (year, month, day) will be recorded.

For persons born in Bulgaria the whole date of birth, region, municipality and settlement of birth will be recorded.


The declared citizenship will be recorded for persons with other than Bulgarian citizenship.

The parents will determine the citizenship of their children under age of 16. In case the parents have a different citizenship (one of those Bulgarian) the child will be determined as a Bulgarian citizen. In case both parents have other than Bulgarian citizenship, children will be given citizenship according to their parents’ declaration.


The permanent and current addresses will be recorded (country, region, municipality and settlement).

For persons-Bulgarian citizens, who have already changed their old personal documents (passports) with new ones (identity cards), the permanent and current addresses will be recorded according to their identity cards.

For persons who have not changed their passports with identity cards at 1 March 2001:

-permanent will be the address recorded in their passport and;

-current will be the address on which the person have lived before 1 March 2000 or the address at which the person declares that lives permanently.

Each person counted as permanent population of a given settlement will be asked the question:


The municipality, settlement, country of previous residence and the year of last migration will be recorded. if the person declare that have migrated within the period 4.12.1992 (last census) till the crucial moment of the present census. The residence of children born after 4.12.1992 will be defined according to permanent residence of mother at birth. Hence, the aggregate of migrated persons will be covered, not the total number of migrations within the observed period or if a given person have migrated two or more times within this period only the last migration will be covered during the census.

Short stay (less than year) of persons abroad or in another settlements in the country due to business, vacation, visiting, holidays, etc are not considered as migration. Also persons on regular military service, in prisons, in specialised boarding-schools or boarding-houses are not considered as migrants.

Changes of residence due to administrative reasons (merging or splitting, creating of new settlements, moving settlements from one to another municipality) are not considered as migration.

3. Households and families (households, nuclei families, position in the family and household)

Basic unit of observation in the census is the HOUSEHOLD. This is a socioeconomic category, which combines people living together through the relations originating in the organization of their life-style and management of the housekeeping. Household are two or more persons, who:

1)live together in one dwelling or a part of dwelling;

2)have a common budget;

3)take meals together, regardless of the fact that some of them may not have kinship ties to each other.

A household may be only one person, who lives in a self contained dwelling, room of part of it belonging to a dwelling, lives on self dependant budget in respect to expenses on food and expenses for other necessities. Persons permanently living together in workers or students hostels also are considered as household.

As collective households are accepted to be a group of people who live permanently in a collective, have a common budget, take meals together, and are subordinated to a common regime.

Unmarried children living with their parents are considered as member of households of their parents, irrespectively their age. Divorced or widowed persons living with their parents are considered as member of households of their parents only if their living together meets the requirements for household formation.

Common budget is present, when one or more members of the household use resources of the other members. It is not necessary that all resources of all members of the household should be spent. Persons, who do not have common budget and do not have meals together, do not form a household, irrespectively of the fact that they live together. Separated spouses, whose marriage is not legally dissolved, do not form a household, even if they continue to live together. When two or more families live in one dwelling they are counted separately.

Head of household is considered to be the person, who provides the main means for existence, or the one whom the household members have accepted as head (most often by right of seniority). The principles followed in defining the head of household are:

1)the head of the household is also the head of the family (if there is such);

2) if husband/wife permanently lives in another settlement he/she can not be head of the household.

Kinship between members is not obligatory, for a household to be formed.

A FAMILY may be composed of:

1)two spouses (being in a legal or in a factual marriage) without children;

2)two spouses with one or more never married children irrespectively of their age or

3)parent with one or more never married children irrespectively of their age.

Definition of family accepted in Bulgaria (meeting the requirements of UN for observing so called family nucleus or nuclei family) consists two substantial points. First –making distinction between biological family consisting the whole generation of spouses, the nuclei family consists only children who live with their parents at the moment of the census and have never been married.Second– there are no limitations concerning age of children and their economic activity at the census moment.

JURIDICAL IS THE MARITAL STATUS, which is formalized by a document- certificate for civil marriage, court order for divorce, or death certificate for one of the spouses.

FACTUAL IS THE FAMILY STATUS of persons who at the moment of census are or are not in marriage irrespectively whether this status is legally formalized or not.


  1. Head of the household – the person determined by the household as a head
  2. Husband/wife – husband/wife of the household head irrespectively whether legally married or not
  3. Son/daughter – children of the head of the household permanently living in the household, incl. stepchildren
  4. Son/daughter-in law – sons/daughters-in law who are husband/wife respectively of the children of the head of the household and are permanently living in the household only
  5. Grandchildren – grandchildren of the head of the household permanently living in the household only
  6. Parent of the head of the household or of the other spouse – persons who are father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in law of the head of the household
  7. Grandmother/grandfather - grandmother/grandfather of the head of the household or of the other spouse
  8. Other relatives – all persons who are in kinship with the head of the household or the other spouse
  9. Other persons

-all persons who are not in kinship with the head of the household

-members of collective households (boarding-houses, hostels, homes for elderly or ill people, infant or orphan homes, monasteries, etc)


1. Head of the family – the person determined by the family as a head

2. Husband/wife – husband/wife of the family head irrespectively whether legally married or not

3. Son/daughter – never married children of the head of the family permanently living with their parents, incl. stepchildren

4. Other persons who are not family members but are household members

- all members of the household who are not family members or families in household composition

-members of collective households

4. Ethnic, religions and language groups

ETHNIC GROUP is defined as a community of persons, related to each other by origin and language, and close to each other by mode of life and culture.

MOTHER TONGUE is the language, which a person talks best and which is usually used for communication in his family (household).

In case the person know and speak more than one language he/she should determine one of them as mother tongue – that one spoken usually most easily

RELIGION is a historically determined belonging of the person or of his parents and grandparents to a given group with certain religious views.

Above mentioned 3 questions are voluntary. If the persons do not want to answer these questions, the answer “No self-determination” should be marked.

The ethnic group, mother tongue and religion of the children should be determined by their parents. In case of different ethnic group, mother tongue and religion of parents, they should agree on which one to choose.

The head of the household should determine the ethnic group, mother tongue and religion for deaf- an-dumb or mentally disabled persons.

5. Employment, unemployment, sources of income

The category ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION includes the employed and the unemployed persons.

EMPLOYED are persons (15 years and more) who at the moment of census (01.03.2001) work and receive a salary/wage or other income, regardless of since when they work, whether they work full time or part time, as well as persons, who are temporarily absent from work due to different forms of leave, official trips, qualification or re-qualification courses, and other reasons not causing discontinuation of the labor contract.

UNEMPLOYED are persons (15 years and more) who at the crucial moment of census have no paid work, wish to work (and are capable to work) and are actively searching a job. Persons who have completed their education or interrupted it and are not working, but are searching a job are unemployed also no matter if registered or not at Unemployment bureaus. This category does not include people who get retirement pension or another kind of personal pension.

ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE POPULATION – persons who do not work and do not receive salary/wage or other income at the moment of census.


Employer – persons who manage their own business (themselves or jointly with other people) with employees.

Self-employed – persons who manage or work in their own business (themselves or jointly with other people) without employees.

Employees – persons who work for a employer (with or without a contract) and who receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries or payment in kind.

Family workers – persons working in family business or business of relatives without any kind of payment.

Member of a cooperative – members of cooperatives working not only for payment in kind, but also for salary/wage.

Other – persons who can not be referred to above mentioned groups.


Each person should point at least one source. In case there are several sources all of them should be pointed.

Main job – work for salary/wage or payment in kind. In case the person have two or more jobs the longest one should be pointed as main.

Second job – overtime work (different from the main job) for any kind of income

Pension – persons who receive means of living from pension

Maintenance of active person – persons who receive means of living from working persons

Maintenance of inactive person - – persons who receive means of living from persons who do not work

Maintenance of unemployed person - persons who receive means of living from unemployed persons

Maintenance of society - persons who receive means of living from state or public organizations (as social insurance, unemployment benefits, social pensions, social benefits)

Scholarship - persons who receive means of living from scholarship

Interest rates, savings, lease, dividends from shares, etc - persons who receive means of living from above listed sources.